09 March, 2008

Planet m magazine

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Geophysics and Planetary Physics - Scripps UCSD of institutes OF Geophysics and Planetary Physics. 1997, A six parameter statistical model OF the Earths magnetic field, Geophysical journal international, 130, 3, 693-700 1996, Trimming and procrastination as geophysical inversion of techniques, Physics OF the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 98, Backus celebration Issue, 101-142 1996, on the difference between the AVERAGES VALUES OF b-r(2) into the Atlantic and Pacific of hemispheres. 1996, Is the non dipoles magnetic field random. 1995, Geophysics - direct current generator Model RK A Turning POINT, Nature, 377, 6546, 198-199 1994, to estimate OF magnetic correlation length RK the core-covers boundary from the gap Mauersberger Lowes spectrum, EOS, 75, supplement, 84 1991, Current of meter into the core OF the Earth, Scripps institution OF Oceanography Reference Series, 91, 97-119 1989, test OF of Newton inverse Square Law into the Greenland Ice Cap, Physical Review Letters, 62, 9, 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