06 March, 2008

Trucking companies for sale

. They can also transport groups of persons outside from the covered normal schools, in gite occasion of and particular excursions. On their distances other means of public transit can be active also. They are responsible of the emergency of the travellers and the good operation of their vehicle to sell and to control the titles them of transport of the customers to promote a positive image of the autopostali near the customers, being offered a service of qualit? adopting a responsible professional behavior to assure the connection of the lines of transport in which they operate, in function of the timetables attributed, in compliance with the law on the street circulation and with the inner directives to transport in all emergency the customers of the autopostali on the lines prestabilite. to follow a precise route and to respect the timetables to adopt a professional and responsible guide to supply the first aids in incident case. in case of breakdown to the own vehicles, to take measures effective in order to help the passengers to find other means of transport to transport groups of persons (cultural associations or sportswoman, scolaresche, tourists, etc.) in gite occasion of and particular excursions which cultural shows and events or sportswomen, gite scholastic, tourist excursions, etc maintenance of i vehicles and tasks trained to you to make sure itself regularly of the good operation, the state of the vehicle and the material to disposition to carry out constantly controls and verifications and to make to replace defective or out of order pieces eventually, to proceed to running repairs. They are previewed course theoretical and prati to us. The course of formation for the obtaining of the licence to lead, D category?mpartito from a guide master. Main matters: theoretical and practical introduction in the within of the service of autopostali: guide, distances, rates, ticket office, etc practical initiation on the several lines with various types of vehicles (the duration of this practical formation depends on the experience of guide of the candidates). course of formation and improvement, theorists and prati to us, to the inside of the company promotion in the service of maintenance for leading titular of a federal certificate of capacit?AFC) in a field legacy to the mechanics possibilit?i inner promotions in order to assume load with: addetto/addetta to it centers them operating maestro/maestra of guide to the inside of the company of transport (for the persons with pedagogical dowries) addetto/addetta to the planning of the timetables and several the services Other offering of continuous formation and improvement on:. licence to lead, B category (car) from at least 2 years, or licence to lead, category C (truck) or licence to lead, D category (bus) overcoming of psico-technical preliminary examinations the assumption happen through an announcement of competetion emanated from the companies with insertions on the local press. Leading in kind is single on their vehicle, they are in contact permanent radio with centers it them and collaborate with eventual controllers of the titles them of transport. They take care also of the sale of the titles them of transport to the passengers. In Italian Switzerland 2 branchs (office) of AutoPostale are active. Beyond to ci?14 contractors of AutoPostale they occupy approximately 180 leading. Capacit?i to adapt to irregular and nocturnal timetables Leading of trucks (AFC)/Leading of trucks (AFC) Leading of means of transport means collectives/Leading of transport collectives Main leading (APF)/leading Master (APF) DECS/DS - Office of the guideline, Service documentation, Bellinzona. UOSP-Ticino.

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