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Blog to the drift in the great sea of Internet: september 2006 Blog to the drift in the great sea of Internet a experiment of blog to the drift with particular attention to the Calabria that it wants to change ahead carried from Blogger semiseri.Dopo all my "cultural vicissitudes" of these last times I have playfully said to find in "understood them to me of the enemy". Perche' the Italian boys must sorbirsi the history of a region that of historian he has very little. And the richest Meridione of history does not have to find some spazio.Che me of frega to me of the vicissitudes of provincialotti without art ne' part, and to be forced to ignore the History with the capital S. Preventive peace - the West and its fictitious "wars of civilization". Insomma: Naples was a deadly, unattackable enemy, less than "not to play dirty". Finally, "curious and much cerebral propaganda" marks it this beautiful article on one: "the Islam against Mozart". In the article the importance of the napolitana musical school in the 1700's emerges also with clarity. The facts all entire ones, and not to brandelli. But this operation, beyond to having a depressing effect on humor of the Italians, in wide majority of southern origins, introduces obvious delicate aspects. From here, the necessity "to correct" the renaissance in sweet and painless way (you see Tremonti, Maroni, etc), leaving to pass much time and accustoming the citizens to the fact who yes have been a po' it brails up to you, but for their same good. I do not know you, but to me this idea makes disgust rather. Therefore, for who vaccinateed adult feels itself and, here the true history, all entire one: from writing of Nicholas Zitara of the 3 june 2002.Ancor before that it came proclamata the unit in March of 1861, the national swindle was already obvious. To attest it there are of the precise facts. Cavour did not authorize, and the patriots still must explain to us because of (the sure noble one) diniego. According to: the imposition, anch' cavouriuana it, of the Sardinian rate to former the Two Sicilie. Died Cavour in the june of same 1861, its successory and having cause they multiplied the insulting work of devastation. It succeeded also to close the foundry of the Ferdinandea and the mechanical workshops of Mongiana being asserted that their exercise was uneconomical. In that continuation from impartial and finally the democratic government of Giovanni Giolitti, this time, but, with the dollars that the e'migre's sent from New York. But, in truth, despoliation of the visible one was not the greater cost. The mechanism has the sapore of one of those scaltrite swindles for which they go celebrates the Wizards of Milan, and however represents one of the authentic native land glories. Some year after, the public indebtedness exceeded the four billions and means. Like if Italy today did not have two million billions of public debit, but twenty million billions (the account in euro the Ciampi face). Po Capitalism (or Italian, than to say wants) is not been born producing, but fregando the state. Which, moreover, he was been born just with the explicit function to enrich Lor Getlteman. I assure you that not draft of one fable. The cartelle of the treasure (the Bot of the time) they were the promise to pay one hundred Liras upon maturity, plus a annual interest of the five for hundreds. To buy them the private banks were not as well as private how much. However it is, at the price of fifty Liras, effective the annual interest was not more of the five for hundreds, but of the ten for hundreds. The gain was large, and it did not end lì. In order to explain the marchingegno, it is opportune to premise that the official currency was the silver or gold Lira. But, in circulation, of gold and silver there was by now very little. Only the duosiciliani opposed a late resistance to the scippo of their ducati ones of silver, obviously of (disliked) coin borbonico. Tickets that moreover neanche the Po ones wanted, tant' are that, on the public square of Milan, for having 100 Liras gold it must give 125 in tickets of the National one. This patriotic institution (I say the National bank), pupilla of the eyes of the Conte, our patrio father, was the only one to knowing like would be ended. More paper would have emitted, richer would have been found again. So that it made of all in order helping the state to become indebted itself. It made in this way: it anticipated 100 Liras in tickets to who left in warehouse a folder them of the public debit, than in effects it was worth alone fifty. Who had obtained the one hundred Liras, of cartelle of it she bought two (Liras 50 ciascuna) and she brought back in Bank in order to obtain 200 Liras on loan to them. Which 200 Liras, expenses newly, acquired four cartelle. The magic continued: eight, sixteen, trantadue…. xn. Having spold 50 Liras, to the fifth turn already 800 Liras of credit were had towards the state, more 40 annual Liras of interest. Insomma, one chain of Sant' Antonio in full rule. To enrich, indeed to become the true masters of the Italian national state, they were the National bank and Po its consorti. Those poor wretches who, as Nitti tells, were forced to emigrate because the weight of the taxes sabaude had removed they the mouth bread. The which thing concurred with the getlteman Agnelli, Pirelli, Perrone, Falk and to others They Most excellent Colleagues of procurarsi blot of it and modern systems in England, Germany and United States. The contribution of the poor South to the formation of Po Capitalism has been remarkablly more high that that one of the rich North. All in exchange for soccer where sol not the light. Fratel Matteo has known Mother Teresa in years Seventy when it began the foundation of the Nirmala Hrudaya Bhavan to Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India (1973, 76). To the matteo age fratel it was preside of one school to Vijayawada. From then both they have had good relationships of friendship. Therefore, not to tire never to speak to you about the adoption at a distance to your friends in Italy." The adoption at a distance is an initiative of concrete, effective and directed solidarity that it allows to a child to go to school, to cure themselves and to grow in just the Country, with own people. We remember the esortazione of Siracide, "Son, not to refuse the maintenance to the poor one. Not to reject the supplica of a poor one, if he is in your power farlo".600 the needy children knock to your door. You stretch your hand in aid of one of these needy children. The Getlteman, than does not let to win in generosity, will give to you ricompensa it. Female saint of our activity ONLUS "ADOPTION At a distance" Is the coming from children from families with problems, forced living in extreme conditions povertà.600 children who hope of being adopt to distanza.Vi invite to give a concrete aid to you to the children and to their families sofferenti.L' adoption at a distance is also effective means in order to prevent the irregular emigration. From two months I and my boy have adopted an Indian child of five years, Abin. Me they are not stopped to us granché, but I have noticed that yesterday evening on Canale5 in first evening was the ennesima fiction on the Mafia, than the Mafia by now is a true and own company that it has straight to plow back the own profits, and therefore via. But to me it seems, once again, that the things are a po' various: if in the South, destroyed and mortified from the unification of the peninsula. To the contrary, who it becomes rich and ago career is generally worthy of unconditioned esteem and respect, above all if its accent is not terrone, and therefore "in odore of the Mafia". Italy will succeed to pull outside from the closet worse between its skeletons. Preventive Peace - the Pope meets leader Muslims a good exercise of intellectual hygiene is that one to read and to listen from the Pope and the other leaders from he invites to you, avoiding the words and the comments of politicians, journalists etc. It is of those of the "our world" (the West) is of the "their world" (the Arabic world). In this way the manipulations to our damages become more difficult. Very notes are the circumstances that have motivated this our appointment, and on they I have already had occasion to entertain to me during the last week. As I had to emphasize to Colony the past year, «.il interreligioso and intercultural dialogue between Christians and Muslims cannot ridursi to one chosen of the moment. Draft effectively of a vital necessity, on which it depends in great part ours futuro». (Speech to the Representatives of some muslim communities, Oss. The interreligioso and intercultural dialogue constitutes one necessity in order to construct with the world of peace and fraternità burning foretold from all the men of good will. In this within, our contemporaries attend from we an eloquent testimony in a position to indicating to all the value of the religious dimension of the existence. They favor the peace and the understanding between the popoli». (Instructions of Giovanni Paul II, VIII, 2, 1985, pag. Beloveds friends, auspico of true heart that merciful God guides our steps on the paths of one mutual and more and more true understanding. That the God of the peace overflows with the abundance of its blessings you and the communities that rappresentate». «.Ogni limitation of the acquaintance, of the scientific search in name of ideological prejudgments is a contribution to enduring of pain and suffering. I make mine the words of Luca Coscioni.Il its book e' to read with attention, perche' has idea of what is spoken when they are faced determines arguments to you type the bioethics. Luca Coscioni is born the 16 July 1967 to Orvieto. E' just from its city born them that it leave its political engagement when in 1995 comes elect communal councilman. The same year famous disease also as morbo of Lou Gehriggli is become ill of amiotrofica lateral sclerosis () and decides to discharge itself. It passes some years passing from a hospital to an other, from a shelter to an other, the hope to the desperation, until when it comes to it definitively confirmed the diagnosis begins them. In 1999 it decides of candidarsi to the administrative elections. This is the moment in which it has begins to react truly to the disease and to renew that passion for the politics that more had not fed. In the month of July of the same year, being annoying on Internet, it discovers the situated one of the Radicals, and begins to be interested to the initiatives and the history of this party with great interest and attention. In you open them 2000 is candidate of the Bonino List to the regional elections in Umbria. In the month of August of the 2000 Radicals the first elections launch on-linens in order eleggere 25 new members of the Committee of Coordination of the radicals. E' therefore that it begins its political adventure with Mark Pannella and Emma Bonino. To conclusion of the reunion, the Committee makes a motion own that it engages the movement in the battle for the freedom of scientific search. Its participation hits the commissioners very and the parliamentarians, risollevando the European debate on the therapeutic clonazione and I use it of the staminali cells of the soprannumerari embryos. In the meantime the Committee of the radicals it elegge to the unanimità President. Luca Coscioni is died 20 February 2006: the sad news has been given in directed to Radical Radio from Mark Pannella. From pietoso case to dangerous case: history of a freedom battle cannot speak ne’. to move, but it leads its battle with the tenacity of maratoneta and the force of Superman. Its name is Luca Coscioni, and with the Superman American Christopher Reeve, Nancy Reagan and Michael J.Fox, fight for the right of all the sick ones of the world to the conscience and therapy freedom. The search on the embryonic staminali cells could a day cure mortal pathologies them like the Parkinson, l’.Alzheimer, the sclerosis. It could cure, only in Italy, 10 million screw. But the clericali pressures try ovunque of bloccarla. It touches to politics to decide which will be the vincitori: the defenders of one lay science or the talebani of the law ethics, Superman or the Vatican. This book is the voice of who wants to separate, today more than yesterday, the religion from the State. Of who it wants a free search from the slavery of the fondamentalismi, that they are the same ones of the roghi and the inquisizioni. Luca Coscioni remembers to us that we are all calls to you to choose on one issue of life or dead women. Sure times I wonder because they are become ill to me of sclerosis. Because this disease is touched me and Because to 28 years and not later, even to 50 or, better still, to 70 years, like it happens in the greater one. Then I wonder what would have succeeded if pits to me been born in a country that western we define hypocritically. of those countries in which still today people it dies of hunger, it is killed from the dysentery, it cracks for one banal infuence. I would be died of hunger, I would have been killed from the dysentery, would be cracked for one banal infuence. Or, much more simply, I would have extinguished myself therefore like extinguishes a candle when the wax is get exaustedded, for lack. Not to never deprive a dell’.Amore man and of the Hope, quest’.uomo. It blows from the northeast and it is close to the land. The motorcycle is to the maximum of the turns and it does not succeed to of the single cylinder one in four times is at times modulated to dall’.intensificarsi. the motor of the motion, posiziono the lateral support and I slowly come down from mine three and fifty. the temperatures in the Desert of the Sahara catch up the values minimums and the cold is made to feel seriously. I parade the gloves and the helmet, them support on saddles and. The body follows to them without to then oppose some blue resistance of the Mediterranean and l’.Italia. degrees and address the look towards south. I perceive only sand and wind and sun. Breath deeply and I close the eyes of the Plateau du Tademait penetrates sweetly in my lungs. The sun, the most luminous high and, pass through the lowered eyelids and diffuse its red tepore in all the my body caress with force my hats and my clear, transparent, limpid ace, as it it has never been in Hush the more absolute your breath and to notice that only six breath, than your body, your mind, your heart, the vital breath that is in you hour is a tutt’.uno. l’.ateo prays and the believer to you loses its God all the human knowledge, the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the Stars. it is on the palm of your hand has not been built up dall’.uomo and that it does not have columns or borders. The wind is being intensified and begins to raise with greater decision the sand color gold of the Plateau. I ignite the motion and I begin to travel over again the Transahariana in direction north in order to rejoin itself with my companions of travel. Perhaps Sergio and Sandro have been stopped to wait for to me. my thoughts in a point dell’.Erg to two thousand kilometers of distance from the border with Tunisia zone of the suspended Algerian Sahara between the flutti of the Mediterranean and with me in the travel of return towards the doors dell’.Europa. Scooter the electrical worker moves itself silently on the narrow lane of. Its three small wheels leave of the clear signs, nearly silver, on the humid green dell’.erba left from the passage of a slow snail rain, and the thunderstorm is pian flat approaching wind, stiff and pleasantly cold, door with himself the scent dell’.acqua of a thunderstorm of fine september. in direction north, the lightning bolts open cross luminous in the black one. To the west the sun is tramontando and its last beams stand out