09 March, 2008

Transplanting Cannas

I notice that?n tot of time that not continuous miniums run in order is made from se'. a garden. As they are created of the rows of verdure that have sense. In order to understand the delicacy of this passage, it must say that the phase of the transplant?orse the phase of the greater stress for the plant. The transplant must be made with much delicacy and not too much late, so as to not to ruin the roots of the plant. We leave from medium presupposing, osia that the plants that we have seeded too much are attacked l'.una all'.altra. E'. in fact always useful not to seed too much drawn near. The seeds, if son large, go far puttinges a dall'.altro, if son small, go scattered in uniform way on the land of the seedbed. Before beginning to operate on the plants, we must have present how many we want some to transplant and where. We go nell'.orto and we watch the space that we have to disposition. Medium the piantini 30 go puttinges to cm l'.uno dall'.altro. I say medium perche'. there are of the exceptions in a sense or nell'.altro. The zucchine need of piu'. space, the carrots less. We must be regulated based on the largeness of the plant, once mature. Once established this we make to the wished distance the holes for the plants, with the shovel. Of usual enough one profondit?i 10 cm a diameter of 5, all'.incirca. In this?mportante phase to have meditated much good the distance of a plant dall'.altra. Every plant must in fact have to disposition a earth volume and a sufficient air volume for the development. We remember that the plants have two screw, both connected and inscindibili. If not laciamo enough spzio to one, l'.altra not sviluppaer?deguatamente. Of usual l'.ampiezza of the radical body rispecchia that one of the stalk and the leaves. There are also technical of control of the roots in order to better promote the stalk and the fogliare part dlle plants. But of usual they do not regard the gardens, that they are in full earth, and come applied to the plants from house. Making the holes, we must also control some important details. the filari that we have sketched deono to be very visible. This means that they must be marks to you with clarity. If therefore l'.abbiamo still not made, dobbiam to supply to mark the filari well. With the hoe we dig to rows distant parallels 30 cm l'.uno dall'.altro of i fossetti long parallels all the width dell'.orto. Of usual he provides himself horizontally to make them (if in slope), even if c'.e'. who transplants in vertical. Once facts these fossetti, are created of the montagnole of earth where we have operated with the hoe. Compattiamo the earth we do good the holes the just distance. Perche'. in contrary case rusciremmo not to bathe the plants well. as an example, being piu'. deep of the part where they are the plants, they make to pass just l'.acqua where they are the roots of the plants. In fact if it is filled up d'.acqua I furrow vedra'. l'.acqua to bathe also the montagnole of earth dovestanno the plants and the roots. With the shovel, leaving from the edge of the seedbed, a lot delicately, we penetrate until 10 cm the earth. Acting with a lever, we raise the corresponding earth layer. Compiamo l'.operazione a lot slowly, so as to to break off minor the number of roots. L'.operazione puo'. to complete itself to dry, if the earth comes via easy, or, with l'.ausilio of a po'. d'.acqua that it softens the earth. L'.operazione, if not ago schifo, puo'. to be made also with the hand. Flat Pian, without to act on the stalk of the plant, we separate several the radical bodies delicately, using l'.alcqua in order to melt small earth sods. Two factors are important: to handle the less possible stalks (that they are most tender) and to break off minor the number of roots. Therefore if we can, compiamo this operation to the closed one, or before dell'.alba or after the sunset. Once that we have the piantini that they serve to us, we go nell'.orto and we place them in the dwellings delicately. To the compact end all very well. To this point generally the plant seems "to svenire". Once the plants, bathed planted all abundantly the earth (do not have are to us the sun, are recommended. To this point two types of actions must be completed. Some plants need of one cane in order to support (tomatoes, cetrioli, some zucche. For these plants we take canes of bambu'. or the straight sticks that we have prepared previously and we insert to them (to 10 cm from the stem, cosi'. devastiamo the roots), for one profondit?i 20-30 cm, so that one does not become unstrung. With the rafia then, we tie these plants, leaving a po'. of game so as to not to force tropp the plant. The legaggio, if we see that the plant?olto stressed, we can carry out it also in according to moment. For all the plants pero'. ?mportante to make this second operation. If c'.e'. the cane puo'. to tie itself all to the cane, in sommit?el the cone, senno'. puo'. to complete l'.operazione with a rod. The scope?uello to integrally cover the plant and the base of the stalk, from sole.Il the turned upside down cone goes therefore arranged so that it does not become unstrung and that not tochi the plant. Obviously if lasciamo some small opening, goes well also, but l'.importante?he the plant is shielded from the noon sun. After a week, we can remove all. but as I recognize the moment in which?ene transplanting. Of usual it is avoided to transplant when the short plant?roppo and when pinta?roppo high (the too many roots and esile stalk). Medium L'.altezza?i 10-20 cm, but varies from ortaggio to ortaggio. One important what?ero'. watching. We know that the moon acts very on the ortaggi. He is in phase of seeds that in phase of transplant, the things do not go made case. In increasing moon the ortaggi are seeded that must be developed over the surface and they are transplanted also. In decreasing moon the underground ortaggi are seeded and transplanted (tuberi, onions, etc. We will return in the next ones heading at as putting canes (the several techniques) and on pacciamatura. any suggerimeento and very aaccetto they are didatta car. More than a comment it is one true and own "demand of aid". I will seem little scaltro but just it does not succeed me to make I furrow. But as blessed ones are made indeed these it furrows. If you ask suggestions no you them from why son gelosi. You explain to me please as I of the normal must make in order to create anch' I furrow. Beh but depends what must plant to us. Various shapes exist and various it uses of furrows. They exist furrows in order to seed, in order to plant, for giarare the earth, etc.

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