against some clouds white women who seem to want to combine to the buie sisters of the thunderstorm. I would want to come down and to walk and to embrace the wind. wonderful show, but the words are born to me in the heart and Would have to be one free spirit for. They are instead a man tried from the Suffering. It is not cold, nevertheless I try cold are become ill and is like if pits died within of me, my heart sand has been made and believed that mine. Hour, solo hour, I begin to understand that this. My continuous adventure, in various shapes. Nine years ago, in the Desert of the Sahara, I was trying something. I believed of being to the same search of me and I mistook myself I tried was not my ego or a sure port, but one broken off towards that earth for far me therefore where they inhabit Love and Hope. This, of fact, means that, for me, the words are a insufficient resource could liberations decide of my voice, my way to write and, in part, to think, has subìto of the changes. Finding forced to make economy to me of words, I must head with decision to those concepts that I have defined, for comfort. Sure, this way to write has made to lose mine written a good part of their wealth and complexity, however it is possible, also in this condition of restriction of my expressive freedom, an advantage, that one of having to head for the heart of a problem, or a topic, with minor the possible number of struck, that it forces to me, literally, to being clear with same me, before still it are it with the other democratic on the therapeutic clonazione, the freedom of scientific search, l’.utilizzazione of the soprannumerari embryos, l’.eutanasia, the freedom and the responsibility personal nell’.assistenza to the most serious disabili, the therapy of the pain, therefore like on all that that has been expelled from the debate political. it writes to us asking to us to suspend our fight, thinking that our arguments, just because they interrogate the conscience characterizes them, are “.questioni that cannot be reduced to field of crash in one campaign of for stiff himself and difficile”. All’.onorevole D’.Alema I answer that politics, in the good or violence of this cynical exclusion of the fundamental rights of the citizens, I with my body answer, than the oscurantisti, the intégriste clericali politicians and greens, would want to force in a stone giant answer Emma with its silks of truth, answer the prizes Nobel and the scientists. The first enemy of the religious conscience. 50 prizes Nobel of science and the culture, approximately 500 scientists, investigators, academics of all the world are noticed in order to support my candidacy of capolista of the Lists Bonino, being preceded Mark Pannella, as already it was for Leonardo Sciascia and Enzo Tortora, in Emilia Romagna. For many politicians and potenti…. is a scandal, are instrumentalized. Because they do not try also to instrumentalize others, million other sick ones, as they are I. Left, skillful Gasparri and other liberal ones of, center like he, the scandal is that I live, than I is not only an object of cures, and a subject who live and fight, with others, for its life to leave dall’.Italia, in order to make to approve of a law, plus laws, in order to defend the freedom of the scientific search, in order to support it, in order regolamentar it, to strengthen it, in order not to forbid it, in order to prevent that to make of life occasion, of guarigione, as it has been decided in. And this not is that example, un’.occasione in order to strike that power clericale and reactionary contrary intimately, in the first place, to freedom of conscience, of religiosità, than in Italy us has reduced to centotreesimo place in world for therapy of pain, making of dead women all’.italiana monster, like divorce all’.italiana, for which l’.incubo is not in the dead women, like has said Montanelli, but in dying which they condemn to us to approve of, with my radical companions, that regulation dell’.eutanasia, than today practical uncontrolled, clandestine and forbidden, than l’,85% of the Dutch it has approved of, because it informs to you, while in Italy the continuous people to being political measure of the two Poles, also in this as well as joined how many rissosi in order to share the booty dell’.ignoranza and of ballots, that they hope would be more necessary, if the free women and men and of good will were inform to you, l’.eroismo, the sacrifice of some. A dumb one gives back to the word to 50 prizes the Nobels who are available on the tip of the fingers support that I am. To these I answer that just I, dumb, have, in truth, given back the word to 50 prizes Nobel, and hundred of scientists of all the world, also they rendered dumb, in Italy, from Hush of official politics and the informative system, on fundamental topics for the life, the health, the quality of the life, and the dead women, of the Italian citizens (….) The circumstance that a seriously sick person, than cannot walk, than in order to communicate it is forced to use a vocal sintetizzatore, lives the own existence totally, this circumstance risks to shake raised a political issue, than it has not accepted to represent a so-called human case, that it has chosen the instrument of the political fight, annoys enormously. Italy, the sick person, not hardly a diagnosis ago to assume this new status, loses elementary human rights immediately, and such loss is as well as greater, how much then more serious is the conditions of health of the person in issue. our radical battle for the freedom of Science, has concurred to me to reaffirm, in particular, the passive dell’.elettorato freedom, of being able to be elect in Parliament, in order to carry requests di.le which nessun’.altra political force wants, and can, to be carrier is giving to spirit and body, it is that one for the freedoms, and in particular. It is a radical battle that I do not have chosen, therefore like Mark Pannella it does not have to me chosen and designated flagman, portabandiera of the freedom of Science like lives un’.esistenza, covering it, knowing that it is not choice, but that if can some be the craftsmen in its to become creed it is of a sure interest, at least for asked me which it could be the meant one of my existence, and the contribution that I could have given me, and to the Italian radicals. Simple and complex the answer is al same time, therefore like simple and complex they are all the facts of the life of one. After this along pippone, I have opted for a comic conclusive cut, so as to not to be sent to make in culo, before the aim of this mine, not short, participation. In the first place, the meant one of my existence is that one to live it, therefore like is concurred to me, point and enough radical adventure, the thing more important, that task of successful being to realize, is that one to have made of a disease and a courage to transform my private one in public ribadito possession that the sick person is in the first place person, and like such straight has to living an existence full, and free, against the common sense and the daily hypocrisies that they would want, instead, to relegate in one earth to us of nobody. That what can succeed when us wheelchair is found again on one. Therefore, exiting dall’.albergo, in order to go to public square of the Pantheon, mrs. approaches itself to me one who, watching the legs to me, and negli. inner voice does not say to them: “.Brutta imbecille, if you watched to me in the eyes, and not the legs, not you would want a lot, to understand to us that I feel to us very well, even if do not have nobody want to listen. Returning in hotel, the porter asks to Antonietta Maria if I can go up the three steps alone, on which has not been predisposed the footrest of access for disabili. the head of cazzo”., retort my inner voice, “.ti seems that if could make it, me of I would be seated on one wheelchair. Vincenzo Silani, a neurologist squallido, that it is making of all for opporsi the protocol of study in which they have been enlisted, meeting a year and means makes to me, in spite of pits the more serious patient, has received to me for last, making to pass me also those patients who had an appointment. Once entered, not knowing still who pits, it has put me in the hands of its assistant. it has then explained me that not c’.era nothing to make, that was be a matter of a incurabile disease, like if you did not know it already, and it has advised to me to return some to me to house, dal moment that, of lì little, I could not more myself have moved inner has answered it: “.Grandissimo piece of merda, I have already buried one of the doctors whom the diagnosis has made me infausta, and is not said that it does not succeed to survive also to you, than with your sick false words you are destroying the hope of migliaia of, than confidano in the search on the staminali cells. which, you butcher, oppose yourself to this experimentation you are tremendous, you do not want to lose the parcels of your patients who, one. Still, this time to Rome, not directly to me, but to Maria Antonietta, c’.è someone that asks to them if I can or not to sweep. My inner voice, answers, newly: “.La amiotrofica lateral sclerosis hits the voluntary musculature, and not. Sure, I cannot make all the positions of the Kamasutra, but me the cable, ugly imbecille. they are brought to me in a sanitary one in order to order my new wheelchair, that one with the support for the met head the husband of a sick one of amiotrofica lateral sclerosis that addressing, clearly, to Antonietta Maria, has said to me: “.Poverino, it is not that to the party they make you to strapazzare too much. And when six tired one, as you make has answered: “.Primo, poverino a piece of I haul. determined I to having of strapazzarmi, the others for me siccome are not always much tired one, a lot are worth giving a sense. Quarter, in spite of your moglie is sick as me, you have not understood minimally that all what I am making is also for she, and not only for me. C’.è but one what that me has not been never said directly: poor handicapped person, six instrumentalized state. My inner voice would have called my lawyer, transforming itself in an e-mail message, in order to make to leave one denunciation for defamation. 99 for hundreds of the persons are without coglioni, and when draft to face itself to opened ace, the eyes heads to you in the eyes, has not expressed to seem favorable, to majority, on the use of the soprannumerari embryos and, all’.unanimità, on the therapeutic clonazione, so-called “.Via the Italian one to the clonazione”., that it has received the ballot and the plauso of the cardinal. Dall’.altro side, according to the Vatican, the American search would be “.atto of the maligno”. signaling but to the Secretary of State Vatican that then also cardinal the Tonini has the devil in body, inasmuch as it has been one of the most fervent supporters of the therapeutic clonazione. Beloveds Rutelli and Berlusconi, and if the sick ones you were a question to Silvio Berlusconi and to Francisco Rutelli. a therapy based on the embryonic staminali cells existed in England, and one of their sons could be saved from a disease like that he has hit Gianluca Miss.s and me, invocherebbero the principle of the sacralità of the embryos, or also to know what to them he will have to make who does not have the monetary availabilities and the powers for being able to emigrate, between virgolette, all’.estero. The bill in argument to the Senate is a full text of. And as such he is politicamente and humanly unacceptable. It prohibits the eterologa fecondazione, replaced maternity, to produce more than 3 embryos for every attempt of fecondazione. It prohibits also the studies on the embryos. It quite prohibits the Italian way to the clonazione, than a lot it was piaciuta also to Monsignor Tonini and the Minister of the Sirchia health, just because the production of staminali cells concurs. We that we cannot wait for. C’.è a time for the miracles of Science day my doctor will be able, hopes it, dirmi: “.Prova to raise to you. But I do not have much time, we do not have much time. And, between a tear and a smile, ours hard existence do not have need of the anathemas me of religious fondamentalisti, but of Hush of the freedom, that it is democracy need of a cure, of a cure for bodies and spirits. Our existence has need of freedom for the scientific search. They cannot wait for the excuses of one of the next ones papi. My name is Piergiorgio, my history is similar to that one of many other distrofici. To remember as all it is begun is not easy because the memory is not accumulation but selection and catalogazione. Perhaps it was one fallen immotivata or the glass, too much often escaped of hand etc. but what no distrofico can scordare is the day in which the doctor, after the muscular biopsy and the elettromiografia, you it communicates the diagnosis: Progressive Muscular Dystrophy. The heart, of usual, does not come hit and the outcome infausto, as the doctors say, has for the decubituses or one pneumonia. I have caught up the last stage: breath with the aid of a pulmonary fan, me nutro of an artificial food (Pulmocare), I speak with the aid of a computer and a software. For years and years I have hoped that the scientific search found rimedio.000 children with muscular dystrophy Duchenne. The incidence of the miotonica dystrophy, the most common muscular dystrophy of the adult, is approximately 135 cases every million births (males or females). The incidence of the dystrophy of the crawler tracks is of approximately 65 cases for million births and that one of the facioscapolomerale dystrophy is still inferior. Considering with all the main hereditary neuromuscular diseases, verosimilmente they turn out some hit in every Italy approximately 30 persons 100. If of the disputes capziose and, often, ideological they had to delay the discovery of a cure and to condemn also a single child to living the drama that I have lived and am living. Pensateci this summer when you dive yourselves, you will face a sixth degree, you will cover a path with the mountain bike. A lot often is discussed only in order to personally produce to words task that who wants to die and in full conscience make this choice must be put in the condition for realizing its volonta'. What counts the sociological, moral, legislative disputes of forehead to the fundamental decision of a Man around to just the destiny. ROME - Beloved president I want the eutanasia». In the sended letter thursday, Welby writes: «.la my will, my demand that I want to place in the political and judicial centers is to be able to obtain the eutanasia. I would want that also to the citizens the same oppurtunità is given that is granted to the Swisses, Belgian, olandesi». Welby is held while still alive from blots some and same it says that «.è only a stubborn and foolish fury in maintaining assets of the functions biologiche». TO OPEN a COMPARISON WITH the INSTITUTIONS - Mark Cappato (Rnp) makes «.questa megaphone battaglia». «.Va opened a comparison with the institutions on the proposal of the eutanasia. The political class is still the last taboo of Italian politics for this interpelliamo in order to open this debate. It is a urgency for Welby, but it is also a political urgency that places to the institutions of the Country. Our engagement is that one to unblock iter the parliamentarian for the reform of the biological testament and to incardinare also one proposed for the eutanasia». For Rita Bernardini, tesoriera of the Rose in the Fist, «.il debate still has not been opened for the positions assumed from the church. ROME - «.Raccolgo its tragic message of sofferenzacon sincere understanding and solidarity. The LETTER - the letter of Napolitano has been rendered famous during the jobs of the national direction of the Rose in the Fist. «.Caro Welby - the President of the Republic writes - I have listened and read with deep emotional participation the appeal that It has intentional public to turn to me. Of they have been touched and hit like person and president. It has shown full understanding of the nature and the limits of the role that the Parliament has called to me to acquit, according to the dictation and the spirit of our Constitution. Reggio Calabria - star of the tv to spasso for the roads Bringing back, in delay, one notiziola appeared on Republic. Initiative of the communal committee is spoken about one: for 120.) names of the show (and that names.) in order to make them to take a walk for citta' during the night the white woman of the 10 september u. Vi I leave the notizi[on]a, leaving you every comment. To ago walk well to the body and ritempra the pocketbook. Of it it knows something Lele Mora that it has organized to Reggio Calabria a new way to make show. It has asked the artists to walk slowly. To walk, to take a walk for the ways of the city, sorridere and to tighten hands, like from contract underwrite with the communal committee. The nights white women are the last entusiasmente chain of the festivities night and day. Not there is city at this point that not programs at least one night of noisy fun. Paris has been the apripista, Rome has wide developed to the idea organizing events-monstre, then Naples, Milan and down until Reggio Calabria. Every administration that you respect yourself has tax in the calendar of the appointments not to lose, the colored night, sounds and lights, music and theatre. Full cities of things to see and to make, hands that they are tightened, families in public square, wide and shared festivity of people. The 30 september, as an example, the Neapolitans will enjoy the fantastic nocturnal scenario. Less than fifteen days ago but it is touched to the reggini to appreciate the idea. The committee has gathered the 7 september and has approved of for 10 day a billboard of events first largeness, sontuoso and irragiungibile for many administrations. A wonderful plan described in its long one and articulated artistic expression from the slogan: "Waked up. To Reggio Calabria, not there is do not give to remember it: also the babies have made the dawn. In order to render them therefore the administration communal he has decided to spend approximately 650 mila euro. He does not arrive to the summits of Rome, but nearly. Reggio Calabria has need ritagliar a name and although the malanni city they are various and all distressing (in many houses lack the water, as an example. In others the water is but it is rossastra), the operation of territorial marketing cannot subìre contractions. The mayor, as usual strageneroso, has intentional to offer concittadini one super surprise: fargli to find in road artists and personages of great reputation. Therefore he has asked Lele Mora, the great press agent friend of large (who does not remember it this summer to the Billionaire with Berlusconi. One the beautifulst what: he has asked an indeed wide number for star (ventiquattro) letting the evening of the 10 free and catching up it to Reggio Calabria. With, all with, the stars of the television firmament, letterine, vallettine, passaparoline, modelline, meteorine have taken the airplane and are landed to Reggio. Also Irene Pivetti and Patrick, Nina Moric and Running Simone. The city, unconscious, has meets them you to the angles of the roads, to the bench of the bars. Driven crazy the children and the children, delighted the young people, drunks of joy even the old ones. The evening has been beautifulst and Lele Mora, accompanying all this people, has inaugurated the slow communication trench to payment. For this megapasseggiata it has only asked centoventimila euro. Spiccioli if tien account of that the city has ricevuto.it/2006/a/rubriche/piccolaitalia/reggio-Calabria-notte/reggio-Calabria-night. But the South always had not been most rear. But that stranezza: they give a little time to this part, of all the favoletta risorgimentale, that is that to the eve of the unit of Italy the Reign of the Two Sicilie arrived after, and that finally was freed and emancipato from the premurosi siblings of the north, it is visibly wavering. "Naples much more was advanced than Milan". there are thousand other supremacies still to remember.) realization of the first railroad of the peninsula. In order not to be superficial and hypocritical but, there will be then from asking itself which apocalypse has been able to destroy and to turn over that preunitary situation. And from that history, to draw 27 instruction and patiently to reconstruct nacque October 1681 to Saint Round Giovanni (country natio of the mother) and was given the name to it of Nicholas, Simone and Augustin. Church, than, later on, was dedicated to Saint Giovanni di God and whose facade still today, turns out comprised between the manufactured ones of the old hospital of via Arpi. All’.età of 16 years (1697) wore the saio celestino and changed its name from Nicholas in Celestino. Celestino Galiani was the mathematics, but while that it did not see in Italy a mathematician who the same ones to paro”. Therefore Celestino Galiani was enciclopedico, erudite man, philosopher, historian of the Church, but above all mathematician. He also to the thought day d’.oggi é from the historians of sciences like greater diffuser of the Newtonianesimo in Italy. The chair of mathematical all’.Università of the Wisdom of Rome (1718 was assigned). Successive L’.anno was name Abbot of the monasteri Celestini di Aversa and Sant’.Angelo to Hides. And in 1728 dell’.Ordine of the Celestini came elect General Abbot. Greater chaplain of the Reign of Naples ”., loads most important that he comprised the commando dell’.istruzione, loads with chancellor dell’.Università, Prefetto of the Regi Studies. The Cappellania resisted it until death. Near of he the best brains of the time between which oed, of whose instruction and education it had taken care itself. They were present in the small Church dell’.Ascensione one stuolo of friends, estimative disciples and, the best talents of Naples and the Rome dell’.epoca. The emains were buried in the chiesetta of the Celestini. Pakistan: it prints French, Bin Laden e' died PARIS - Osama Bin Laden would be died a month ago. The filler the French daily paper "the East Republicain". To kill the head of to the Qaida it would have been the tifo, according to a last inside information from a source of the Saudi intelligence agencies to the colleagues of the French emergency. Osama, localized in Pakistan in August, would have been hit from a paralysis that has not been able to cure from the book "Pink MYSTERIOUS Floyd" of "publishing" of the 1994 first one and according to volume from 1967 to the 1994 several the groups that have shared in succession the name of Pink Ployd do not exaust all the musical history of the protagonists. Before cerano small states juvenile, dilettanteschi groups, not even too much convinced of the own existence. I will remember also those: the biography is in these cases a badly necessary one. The place to choose is instead obliged: Cambridge, amiable university citizen in England of the south. In 1960, therefore, work to Cambridge one average dozen of adolescents local, unconscious one of the other. George Roger Waters has sixteen years, Richard William Wright and Nicholas Berkeley Mason of it has fifteen, David Jon Gilmour and Roger Keith Barrett fourteen. According to Gilmour, we have been here entirety for two years, and have passed with every interval of the lunch, to learn the last ones riffs ". In the meantime, Mason and Wright have been moved to London, in a appartamentino of Highgate, in order to study to the polytechnic of Regent Street. Here they meet for before turns concittadino the Roger Waters. Although the not sweeping musical instincts, fuse an orthodox group of R&B. The group, to onta of a solid reputation in the student festivities of birthday, to scompare for futili reasons when Juliette becomes moglie of Richard Wright. An other band is still delivered up: for overabundance of Waters guitars it retreats to the bottom and Wright buys a Farfisa organ. E' always rock/blues, with approximate versions of Louie Louie and Roadrunner, the name is PinK Floyd Sound. After short time Bob Close s' eclissa. and with he great part of the instrumental skill of the group (Mason: "When if it went some there was an ulterior reason in order to get rid de ] old material". Waters: "For the simple reason that ce we did not make it more to play it". Barrett therefore is pushed to is given to the composition. Between 1966 and 1967, the most loved London crosses a period between from the cultori makes you mondani. Music, fashion and the effervescente fatuità find a world-wide center to you. The definiranno agiografi the biennium, chemical and sonorous period of the psichedelia. "Swingin' London", and the Pink Ployd di Syd Barrett will be some celebrates prophets and singers to you. 13 March 1966 the Pink Floyd Sound, second some already abbreviated in Pink Floyd, holds the first concert in a premises of one sure importance, the Marquee. the quartet already has made of music a profession and has taken inframmezzare to predelight R&B passages orchestrates them electrical workers and spigolosi, than man hand they take shape of independent constructions. To june them famous finally one of the many autoproclamati geniuses of the age, Peter Jenner. Costui, displeased of the teaching job of, tries one via for intrufolarsi in the field of the show. It finds, fulminato from the interest, just in the four young manen from the air nicely and the occhialetti intellectual. Passages the summery vacations, finally convince them to sign a contract with the baby Blackhill Enterprises, from founded same he with to the former cibernetico Andrew King. From that moment, the events accelerate just run. The psichedelica London is in motion, with its happenings, its drugs and its music. For this last one, two are the main channels of circulation: the pirata radios, completely illegal, and the many concerts. It is here that a fortuitous encounter with some coming from Americans from Saint Francisco leads to the first attempt to illustrate music with diapositive and lights. Here like a Co-founder, Miles, describes the premises: "UFO is the premises of the people who read IT Has intentional to create a various atmosphere from the other clubs. We have suonatori of sitar, great orchestras of percussions Africans, film projections of Bufluel or Marilyn Monroe. David Marowitz has carried us three pièces teatrali, to satire political. There is of the free jazz, and naturally psichedelici groups ". People went to the UFO and other people made other things, were not the usual ruotine of the group that was exhibited. There were crazy actors, a pair of Light shows, someone even recited its backs and a po' she rambled herself, a po' chatted itself amiably ". She is of fact that for all the first months of the 1967 the Pink Floyd is one of the stable groups of the UFO. Thanks to the UFO Club the Pink Floyd become the fashionable group of spring 1967. Without to have recorded a single disc, they conquer the Gloria of the double page centers them on Melody Maker. They are already it imitates to you and it envies to you, a lot that Jenner and King finally succeed to very tear to EMI a contract from cinquemila pounds. The lisergici aromas give off to you from the UFO and from the "Technicolor Dream" they are revealed precious for the quartet. The true happened one arrives with See Emily Play, recorded 21 May under the supervision of the most navigated Norman Smith. In much disaster, the Pink Floyd is earns study to you 2 of center EMI of Abbey Road, where between February and July they record just the album of debut. To the door next the Beatles is completing the monument of SERGEANT PEPPER' S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND. Also album THE PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN is received with favor to its escape, to August. Nevertheless something s' is cracked in the Pink Floyd. The attempt to reply to Emily not fruit that one Apples And Oranges lacking in mordant. The concerts forgiveness enamel, for how much the group gain notoriety. To coronamento of the situation the failure of before, ambita the tournée ones in earth comes American. The fact is that the point weak person of the Pink Floyd s' identifies by now with what it has been their point of force, and Syd Barrett is called. Perhaps always a problem of Barrett name had existed. Fine.da gli.inizi, Barrett had been egocentrico, taken from if same, attempt to construct itself placed from rock star. End, but, here null of exceptional the adepts person of the new one were common behaviors to all rock. He is in the July of 1967 that something is broken off: Syd plants group and engagements in order to shelter itself to Cambridge from its mother. Cause to the Blackhill the loss of four thousand pounds, many for the situation financial institution of the record house. It finds reason in order to only gather to the group in last the sitting for the realization of THE PIPER. It knows it of recording, its ancient passion, seems trasfigurarlo. According to Andrew King: "the perspective to record seemed to inspire and ravvivare the creativity of Barrett. Nobody has never known exactly if it arrived with the made songs or if it wrote to them during the sitting. In any case, it wrote and it composed much quickly, and quand' we were arrives to you in the pressed ones of the study, the songs appeared like of spell. Before the 1966 Barrett it had only composed one risen of filastrocca, Effervescing Elephant, beyond putting in music the poetry Golden Hair, juvenile operina of Joyce. Nevertheless they remain between the most durable fruits of the psichedelia: perhaps because the psichedelia it is not that one of their keys of reading. Therefore music: the rhythm is always a classic 4/4, the constant pulsation, but the continuous change of accents (like in Matilda Mother) of it prevents the crystallization. It is not fluid music, s' jams, s' it arrests and it resumes, nevertheless this disarmonia is essential part of the fascinazione that it picks the listener. It follows, in these its explorations, the single Wright, while the others two are limited to a diligent ritmico contribution (but the superimposition of ritmiche scansions in Scarecrow is extremely effective). The organ of Wright is unavoidable complement of the barrettiane creatures. Also the witnesses follow the same inspiration, rich as they are of foretells to you visual (unless in a case, the more alarming than all: Chapter 24, that he is integrally conceptual). But already towards the end of the collaboration of Barrett with the Floyd a change is perceived. To Barrett it goes recognized the merit it are taken care of the globality of its album, you play enclosed, contributing in decisive way also to the production. Still King: "For how much it loved the simple songs, Syd Barrett had one wonderful way to mixare pieces. It made so that to every moment the brano was in motion. It raised and it lowered the cursori of the console, apparently to case. Syd was a painter, and it did not make never null if it did not think to make it in artistic way. It was creative to the hundreds for hundreds, and expected very from if same ". Unfortunately, the suggestion and the fascination of music of Barrett perhaps are made of the same substance of its ruin. They are on the thread of a shaver, beyond which not trascendenza is more vision neither, but only the autismo, the final isolation. But it will be distant music, to the borders of the decipherable one, music that watches to us from a ineffabile distance. Who encircles Barrett arrives late to become account of its psychosis. It is difficult, in swingin ' the London, to distinguish eccentricity from madness ("And what exactly is to dream. "same Barrett would have perceived, of lì little). To times one joins to the group, but not even sound. Above all, it does not communicate more, not even with the look: "He arrived and I said to it ' Hello, Syd' and it made the action to watch to me. I fixed straight in the eyes and not there was light, not was look. He was like if someone he had lowered the saracinesca. From this point in ahead, Syd Barrett virtually is delivered to Hush. The group at first risks a formation to five elements but it does not go beyond four concerts, for the state by now stablily dissociated of the founder. The reasons of the final crisis are controversial, and perhaps you deprive of importance. Stages made that in January 1968 the Pink Floyd abandons Syd Barrett at the same time and the BIackhill Enterprises. With to the vestigia of the psichedelia, also the first version of the Pink Floyd is hour delivered to the past. With dipping itself of Barrett in just the psychotic world the Pink Floyd returns quartet. Of the admirers of Barrett are very aware (the great majority of the narrow public underground) that they decree to the four begins them ostracism. Justified, from their point of view: music of renews Pink to you Floyd extension little points of contact with the previous one. They are not risked to me to improvise for all the first six months passes to you with the Floyd. And state later, to leave from the album To SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS, that I have contributed with some good idea ". To dispetto of its modestia, Gilmour guarantees the beginning since much more than a consisting instrumental support. This unknown melodica will will be the unmistakable connotation of the Pink Floyd from 1968 in ahead. But it is Roger Waters, the timid Waters, to imporsi like authentic guide. For years the ideas and the directions of the group, the concepts, the great plans will be its: THE MAN, ATOM HEART MOTHER, THE WALL. E' the guide of Waters alters the musical coordinates immediately. The Pink Floyd had been erratic, lunati to us, unforeseeable, giullareschi and fragmentary, like the pre-psychotic Barrett. Hour meditabondi, measured, dark and at times even grandiloquent, like mistrustful and the Waters pessimist become. Music stretches to the synthesis, to the construction, to proceed for logical and defined steps. At the same time, the members of the group stop of being personages. After Barrett, very little it will emerge of their private life, also when they enter in the élite ones of the rock international. From this point of view, the Pink Floyd becomes the antithesis of the rock star. And anch' I, consequently, will avoid of hour innanzi the personal biography, in order to concentrate to me on the single music. In the concerts of 1968, therefore, the Floyd plays better, more extended, also subissati of critics. Wright and Waters, initially, only succeed to invent some single melodico and svenevole, lacking in carisma. The production ravviva but when it comes published the second album. If in Light Gilmour it offers a first test of its long assoli and loads to you, is Heart Of The Sun to indicate the next future. They were able to put themselves lì with a paper piece and to begin therefore: It must go straight here, and then straight lassù. ', and designed to tops and sinkings like on a map, calculating where the piece had to go. The beginning was realized with the acute tones of the plates. We had of the plates and we had put a beautiful microphone just beside they, then we hit them a lot delicately with wood hammerings. In effects this produces a sound that not somiglia at all to the sound of the plates. The background of first part is therefore, one note series with many things imbastite over. In the successive part Nick it has played the battery, it has cut the tape, I it has mounted to ring and we have continued to use it for hours and hours. E' a work that wants porsi like cultured, perhaps with a pizzico of velleità. But that still it reaches to a immaginifica vein and it reveals the great desire to exit from the within of the format song. A such aura of seriousness experiences appeals to little them in USA and moderately in England. From that situation it is born, to mo' of compromise, a two-faced work, UNINIAGUNINIA, than to a first disc recorded in tournée of giustappone one of soliste initiatives of everyone of the four. The album, for interesting how much, reflects the crisis of identity of the group, that it seems to find difficult to reason like together. Nevertheless chosen pieces for the concertistico disc live and breathe how much - if not more - of it originates them. The quartet is found again to memory, the unexpected moments s' inserts on the compositivi outlines with beautiful fluidity. Carefrì With ThatAxe, Fugene, brano of atmosphere and suspense, are in maximum part improvised, "founded on a single agreement. We limited ourselves to create wefts and humors on that thread, raising it and lowering it, a lot elaborated was not a material. Between we there was a species of regulations who we tried to respect. And this regulations had one tightened relation with musical dynamics "(Gilmour). The soliste works are born from an idea of Rick Wright, yearning to directly expose to the predelights ' neoclassici "modules. Its Sisyphus turns out, com' is logical, somewhat huge and pretenzioso, in spite of some beautiful one I detach and a evocativa section of percussivo plan. Better Gilmour, than also finding itself taken the unprovided one ("I was not ready, frankly. They are limited to me to limp, in my piece on that disc") creates a paste of agreements of acoustic guitars and electrical workers, in order to conclude with its first song. But it is Mason, until then in shadow like author, to more reveal the perhaps noticed solista. Its Grand Vizir' s & Garden Party are a fantasioso and solid percussivo assembly, in which the reference to the vanguard it is very other that velleitario. In the meantime, the vicissitude of Barrett is continued, with on one side expectable developments, from the other decidedly singular. We will fly over here on great part of its biographical vicissitudini, that they have fed a hard myth to die, in order to concentrate to us on specific the musical one. 13 May 1968, therefore, the solista career of Barrett sees its beginning official. He is Peter Jenner, one of the two manager of the Blackhill, to carry its protected to Abbey Road for one series of sitting d recording. After a pair of months, it abandons every attempt: Barrett will not see again more one knows it of recording until the following year ~ necessary an other lack of balance, than it leads it to a short psychiatric shelter to Cambridge, in order to induce Syd to change positioning. In 1969 after a stay to house of the mother, Barrett goes to living, with the consent of the manager, with to artist POP Duggie Fields. decided to Beloveds of new he of an active musician beyond to a piece of splendid desolation, than inexplicably it will not catch up the public one before 1988: Open. Jones later recruit one week two musicians in order to accompany Barrett, Willie Wilson. Of it they suffer pieces, that they maintain a course bizzarramente indeciso, just because of the ungluing from the group. Malcolm Jones in its turn is exausted when it proposes to two former colleagues of Barrett of subentrare to the production. Rethinking, disapproverà Gilmour to us own the same choice: "We wanted to immettere in the disc an authenticity element in order to try to clear those that it was happening. We did not want to be cruel, even if in retrospettiva c and at least one song that I would prefer not to have made ". Published in January 1970, THE MADCAP LAUCHS obtains sure happening not sweeping, but sufficient to confirm Syd like endowed artist of a its continuation. Since the beginning appears but obvious that the condition of Barrett is in via of ulterior deterioration. When it happened, he seemed normal until the successive difficulty, and I asked if there were simply putting to the test ". In six months of suffering the album is completed, giving also origin to some erratic and inconcludenti pieces, that years after in the album OPEL will reappear. BARRETT, this is the title it of the disc, exits to November and obtains a smaller appreciation much regarding the previous work. But the greater problem is the author, than in the public apparitions it is less and less revealed able to maintain I have logical. To half of the decade, more of a group of the newborn punlt it would want like collaborator or producer to it (the same Damned and the Sex Pistols). In 1972, the Twink drummer and the bassista Jack Monck, met Barrett to Cambridge, obtain its participation to a called group Stars. The only concert, like group of support for the MC5 to the Kìng' s College Cellar of Cambridge. The concert is a disaster, the Melody Makerlo massacres and a desolated Barrett leaves the sloppy group. There will be still four sitting of recording in 1974, from which will not exit nient' other that some sequence of agreements badly arranges to you. There will be, in 1988, the publication of a album, OPEL, constructed with the residual ones of the official recordings of the two album. But to this point Syd Barrett it is already from many years exited definitively of scene. The influence of the biographical vicissitude is certain, of the progressive dissolution of a talent in the madness but the sense of the reading of Barrett is not get exaustedded in this. One is created therefore constant tension, a continuous spiazzamento, in which the listener is fascinated and disappointed entirety, preda of the restlessness. That one of Barrett is forced, involuntary poetica of the fragment, in which the concepts (dissociated But it is not only pathological necessity, the frammentarietà is in some constituent way for Barrett. The songs of Barrett seem to suffer the same possibility to assume completed shape. it is a elegia dark and struggente, with melanconico text, while the versions of the joyciana Golden Hair and pieces like Dark Globe show one strange delicacy. In the relationship of Barrett with the words it is perhaps the better key for the decifrazione of the artist. Like when it catalogues impassible the own dresses in Vegetable Man. or the rigoglio oral of witnesses like Octopus. Let' s Split seems to have the assonance like only guide. Here Syd Barrett seems senz' other outside from the world of means to you. Nevertheless it arches to it to you barrettiani, reopened for ennesima the time in 1993, still reserve of the surprise. Perhaps it is also here the fascination of Barrett: the border between pathology, creativity and genius remains, in its case, impossible to trace. First of all, an image (com' is unavoidable, dealing of Pink Floyd). The image of the many ritratti, of the infinite photographies of concert. A system of amplification, enormous, imposing, monstrous, encircled from pupazzi variopinti and screen with shapes that S' deduce animated. To the center much scene, four omarini quiet, nicely, common, much nearly banal. Four men without custom, recitativo attitude, scenica person. In appearance submergeeed from the machinery of amplification and spread, the Pink Floyd prevail thanks to normality. In the world variopinto of the rock, it is the grigiore to save them. And to render them various, authentic ghosts in the machine. Without the aura of the eternal adolescence often he sets up from the myth of the rock. The elderly David Gilmour of years ' 80 shows without impediments pinguedine and stempiata forehead. Nevertheless very it is lend to represent them, medium and moderated, delicate and averse color from the drama. Therefore always it has been the group, grazed some time from sad or luttuosi events, never truly touched in the tranquillity (existential and sonorous) that it characterizes it. The Pink Floyd that these songs ritraggono are by now very other thing from the seen psichedelici heroes to expiring of years ' 60. Never, but, a gold medietà will be upsotten, than some time it will know trasporsi also in largeness. The group is but ambitious, insoddisfatto of the narrow dimension of the song. And that restlessness that will push it for years to expose to plans ambitiouses more and more, at first suites, therefore great conceptual works. To SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS it had already indicated the love of lacks architects to you for the complex shapes, with one articulate development. The choice of the Pink Floyd is, at least from principle, different. Before SAUCERFUL an embryonic suite comes, badly known because never landed to the recording. The Man, that it has a total duration of approximately forty minuteren, is used like introduction to the concerts of period 1969-70, for being finally abbandonato.1 To part some preesistenti songs, the only section of The Man to arrive on disc is Daybreak, published on ATOM HEART MOTHER under the title it Alan ' s Psychedelic Breakfast. After an analogous second attempt, The ]ourney, the Pink Floyd are ready for plans more ambitiouses. Topic whose first version is said had been improvised from Waters and Mason with the single aid of bottom and battery. Greater cohesion has instead the suite of the successive year, Echoes, anch' it mails to occupy one half of the corresponding album, MEDDLE. Echoes was constructed with those "remembers Gilmour. The architecture of the piece more is completed, a topic begins resumed them more times with various agreement and light altered time, maintaining to entirety stilistica unit and variety of acclimatization. And there is some refinement, like this cited from Gilmour: "Considered the final chorus, the infinite chorus of bottom. Musical effects exist through which a melodia it seems to continue like in the designs of Escher, where the scales go up go up and they do not arrive from no part. Therefore it is the chorus of Echoes to the end ". Data goes action to Gilmour to have definitively affinato for this album just the style of guitar, than it allows magnificent passages it solisticì. To part perhaps the agreement in greater Sol of acoustic guitar, fused with the chorus (authentic) of tifosi of the Liverpool, to emphasize the brave and disconsolate text of Fearless. A piece as Gite One Of These Days has been composed in a quarter of hour "(Gilmour). To dispetto of own the same ambitions, Roger Waters remains for all the remembered period an optimal author of songs. But the best ones, excluded from official discs, them reservoir to the sonorous columns of two film of the French director Barbet Schroeder, More (1969) and Vallée (1972). More: "Student German to Paris been involved from drugs and a history of former love with lesbian, in a risibile melodramma that he tries to try that the drug kills". "Graceful hippytudine of a rich one capellone and its friends, than in New Guinea tries one goes them hidden, becoming wild along the road. Nevertheless the sonorous columns are good arena in order to write sweet songs or to let to go to godibili improvisations of blues, without the worry to compose the "great work". This time, but, like parts of a complex and articulated plan. The fortune trades them of THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, eighth album of the Pink Floyd, of it has perhaps dimmed the artistic qualities. But although its happened one, has not been made in various way from the others ours album. sure, knew that it had more melodia of the previous ones, and was a unitary conception that covered it from the beginning to the end. Music was easier to absorb, and the presence of additional feminine voices added a touch trades them that nobody of the others our discs had ". According to the memories of Gilmour, "we found again ourselves in one knows it tests, and Roger if it exited some with the idea to speak about all how much can carry people to the madness". And Waters chooses to make using it, says, "a topic that runs for all the work, the life exemplified from the heartbeat of the heart, and therefore via. But also other, all those pressures that are anti-life them. That, on ending of the work, in panoramas more and more it discourages to you, sfocia in the madness of a lunatic that it remembers they give close the always impending Barrett. but without the excesses that will put out of order sure its successive production lì group follows it well, with soft musicalità, discreet sintetizzatori and wide openings of slide guitar or dreaming solista guitar. To escape to the sinfonica pump giova to the Floyd, that they find again vein abandoning itself to the modestia. Decided this, it has been of an extreme facility to construct an introduction in 7/4 that was adapted. Often task that the best the most obvious ideas are that one is one what of one fantastic ovvietà, therefore sound therefore well "(Waters). It is not all cake for this Pink Floyd attended to the pomp of the ovvietà. The happened one is arduous living, species if suffered. Therefore for two years the raggelano Floyd, you deprive of ideas and wants to have some, nearly tires of being a group. They insist with the more and more colossal concerts, innumerevoli and, gaining of money and continuation but also fatigue and esasperazione. They re-enter finally in study in the first months of 1975. What it insists in the recordings, with continuous rifacimenti, is a collective of "mentally sick" men (Mason). nevertheless the structure of a album emerges slowly pian. And it is on Crazy Diarnond that rests the globality of the album. The suite, that an enormously expanded song appears more than other, openly is dedicated from Roger Waters to Syd Barrett: "That song speaks about he. With about the disc it speaks about the absence, a kind or the other, and its madness of was great, impressive example ". The technique is still that one of MEDDLE, but affinata and put here to the service of a text that in order once it is mourning and true regret. "I do not know because I have begun to write that text on Syd. Credo has been because that phrase of Dave played like an extreme regret. It they have not been for years. For years, task, Syd have been a threat, for via of all those bales written on he and we. Naturally it has been a lot important, and the group never would not have left without of he, that all the material wrote. Never it would not have happened null without of he, but of other part never we would not have gone ahead with he. But when it arrived to the sitting of WISH YOU WERE HERE - made ironico of for himself - to see this man large, fat and matto. the first day in which I arrived I was in tears "(Waters). Because Waters picks also, in the words more than in the sounds, a sign of the times. Of long songs draft, not more than suìtes. All that door to unavoidable is made extended of fatigue and repetition, com' is often happened to the band when it has intentional to abandon the shape rock. Which still it will return, but in way this time irrimediabilmente influenced from the nearly paranoide bitterness of Roger Waters. Since the times of the UFO Club the Pink Floyd s' were distinguished for the attention to the scenici supports during the concerts. The first one lightshow of the group had been the system haphazard gathering put in work from a pair of Americans during one of the concerts to the Roundhouse. The idea to illustrate the sounds through abstract images in motion intrigued immediately Barrett, still fresh of artistic studies. Little liquid diapositive were enough to arouse the iperstimolati senses gia in the London wine cellars. but very other served to the multimedialità of a group with international public. Therefore, with to the dimensions of the concerts, the extramusical aid grows for the Pink Floyd. Rendered necessary, between the other, from the insufficient heroic attitudes of the interested ones. They enter therefore in field you play more and more of light complicates, laser, pupazzi and mockups to you, quite animations then then then projected on screen surrounding the stage. The dimensions are by now those of the event rock ", stages traboccanti and tripudio of crowd, while lights and filmati ottundono the critical spirit. But the gigantismo of the shows is also source of frustration for the same artists. And in the tournée course of massacring of 1975 that Roger Waters conceives the idea to erect a wall between himself and a public lived in more and more persecutory way. And one taken of ambiguous position, suspended between dissacrazione and disengagement. But the ambiguity is characteristic of the group in the period in which it sees light THE WALL. As its witnesses grow of importance, the necessity of autobiographic expression acquire increasing intensity, from last unrestrainable. Final result of a such urgency is the involvement of the Pink Floyd in an ambitious multimediale plan, risen of catarsi personal from the evils of the rock. Too many shows, too much drug, too many applauses. a burnt case. To the TV, a film of too much familiar war end tremola on the screen. We confuse time and space, truth and incubus, as we penetrate ourselves in the painful memories of Pink and the inevitabilità of its madness. Its mother dedicates the life to the son and compensates the loss of the father soffocando Pink with its love. "Pink attends schools that aim at soggiogate the children instead educating them. And exposed to teaching that they punish and they repress the children trying to free the own wretch frustrations. Its answer to similar alienating experiences is to slowly construct a ' muro' defensive one around to the own feelings, for proteggersi from ulterior wounded. Pink spouse the fidanzatina of its infancy because he is conveniently available. Like a drug addict with its drug, Pink needs of crescents doses of applauses. The last one mattone in the wall of Pink. "Pink is closed to key in its room with one manciata of pills and one groupie. It destroys furnitures and it scares the girl until making to escape it. Finally only, drugged and with the TV like only company, it is withdrawn more and more in himself, the complete wall is hour. In total isolation from the real world, its vague imagination to the extreme limits of its incubus: its fears get worse, the probable madness. "S' imagines like a icy demagogue, which it is not remained that the exercise of the just public, incapable one power on is to think is to cure itself of he. "It is too much for its nucleus of human feelings, and Pink is rebelled. The sentence is that Pink must ' pull down the muro' before that the isolation sinks it in the moral disintegration of its incubi." This the novellistic base before the album, then of the film. Perhaps debatable, sure solid (and lived). Therefore solid, unfortunately, to prevail on whichever musical idea. A music enters totally to the service of the text, not more pittorica neither of atmosphere, but "by now in its turn novellistic (in so far as, THE WALL deserves the denomination of work rock). But it lacks, in music, a stilistica unit, an idea guides sonorous. Too many are the stilemi taken to loan, from the disc music to the country and the folk, until the electronics and to the rock, strongly sinfonico of the opening. But it deprives of a unificante principle, this music risks the pastiche stilistico. Some songs show good caratura, and the solista guitar of Gilmour has the pregio customary. Perhaps the closing of In The Flesh wanted to be the metalinguistica Pink old riscrittura Floyd. therefore com' is, seems theirs caricatura. As far as the text, it is bitter and sarcastico how much the narration, much more of the already sour ANIMALS. The irony of Waters has lost the levità and the grace of THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, is weighted down, inequivocabile and nearly embarrassing hour. It does not astonish that the tyranny of THE WALL (and its creator) beginnings to displeasure to someone, to the same inside of the group. Richard Wright redeems from the recording, playing anonymous incolori keyboards and, until often Is replaced from other strumentisti of passage. And in the tournée that follow, it participates already in the discharged garments of sessionman: after beyond ten years, the quartet s' smembrato. All that does not seem to be perceived minimally from the public, that it decrees to THE WALL enormous happening, mythical. Waters, uncontrollable, proceeds immediately to the production of the film, that it will lead in port in a pair of years between thousand arguments with the director. Not there is ritmica unit, fragmented from continuous changes of time, neither is the constant tone of the rock, in this work that prefers to alternate most flat and strongest. Also the soul, that it would expect instinct, it is folded to the necessities of the written one. THE FINAL CUT is indeed the last cut. Waters does not have more need of a group. and in 1985 of it it sanctions unilaterally the end, declaring concluded the Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd, in the decade that separates the removal of Barrett from THE WALL, is turning out of the limbs and the personality of four men. Before it had been the support of the fantasies of Syd Barrett, after THE WALL it will be of those of Roger Waters. Submitted introvert and, Waters reveals guide in the passage moments when he is he to give the directives in order to exceed the crises. Gilmour the somiglia in the professionismo, but is man more sociable and factual, decided and rough, at times sure more to its comfort in the role of rockstar controvoglia. Richard Wright is to the margin, between thousands velleità classicistiche, and leaves to fade the own figure with passing of the years. Discharged the cloth of the investigators of sounds, ingenuous but it invents to you, the Floyd are revealed before the half of 70 years ' a group of rock somewhat traditional. Whose saliente character is the adoption "of one risen of slow rhythm to four quarters. And the other thing is to take one melodica line and frustar it until death. It can are given that once we play it slow and quiet, the time after a little more hard, the third heaviest one ". They are considerations of Mason, on purpose of the "cliché Pink Floyd", that it outlines with optimal synthesis the sound of the group until to ANIMALS. Like best intelligences of the rock, the Pink Floyd is masters of instrumental economy. Its stamp saturate to you are remained the true brand of the Pink Floyd, also until THE FINAL CUT. He is not amazing, then, that it is the just most reluctant Gilmour to put aim to the company. In 1985, therefore, little it is remained of that were the Pink Floyd. Perhaps Barrett alive with the mother to Cambridge I forget about music and about the world. Wright tries to find again inspiration in some svagato disc. Mason has entrusted just presumed solista album to Carla Bley, than of it it has made an exquisite operina of jazz eccentric - where the contribution of Mason is nearly imperceptible. Roger Waters s' goes around in the meandri of its autobiography and judges Pink residual Floyd an annoying one. But David Gilmour does not know to find peace in the job of chitarrista of Bryan Ferry. "I had as well as job to make like Pink Floyd, and I did not understand because to abandon the name of the group." In short, Gilmour and Mason they decide to call Pink Floyd, still meeting with the decided opposition of Waters, that it wants the group died to its commando. Finally the pair Gilmour-Mason gains the legal duel and acquires the right to risuscitare the name celebre. To MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON it is work in clean discontinuity regarding the previous ones. With Waters if n' the orchestra has gone, it is scomparso the unitary topic and also the bottom, replaced from a Tony impeccable Levin how much mercenario. There are technological atmospheres, strong rhythms and use of noises records to you, in the best tradition of the group. And there is also that dreaming guitar therefore, perhaps the most felt from the times of WISH YOU WERE HERE. The Floyd di Gilmour is a bourgeois, calm, satisfied group to construct customary atmospheres, to tell dreams and, because not. Last years ' 80 are a relatively active period for several the members of the Pink Floyd. A double album, the first one from the alive one for the Floyd from the times of UMMAGUMMA will derive some also. But it goes remembered that also the antagonist Roger Waters finds the way of riproporsi to the attention of the crowds, after dusk years. If they do not give the point dì seen creative, from the that spectacular Pink Floyd they demonstrate ready bay fourth decade of existence. Which it number, which key of reading in order to orient itself on the Pink Floyd. We see: the image, first of all. the Floyd is to the beginning the immaginifici of the rock. They base connotation is the eye, the look. And the quotidianità could be an other key. That one not simulated of Barrett, then reconstructed from Waters and then still used like artistic espediente to contraltare unavoidable of the triviality of every day. Sure it is that the more fertile phase of the Pink Floyd soon has been concluded. And one would be tries you to assert that Pink Floyd is after all synonym of promises not maintained, of irrealizzate ambitions. Perhaps more than in it goes plans to you, the splashes of largeness of the quartet are from searching itself elsewhere, in the moments happier abandonment, than authentic collective vein. Intelligent than more intellectual, the Pink Floyd same has very known the own limits - and in virtue of a such conscience many times to trascenderli./Prendi are resolutions on to full hands and put via. But the rintocchi of division Bell to the beginning of 1994, they seem to play also an other music. Just when all were ready to deliver them to arch and to forget them to you, insomma, the Pink Floyd returns to be a true complex and to plan the future. 2000 are not therefore far away and a Gilmour to that point cinquantaseienne could also greet it sciabolando its guitar in saddleback to a flying pig. The Pink Floyd exists, instead, immutable beyond all and of all, More evocative and alarming monoargument than that chosen one for the cover. And such desire to reply models already tries to you, than the effect he is at times embarrassing. Impossible to deny fascination to these pages, if not other because typical, because accurately similar to others passages fascinazioni. To fans piacciono the just these ablutions in the habit, these placid refoli of "psichedelia reassuring", com' have been written well, of "experiments without experimentation". Ia innovation is Polly Samson, journalist of the Sunday Times and companion of life of Gilmour, than with its man spartisce good part of the witnesses. The orchestrali passages are directed from Michael Kamen, already famous for its "lethal crews" with Eric Clapton. The strumentisti that accompany the Floyd are same of the Delicate ones Sound Of Thunder, with the important exception of Dick Parry in place of Scott Page to the sax. Parry is one figure of cult of the Floyd world from the times of Dark Side Of The Moon and Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Opportunely it had been withdrawn from the scenes and it lead one life randagia, living on one roulotte for the roads of Cambridge. The past autumn has been rifared alive with the old companions asking if there were something of new and they, for all answer, they have engaged it for disc and tour. The tour, for the note, where verification here endured the engagement of vecchi/nuovi the Floyd. Without por time in means, the group already prepares it in spring 1994, in coincidence with the launch American of THE DIVISION BELL. Like in study, also in scene to prevail it is it wants to be connected to the past. The Floyd plays in a semicircular theater box along 57 meters and high 18, with a design that remembers that one of Hollywood Bowl. The roadies they employ eighteen hours for mount beside that structure, comes arranged an enormous long airship 55 meters. The hard show two hours and means and is a shrewed travel in the Floyd history. After a score of brani, Run Like Hell closes the concert, while the sky is furrowed from artifice fires. David Gilmour: "When we are it returns to you on the scenes, with MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON, the piglio was that one of who screamed: ' Watched, we are still here. The new disc is much more delicate reflexive and, and for this I prefer to whichever other thing to it we have made after WISH YOU WERE HERE ". Nick Mason: "the return on the scenes has rendered me of new young person, and creed that Roger of is in part the craftsman. History of the Pink Floyd under an other point of view. 1966: The Pink Floyd realizes innumerevoli concerts in the premises of the London underground, between which the Marquee and l’.UFO. 5 August exits the first album The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. remarkable is the songs “.Astronomy Domine”. and “.Interstellar Overdrive”. 1968: The 29 june exits To Saucerful Of Secrets that marks the dipartita one from the group of Syd Barrett, excessive cause use of Lsd. The leadership of the complex comes assumed from Roger Waters that for a quindicennio will be the greater composer of music and above all of the witnesses of the band. Substitute of Barrett is David Gilmour (guitar and voice), that it will contribute to the carried out one of the group, towards a sound psichedelico, but also melodico. As far as the concerts, the Pink Floyd plays for before the time in Italy, to the Piper of Rome. 1969: In the July month October Ummagumma exits 25 More and. The first one is the sonorous column dell’.omonimo film of Barbet Schroeder, that it proposes the Pink Floyd in acoustic and intimistica key beyond that electrical worker. Remarkable it is the cover of the album that filler the the four images of Pink Floyd that they are repeated to the infinite, ognuna to the inside of the other. 1970: In the January month the band it collaborates with the director Michelangelo Antonioni, realizing three brani (“.Come In Not. 51, Your Time Is Up”., “.Heart Beat, Pig Meat”. and “.Crumbling Land”.) of the sonorous column of the film Zabriskie Point. In the October month Atom Heart Mother exits, ambitious operates of the complex. The first facade totally is occupied dall’.omonimo brano in instrumental, narcotic for the lines orchestrates them and for the search of the polifonici choruses. 1971: The tournée European of the Pink Floyd touch l’.Italia in the dates of Brescia and Rome. Between the other songs of the disc, the instrumental minium-suite “.One Of These Days”., used like acronym of sport transmission DRIBBLING is marked it. 1972: To june the Vallée di Barbet Schroeder. exits Obscured By Clouds sonorous column of the film both reveals not all’.altezza of the previous More job. E’. of the same year the film-documentary Pink Floyd At Pompei, that city resumes the group in concert between the ruins dell’.antica. It contains classics like “.Time”., “.The Great Gig In The Sky”., “.Money”. and “.Us & Them”. Celebre is also the cover that ritrae prisma and a refraction of a light beam that crosses it. The concept he is instantaneous sull’.uomo a western one and of it it brings to light the life, the fears, the madness and the contradictions. The Pink Floyd promotes l’.album with theirs imposing light-show. In the course dell’.anno it exits To Nice Pair, collection of the first two album of the band. 1974: The continuous group the own live activity with concerts in England. 1975: The 15 september exits Wish You Were Here. E’. l’.album where the lyric ones of Roger better Waters are married with the musicalità of Gilmour and Wright, creating the just equilibrium nell’. execution. Melancholy of this situation, inspired the composition of capolavori on the topic dell’.assenza, like “.Shine On You Crazy Diamond”. and “.Wish You Were Here”. L’.art-work of the cover ritrae two d’.affari men nell’.atto to tighten the hand, while a fire principle attacks one of the two personages. 1977: 23 January exits Animals to completion of begun quell’.ideale “.trilogia”. from The Dark Side Of The Moon and from Wish You Were Here. As it is understood from the title the songs classify l’.umanità in categories animals, with compositions like “.Dogs”., “.Pigs”. and “.Sheep”., that is dogs, pigs and sheep. 1978: They exit the album solisti of Gilmour (from the title it omonimo) and Wright (Wet Dream). 1979: 30 November exits The Wall, concept album for excellence of the discografia of the group. It has the format of the double album, even if a lot other material has not been included in the definitive version. The final message is the destruction of the isolation wall and the successive insertion between common people. The same wall appears in a design stilizzato on the cover of the disc. They followuped celebrates live rappresentazioni to them dell’.album, like as an example some all’.Earls Court of London. 1980: Nick Mason realizes its first solista album Fictitious Sports. 1981: It exits To Collection Of Great Dance Songs, from the title ironico it why not no dance song is contained. to notice the new version of “.Money”. 1983: 21 March exits The Final Cut, than as ago to foresee the title it marks it the end of a period for the Pink Floyd. Of lì little time, Roger Waters leaves the band, thinking exausted the creative vein of the group. L’.album is concept of total a creation of Waters, on its personal vision of the war and the world. The dissapori are born why the other members of the bands are felt make unusable to you, in a album confession centralized on the text more than on music. Containing video EP exits four brani of the album. 1986: It is assisted to the legal dispute sull’.utilizzo of the name and logo PINK FLOYD, between the defezionario Roger Waters and the other members. These last ones command to you from Gilmour, gain the cause and they are about to record their new album. E’. a return to the musicalità of album like Wish You Were Here, where the guitar of Gilmour creates dreaming and evocative atmospheres. The cover represents un’.immensa extended of beds on a beach, and other particular send back to the contents dell’.album. It leave gigantic tour world-wide for the promotion a dell’.album. 1988: 21 Delicate November exits Sound Of Thunder, testimony of the concerts held from the band, for the promotion dell’.album To Momentary Lapse Of Reason. E’. a double album that collects the greater successes of the group, overwhelming with live one gap in the discografia of the Pink Floyd. It exits also l’.omonima video cassette, turn to “.Nassau the Coliseum”. of New York. In the cover two men appear: one “.vestito”. of light bulbs and an other surrounded from one flock of birds. The back represents three giganteschi trees “.baobab”. To signal l’.uscita of Opel, collection of songs of Syd Barrett. 1989: The conclusive date of successive “.Another the Lapse Tour”. comes held the 15 July, in the day of the Redentore, to Venice and is transmitted in mondovisione. The concert has an incredible one happening decreed gives 300,000 present ones in spite of the sour controversies gushed before and after the concert. The proceeds of the evening have been devolven to the Memorial Fund for Disaster Relief. All it has been immortalato in a disc and a video the 4 escapes september. 1992: The Pink Floyd collaborates to the sonorous column de the Pan-American Carrera, one run automotive through Mexico, supplying also some unknown brani. To september Amused To Death exits, new solista hard work of Roger Waters. It Back”. contains between the others “.Take, “.Coming Back To Life”., “.Keep Talking”. and “.High Hopes”. It leave gigantic tour a world-wide one that it also touches l’.Italia in the concerts of Turin, Udine, Modena, Rome. Much onlooker is the confection of the CD, supply of led a red usable blinking in varied ways like the Pink Floyd ironicamente suggests. At the same time he exits also the video cassette, testimony of the concerts all’.Earls Court the ANGER and the PRIDE - the importance of a liberal reform in the Islam Task that before drawing conclusions of whichever type is necessary to know, to converse, to meet. Oriana Fallaci has written many things around to the Islam. Its to write induced to the reflection and the deepening. I do not understand who liquidated its last ones written with a scrolaltina of spalle.Temerari of the judgments were allowed to tranciare who has made the HISTORY. I leave from the Anger and the Pride in order to begin a distance of encounter and acquaintance, of which this post e' the first one understood it. The importance of a liberal reform in the Islam E' easy to believe that that the muslim world has only ugly news to offer. In fact we have also many good news. First of all you allow me to confess the obvious one: Muslim we interpret the role well dl malvagio. The slid month a group of terrorists - evidently islamisti militants - has been made to explode in India. And still there is from expecting worse from the religious extremists. The Muslims moderate to you stretch to still disappoint to me more. We appeal to a "answer proporzionata" from part of Israel, but same us impegnamo in a sproporzionata answer when sminuiamo or ignore the crimes of the Hezbollah. They attack Israel from the south of the Lebanese and Gaza, that they are just the areas that the State Hebrew has unilaterally evacuated. If the Islam is synonymous of peace, cos' it is not a Muslim that opposes to one such evident aggression. Moreover Hezbollah has deliberately thrown the Muslim civilians and the Christians in the dead women. What renders the Muslims of moderates to you, when same we wink to a similar cruel calculation. But above all, seen our hostility hidden from the hypocrisy, as I can still speak when I say that there are good news to make to know. We begin from the east: in order nearly three decades Pakistan has followed one controversial series of laws calls "Hudood". Divine calls "hudd" or "punishments", these laws establish the pains for stupri and adulterio. This movement has made yes that the Musharraf President freed 1300 women who in were attended of a process. The religious heads hour in Pakistan even admit that the "Hudood" divine creation is not one. In 1977 a coup d'état supported from the USA put to the presidency of Pakistan general Zia ul-Haq. In order to strengthen the taken one it was surrounded of hypocritical mullah that they called it "Commander of the faith", epiteto classified to the successory ones of the Maometto Prophet. In order to obtain the favor of the local heads, mischiò the reading of the corano with the tribali traditions. In this way the lapidazione as legal punishment for the adulterio grew, while in order to try a stupro it came demanded the testimoninanza of four men. In lack of that, the violence would have been considered a adulterio store clerk from the woman who to this point was condannabile to the jail, the fustigazione and the lapidazione. The ingiustizie that followed have only defamed the women, but the same Islam. They believe that It is perfect but we are learning to appreciate that the interpreters of Allah it are not. There were representatives from the USA, Canada, Australia and all Europe. You allow me to disclose the affirmations more rivoluzionare that of they are exited: A man from Holland: "We, as muslim we have need to watch to us in the mirror instead reproaching all the others". One woman from the Germany: "I do not have one identity crisis: they are western and muslim. A Imam from Great Britain: "Not hardly a woman will become muftì (doctor of the Law Muslim) I will be the first one to study to its feet". A delegate has asked: "the Islam is the only one via of salvation." A immam Danish seizing immediately the microphone: "Shortly the answer is" an English has not been rebelled, while an Italian has moderated between the two. Those that is important is that nobody has defined the other malvagio or hypocritical. For before the time in my life I have felt that in the Islam the unit does not coincide necessarily with the uniformità. Perhaps the more imposing message but has come from a host to surprise: Flemming Roses, publisher of the vignette on the Maometto Prophet. In a week both have had one pushed meaningful. We must remember that as "soldiers of God" we are continuously under the reflectors. I have of the serious problems much, I am not joking. Yes, because a normal person and heals of mind does not feel itself badly, not inkazza and impreca within of himself punctually ogniqualvolta she does not enter from Feltrinelli. Instead of being content to see much people “.istruita”. that it has desire to read, it badly comes to me to be. But we see that what provokes these lancinanti pains to me: synthetizing to the maximum. In order not to speak about the inflazionati books sull’.Islam, or on the terrorism Muslim, or all and two together, a lot they are the same thing. Written nearly always from Italian and laici muslim Arabs. An other beautiful small group then is constituted from the books sull’.orgoglio homosexual: to in particular it has astounded me. The libercolo in issue it exactly collects the letters that From Tuscany its provocazione has received in reaction to this (ahi. is betrayed to me: in truth the simple fact that I call it “.provocazione”., relegates me of right in the girone of the omofobici. Insomma, from these letters apparently exits outside the usual nation of Italian bigots, retrograde sluices and. Not you detail then my searches in the philosophy shelves and theology, because I know that you would be bored however I confess to you that on me they have had l’.effetto to make bitter itself. But it has sense to speak about truth in one society opened democratic and, and therefore naturally with many opinions. It depends from what one agrees for truth. With my Faris friend often we play to “.manipolarci”. l’.un l’.altro. That c’.entra all this with my malori from Feltrinelli. I explain to you: the “.verità”. with Faris it is the feeling of sincere friendship, that it goes beyond the obvious differences of nationality and religion. This “.verità”. guarantees that the game, a po’. diabolic I admit it, not degenerate but remains only a mere exercise of style. Or also simple gusto/necessità in confusing to me the ideas. The style and the erudizione do not have to provoke to empty other that and loss, or to the limit some fictitious truth, virtual and personalized all’.occorrenza. I something sospetto…. second you to who giova. One War for a more radioactive Europe. In England, rinomati scientists they have spoken about ignota gaseous cloud after to have municipal a search on filters it specializes to you for huge air volumes. The doctors Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan have shocked Europe in an article of the Sunday Times of 19 London of February 2006. Their scientific article, rilasciato 1 March 2006 [ 1 ], has tried the truth of the event. With all the force of the ubriaconi depressed, the megaphone military and nuclear British has expectably denied the truth of one invisibile radioactive cloud. The tests of the truth of gas cloud have put in the panic the army, pushing it to deprived of hope negations, irrazionali and ridicules. The interpretation of the army later on was redefined and the idea of the Chernobyl new was sunk in Hush. In the United States, the mediocre propagandista aspirant Dan Fahey rilasciò the "arguments of conversation" of the insabbiamento [ 2 ]. The "nuclear sicofanti" will take these irresistibili lies for instructions. The radioactive cloud of Bush is duration more than five weeks to high levels of concentration of radioactive particles. Not there is filter of mask to gas enough fine in order to stop this radioactive gas and protect umani.000 radioactive particles for meter picture. Yes, the persons have breathed this poisoned gas, without doubt. The persons in England and presumablly in all Europe have breathed great amounts of this radioactive gas to the uranio. Which are the effects of poisoned gas cloud. After a progressive decline for 41 years, the rate infantile mortality has begun to increase, and many investigators think have had to the nuclear wars center-Asians. The rate infantile mortality is the more sensitive measure of the health of the human race. Like the proverbiali canaries in the coalmines, the fragile babies die for first. But in Iraq they have equally used ammunitions to the uranio. The political leaders and military Americans wanted to use crews genocide. You could even say that the soldiers of the United States in Iraq have quite exaggerated in using these crews genocide based on the cancellation. In fact, the effect of the velenoso oxide gas of uranio was famous to the establishment American of the permanent war sin from 1943. When the registries were demands, the data on the period of time clearly characterized from "shock and awe" were omitted. The agency of supplying for the defense to Bristol has supplied the data lacking to the scientists Busby and Morgan. The true British patriots are those that have supplied to Busby and Morgan omitted given indicting. Not there are errors this is true radioactive gas to the uranio. The Americans use these crews murderous and genetic-manipolatrici on men, women and children. It did not make difference for the Americans. That one of which they are imported truly is if such witnesses translate their ' manifestations of oltraggio' in any type of action are necessary in order to stop the horror truly "[ 14 ]. Quand' is that manifesting will be waked up and undertaken of the actions in order to stop this horror. The American army is all unless badly organized. These rules have in the world the force of the American right. However, the same government who has adopted them not is following them, even in the United States. The norms and dispositions of the army on the poisoning radioattiva(AR 700-48 and TB 9-1300-278) [ 15] specify without ambiguity ce the American troops and the exposed local civilians to radioactive poisoning will be cure to you. The treatment and rules pulizia apply anch' they, but simply they do not come respected. The applicable norms and dispositions are an approach from common sense and are the only responsible position on the radiological war of only superpotenza in the planet. The rules do not even come continuations in the same United States [ 5 ] but they are buried under one mountain of practical. Because this approach has not been rejected from the high American political leadership. Marion Fulk, a physical adviser to the laboratory for the nuclear crews Lawrence Livermore, is one of the scientists of originates them Manhattan Plan. The doctor Rosalie Bertell, one rinomato scientist who lend service in many committees you of the Pentagon, says that approximately 1.3 billions of persons already they have been victims of a murder, cripples or invalidated from when is begun it was nuclear [ 7 ]. E' this the obbiettivo of the Pentagon in using the ammunitions to the uranio and refusing the task legal established to clear and to cure. The more reasonable persons will be of agreement that to have caught up 1. To the contrary, the radioactive gas cloud of Bush is simply the opposite one. The obbiettivo luminosity to expose hundred of million persons would seem to be to kill and to make to sicken other people. As it has said a rare admission to the Pentagon, "the property of the uranio do not change". Famous the former scientist Leuren Moret of the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab has expressed itself on the dangers of the so-called one "uranio impoverito" in 42 countries. and star is transforming the Planet Earth in one dead woman ". The massive strafing to tappetto of entire countries with bombs to the uranio seems to be puts into effect it slowly them of war of the American army. Ill-fatedly, the USA troops are first to being sacrificed on the altar of the neo-conservative war plan for the total dominion total. The military leaders and political Americans have not never asked the "pawns" or soldiers if it were OK. In the authoritative World Affairs Journal, Moret declares: "the Korea Times has brought back 23 December 2005 that the American army has 2,7 million pre-posizionate bombs to the uranio impoverito [ ] in Korea of comprehensible the E' South because North Korea wants the nuclear crews" [ 10 ]. North Korea is hardly more small of the state of the Mississippi. Some investigators believe that the bombs to the uranio have been used in the American war to the former Yugoslavia. There are clear circostanziate tests that the carpet strafing with crews genocide is the preferred answer of the American army to the local resistance. The war crimes are punibili with the imprisonment or the execution, in kind by means of hanging or execution. In the words of the father of Johnny, the leaders are "gentaglia obscenely corrupt". The next process for war crimes therefore has the duty violare the domestic laws in order to prevent that they have place crimes against the peace and the humanity ". The declaration of the Court of Norimberga is hour the international right and, by extension, the American right. E' ours must in how many Americans prevent crimes against the peace and the humanity. It cannot be allowed the fascist administration that hour controls the United States and the American army to continue these crimes. The world and the international right think all responsibles to us, and the price is high. E' hour to ask the destitution and the carcerazione for members of our government for their crimes of war commensurati their degree of complicity and colpevolezza. If the Conference will not be dismissed and the Senate does not put the deputies to process then we, 300 million Americans, we have a problem. Bush and others have exceeded the limit much time make, when they have mentito in order to carry to us in the war in Iraq. They continue to mentire on the damage made with their crews to the uranio. One of the comfort that the history offers to us is a plan in order to exit of the unthinkable situations, for future more or a little sostenibile, realizable. The wounded and the cripples and the families of the deceaseds deserve a treatment and/or a compensation, must begin the reclamation and entire countries must be reconstructed. This is the true alloy of the neo-conservative, the new nazis of the United States. Approximately 40 years ago, they were migliaia of pages of the "Pentagon Papers" to make the difference, with to the illegal war in Viet Nam and to the Nixon President. Hour is need of migliaia of other pages. The neo-conservative and neo-liberisti newspapers as infausto the New York Times or the conservative ghost Washington Post will not make more the just thing. The timid NYT has put us nearly a year in order to publish the tests of the illegal espionage of the American citizens from part of the NSA. Bush then has been boasted of the illegal espionage on network television the first evening. Hour we do not have need of "a timid" newspaper. Much less than what it forced Nixon it has to leave the assignment of President. The following documents have been consult to you in preparation of this test. Doctors Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan, "Did the use of uranium weapons in Gulf War 2 result in contamination of Europe", 1 March 2006, "European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics". The instructions of Dan Fahey to its secretary, Jack Cohen, to distribute, du-list@yahoogroups, 26 February 2006, 11:52 p. Groves, director of Manhattan Project, 30 October 1943. The Sunday Times, Great Britain, 19 February 2006, "UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq shells," citing dottor the Chris Busby. 9 comes limping home ", Saint Francisco Bay View.," Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War ". Leuren Moret, "Planet Earth as to Weapon and Target", World Affairs Journal, Vol. the exact one, directed citation begins with "the idiot" word and ends with the word "used". Source: Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, "The Final Days", second economic edition of Touchstone (1994), chapter 14, pp.War Crimes Watch. Documentary "Beyond Treason" with Moret, Rokke and Dennis Kyne./Documentary "Blowin' in the Wind" with Moret and Rokke. "There Are Not Words: Radiation in Iraq equals 250,000 Nakasaki Bombs. Ward Churchill, "The Ghosts of 9-1-1: Reflections on History, Justice and Roosting Chickens ", Alternatives Press Review. The regulations of the army 700-48 and technical bulletin 9-1300-278 can be reperiti with facility to the Situated Traprock Peace. They are available for download also version pdf of the regulations and version pdf of the bulletin on the situated one web of the Traprock Peace Center. "Johnny Got to Gun - Protest Song" of the father of Johnny. This author has gained a prize of the Project Censored for an article on ammunitions to the uranio impoverito in October 2004. The article was entitled "There Are Not Words" (entitled "Radiation in Iraq equals 250,000 Nakasaki bombs" on the Bay View [ 13 ]. It is uncovered that the article was not other that Part One, one what that I would not have never suspected. This article is Part Two and serves like a modernization for the activities of combat in war of the high political leaders and military Americans. Bob Nichols is a winner of Project Censored. E' a correspondent for the Saint newspaper Francisco Bay View and a frequent contributore of several banns on-linens. Nichols is completing a book based on 15 years of war nuclear in Asia Centers them. Nichols is a former employee of the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant. Chosen from ZRET and translate from CARL MARTINI for www That thin difference between State and nation. Perhaps, the terrorism (Muslim and) does not have on me a less devastating effect because I have one. Perhaps (perhaps) because the aggressions, the scippi, the tragedies that I have seen and felt to Announced Tower and outskirtses, have the unexpected positive implication to render me. Italian we preoccupiamoci of the Mafia, it was not other that is a product "100% made in Italy". The data emerge from a compiled questionnaire give beyond 5mila boys between the 13 and 22 years. Many recover the assets alone steal do not believe to you in the Police enforcements - 98% of the Neapolitan students and province know the racket. Nevertheless, only 28% of they have confidence in the police enforcements. 40% do not have any at all, and 32% are not expressed or it does not know what to say. And a lot turns out to you is not encouraging. To begin from the fact that 28% of the interviewed ones have declared of to have been assaulted or derubato, but only 43% have addressed to the police enforcements in order to denounce the happened one. Remaining 35% have tried to recover the stolen property in other way through the "horse of return", the malavitoso of quarter and "several friendships". However, 40% of the young people have asserted to know someone been involved with the racket. But, also, 75% are informed on the associations antiracket and antiracket. It consoles the fact that 71% of the interviewed ones have not never endured aggressions. While perhaps it scares the forehead of the students, substantially cracked, that they have asserted to react to the endured violence: 48% have tried of opporsi, 51% have left to lose. 92% of the interpellati ones are convinced that the racket is a social phenomenon negative. But risked a 4% judge it a positive fact quite. Remaining has preferred not to express itself. And still, for 79% of interpellati the draft of a phenomenon to fight itself while for 19% it is an aspect of unavoidable the local truth. Finally, the boys have expressed their judgments. 50% think that the institutions and the police enforcements are not working well against crime. As soon as 15% give a positive judgment to the acts. But, above all, 72% of the young people think that in Campania, and more in a generalized manner in the south, there is greater gangsterism regarding the center and to the Italy north. Perhaps also for this, 40% of lor think that in future lascerà the own city, to forehead of 25% that would not never make it. Interesting I compare with the data obtained from the students of Bassano of the Grappa, in Veneto. Also for they draft of a known phenomenon (95%), negative (90%) and to fight. To difference of the Neapolitan young people, but, only 15% of they have never known someone been involved with the racket, even if 33% have declared to know some malavitoso clan. 11% have been assaulted or derubato, and 49% have addressed to the institutions. Nearly double, finally, it is the confidence that the students of Bassano have in the police enforcements. The Fallaci would have storto the nose, perhaps. But it does not import, indeed it is better therefore. A catholic Church that asserts with decision these concepts is finally one free and illuminated Church. A Church that does not make to more rather advise (.) from massoni, "Christian atheists" and Hebrew but recognizes that (is this, getlteman mine, the main message that the Pope has launch from its travel in Baviera. scares the Arabic world because he is without God, is just the Church that speaks in name of the Saint Spirit. One profetica Church, in the sense that. It does not give to breath to anger and pride, human feelings and in this moment, but it works concretely for the peace, and is from the part of the simple ones and the last ones. As it made Our Getlteman Jesus Christ. The Muslims do not recognize Jesus like God, but only like "penultimate prophet". But he is not with the crews that we will convince them of the contrary. The Muslims feel "servants" of God, and not sons. Still more sin, because they cannot totally perceive the love that Dio/Allah has (also) for they. In a next one post I will speak about "our" illustrious philosopher Giambattista Vico, and on the historical course and resources. Peace to the spirit of the Fallaci. On the web the reactions to the dead women of Oriana Fallaci have been many. Between the much bringing back these, which read in sequence give the idea of what remain behind the great monument that from has little left us. Died Oriana Fallaci how many free journalists of Italian nationality remain in turn. The Fallaci has written things that I did not share and others on which I was d’.accordo. Its truth said, put us its face. She leaves, more than an empty one, an abyss in the Italian journalism. To make the journalist is not easy, wants the protecting one to us. Journalists without masters ce are not any more, and those that resist are more and more old. And also repetitive, but not ditelo to Eugene Scalfari. It must go in the communal library and read old pieces of Montanelli in order to pull a po’. on. But Suffering is not a journalist, is one person informatasuifattiatempopieno. To make attorney general. To be journalist and also servant is not one astuteness issue. I however prefer the schierato journalist without if and without but. Even if nobody takes it seriously, like a drunk to the bar, and all want to it well. It makes the publicity, but deceptive publicity is not one. Felts, Faith, Ferrara, Rossella, the old guard, simple people, one race in extinction. Laid a trap from the opinionisti that they have, above all, one great opinion of same himself. The fighetti of the journalism, intellectually honest, with the just necktie and the rubrica. You read their articles and to fine you it remains a sense of empty. They do not have more need than to mentire in order to cover the facts. Yours surprises me Hush on Oriana Fallaci. He can himself obviously be of agreement or contrary to its ideas, but it is simply crowds to put in an angle one scrittrice of that level. I riletto little time I make "If the sun dies", book that I find being involved, the acute book of martyrs and. Also I have read to all and the three utlimi its books on the Islam. Quarda case the same honesty and from Tuscany sfrontatezza that contraddistingueva an other famous one, Indro Montanelli. Of their sfuriate ones and theirs taken of "unpleasant" positions of it I will feel large an empty one now that the journalism is made from pen-nibs and likeable ink. How much is difficult to have character, how much is difficult to know and to want to say those that it is believed against all and all. I that I am atheist as she, will pray for its spirit, that he enjoys the rest and the peace that is deserved. Sure Son that from lassù there is already interrogating like poor bischeri, with its glances at them dark and the cigarette in hand, rejoicing at itself of an pleasant one Hush. A lot the ragli of the imbecilli does not arrive in sky. Antonio Cini, antonio_cini@fsmail. On "Italians" they come published letters that they contain various opinions." You can not be of agreement, but because you must call this "idiot and offensive" participation, "ragli of an ass". Cos' is, the post-modern way to discuss. And then: that forum race we would be if we published alone participations "polticamente corrected" (than oltretutto they would not be piaciuti to the interested one. And from the Sky of the Great Journalists it has had some to read many, on the Italian press, in these days. I have already explained - but you dev' to be escaped - than sometimes I prefer to read, to think and to wait for. You hold just to my opinion. Eccola: I say to you endured that it is not a lot originates them, and perhaps you will remain disappointed. One scrittrice originates them and most effective. and one true first woman, with the annexed ones and connected all. Not there is need to cite the reportage of war, the interviews, "a man", "Nothing and therefore is" etc. What it has made Oriana Fallaci in XXI the century convinces me little: I cannot hide it. It can be taken care and intransigenti of forehead to the arrogance of a part of the Islam. and sconfortati of forehead to the ignavia of many Muslims of forehead to the terrorism and the aggressions. But it cannot be reacted to the arrogance with the arrogance, and to the insult with the insult. Creed that Oriana Fallaci did not go exactly taken, and did not have intention launch one crossed. But in the culture Muslim they do not know the "from Tuscany paradox", and sure misunderstandings can become dangerous. These affirmations make of me smidollato one, one foolish decided to svendere the West for quiet the living. I have written yesterday, just here on "Italians": "No religion justifies the violence, the intimidazione, the mutilations, the soprusi. The rights of the man - the expression old, but beautifulst - are a conquest, and ce we will not make it to carry easy via a lot. The opinions, in the West, are free: they say our Constitutions, our tradition, our sensibility. In the same way, the women have the same rights to the men. Therefore, to who she arrives in Italy and she supports of being able to make various in name of the religion (often travisata, between the other), occore to say: scordatelo, friend mine. And saying this salute the Fallaci, one mrs. who has taught to many of we to write, and to cultivate the pride, unavoidablly egocentrico, of the profession. E' this the only comment to make in reading of sure things. It watches case are the usual atmospheres that they express illogical and contrary positions to common logic of the things. In understood them the dissent before the minute of Hush. The secretary of Rifondazione Giordano: I would not have made it One via for the Fallaci, centrosinistra not the company Controversy to Florence. To Rome Prc and Pdci they leave the council during the commemoration One via for the Fallaci, centrosinistra not the company Controversy to Florence. To Rome Prc and Pdci they leave the council during the commemoration. For and Against Oriana Fallaci, with the memory of the great journalist and scrittrice that yesterday, to three days from the dead women, has divided the «.Campanili». But before the gathering it has been discussed, and the argument is not piaciuta to the wing more on the left of the majority. «.Da today we are all more soli». had esordito Coratti, expressing «.il deep cordoglio of all the Consiglio». Not just all, to say the true one. Of forehead to sure events it is necessary to be able to distinguish: one what is the person, an other the judgment on that it has said recently. When one is of forehead to the passing of a woman whom a sign in the history of the Country has left however, it is right to render them homage. To they it has replied Noble: «.Massimo respect for the person. We contest the way with which they are remembers also the last ones to you written where it urged to the crash of civiltà». It has spoken to name about the entire majority, of which also we make part. «.Il centrosinistra —. it has accused Loved Paul (FI) —. does not want that its name is enrolled on stones of Firenze». We are just sure that its were only of vaneggiamenti.E' of need por the mind to what it happens, also in this moment, in mondo.il the attacked Pope, the pretensions of excuses around to citations of a medioevale personage. and then still vignette of that Danish newspaper and many others episodi.se e' true that in that world who goes must be adapted to their uses and customs, perche' the same one does not have to be worth for loro.ma where they are the manifestations of this Islam.ma a little healthy realism to times would not be useful. The news is old of a week, but I did not know it. Goodness knows because, with all the effort that I make in order to keep itself informed well, often understood to me to ciccare just the more important news. The rabbi is one A LOT figo, because it is a anti-sionista, with all the political problems that this its position provokes to it. Finally the imam it is one that believes in the dialogue, in the pacific comparison between the religions insomma all it is unless jihadista.Anche imam a Khaldi has intentional to emphasize that ' ' all the religion men know that war in the name of Dio' cannot be made '. And therefore ' ' it is necessary to find of the encounter points, to try of the common spaces, against who tip to increase divisioni' ' Padre the Poletti has denounced in particular ' ' the loss of the memoria' ', for which ' ' still today it is succeeded in to bomb the civili' '. ' ' We must find an authentic way of peace - has said - and also of purification, to understand that the memory is important so that the same ones are not repeated cose' '. Shipbuilding naval of the Two Sicilie an uncle former-official in Military Navy, has always transmitted one great passion to me for the ships. In order to favor the commerce, they were stipulates to you, from the king southern, numerous deals to you trades them with all the main powers l’.Inghilterra had to wait for other four years in order to put some in sea one, the Monkey, in the 1822,800 laborers, it was the first one of the Mediterranean for largeness and rivaled with analogous systems of London and Anversa. they were constructed is boats to mercantile use is military. n great bathtubs and served to hold to let go the lumber in order to favor of the working. Cosi’. it describes to an observer of tempo:“.Di the good factories sussidio’. the that prince and of tools and blots of it necessary which to those times poteansi to wish. Oggidi’. e’. the first arsenal of the reign, and such that ago it envies to those of several regions d’.Europa. [ was the Goats of 1700 tons, whose towage impegno’. to the winches 2400 men, the grandiosità dell’.impresa was immortalata in a watercolor ]. At the moment of the piemontese conquest, the stabiese yard was equipped for the working of hulls in iron, the future battleships from war. 15 August of 1852 was equipped of the graving dock. “.Va marked that the construction of the Neapolitan river basin, was accompanied from skepticism and you within debate heated the councilmen of the monarch. And when, the 2 september of 1850, a tremendous squall destroyed all the job sin then executed, the “.Cassandre”. they were made endured ahead for rivendicare credits. In this way they concurred to ascribe to the Reign of the Two Sicilie, the supremacy to possess the first graving dock produced nell’.ambito of the peninsula italiana”. ships as “.Real the Ferdinando”. could transport two hundred passengers from Palermo to Messina and Naples, came also stipulated the first convention mail them marine d’.Italia. picking its surprise inhabitants, while they were still attempts nell’.allestimento of the prepared ones to you for the festeggiamenti. Lamberto Radogna, “. History of the Merchant marine of the Two Sicilie”., Mursia, 1982 Giacinto De Sivo, History of the Two Sicilie, the Grifo, 2004, pag. Giant Achille, “. artistic Travels for the Two Sicilie “., Naples, 1845. Mangone, L’.industria of the Reign of Naples 1859-1860, Fiorentino, 1976, pag. Antonio Roman Formicola-Claudius, Painters of Navy to the Court of the Borbone of Naples, attached to the Marine Review of the Italian Navy, March 2004. 10/15, year 1931, to cure of the Ministry of the National Education Michele Vocino, Supremacies of the Reign of Naples, Apples publisher, Naples Harold Acton, last the Borboni of Naples, Joints, 1997, pag. Sirena of vent' the years of Oriana Fallaci the UNDER-AGE ones Of URLO To the SANREMO ONSLAUGHT. At moments me it seems worthy of all the enthusiasm that the Country the dedication, at moments seems ridicule to dedicate them this seriosa attention to me. You want to understand that they are under-age. Therefore it is blown nose in the belly of the fish. With to the fish, to the mother, a manager that she watches it in absence of the father, manufacturer to Cremona, the Mine has carried a orsacchiotto that the servants the evening for addormentarsi. "Rispondigli that me of frego", says the Mine and its eyes browns has a determined expression: if of frega indeed. It does not know who does not direct the government, we figure ourselves if she knows who is this minister: made happy she. It does not know that Nenni is socialist and it does not know that in Arabia the Muslims carry the veil: "Dimmi, who was this Maometto. If a day I will have a son, I want to call it Maometto"."Vedi ", explains the Mine grattando a foot," people say that it must read the books. A lot in order to begin I do not have time. The books always end with influencing to you. My ignorance is deeper than a sink, all the one which I know, I know it for felt to say. The Kennedy I have inasmuch as it mistakes an eye, but not is badly: those ciuffetto donates to it. The Kruscev does not appeal to to me: m' they have said that lever a shoe and strikes it on the table when it wants the word, that guitto. And then it is ugly, that fat moglie renders it still more ugly. I do not know what has fato, this Fidel. I know that a heap of people has accoppato and that it is a likeable one: with that beard, that one camiciona. It thinks if it did not have the beard, if the beard is cut is fregato, make it outside in two days. Then I know that there is a ship corsara to the islands Greens, where are the islands Greens. The idea of one ship corsara simply makes me to drive crazy. But you six always tired one, that you want. You do not know like taking the ' do' this evening. And not the pigliare, son mine, who if of frega of ' do'. But it watches a po' if people must themselves be worried of ' do'. To the Mine all that seems absurd. "Who if of frega of the Festival, if I gain it or I lose it. That need is of they give much work. I am not like they, if song is because it goes to me to sing, the days them step not to torment to me on ' do'. I do not know music, I have not never studied it, I do not mean to study it. You know as I have made to become the Mine. There was a festivity in a village that calls Rivarolo of the King and the Flo Sandon' s and Latilla sang us. I have gone to the festivity and to a sure point a large one has come me wants to go up on the stage. Therefore they are gone up and son put to me urlare. Those have applauded and the returned evening after son, with to the mother ". "One shame, Miss., one shame. Hour me a pochino is accustomed us but it would have had to see that make I had when my child urlava and dimenava to that way. At least it sang like Nilla Pizzi or Flo Sandon' s, perbenino, with the educated voice. Macché: it has need to make all those boccacce. When the Mine said that it wanted to sing, my husband bought them the instruments: he believed that he sang in house. Instead the Mine he put on a complessino and he went to Milan in order to sing to the Six Days. E' that also the other son s' is put to sing. I say, them it seems serious to call Geronimo and to sing in the cabarets instead becoming engineer in the company of the father. My husband says: "Have patience, will pass to it". But to the Mine it is not at all last. To vent' years I was a calm girl who only thought to marry itself and to having beautiful sons. The Mine instead does not have fear of null. The intelligent eyes of Mine follow the mother with indulgente irony. Its generation does not know cos' is the fear. E' been born during the war but has not seen the war, has not never suffered the hunger neither impositions ridicules. "the mother is a treasure", says the Mine stopping to make the bubbles and igniting one cigarette. "But it is also an ingenuous one, Like can itself be expected that I am like she. I have grown in the comfort, am a ragazzaccia vitiated, have not come on with those beautiful principioni of a time. And those that happens not servants to me sure makes me to become better. Been enough E' that you made two screams because endured it was induced to me to sign a contract and the newspapers began to speak about me. To the beginning I believed that only the children made the tifo for Mine, hour I see that they make it also the large ones. Then I believed that only the ignoring persons divertissero to feel to me to sing, hour I see that also the intellectuals listen to me. E' guilt mine if the world is popolato of crazy. I sell cinquemila discs for day, offer average million to me in order to sing six canzonucce: they are I that I ask it. I know very well that it is not serious living urlando "Lalala, ya ya ya, good dì, good love my dì, is much sun in mine cuor, the world is beautiful still". I consider a divertimento, a svago, and the fact that pays me fills up me so much of infinite astonishment, even of a vague sense of guilt. People say that they are eager of money, swear to you that of the moneies I me of frego. I never do not know those that gain, I do not know not even what I have in bank: they make all my father and mine manager. Perhaps it is for that I have had much happening: poor and unfortunate people nobody want it. Instead if one is rich and it does not ask null, all try it ". Nevertheless she does not behave herself like if it were one diva. There is in she an unsuspected wisdom that is not only revealed from the speeches that ago but from the way in which it acts. Its reputation is comparable in Italy to that one that Elvis Prsley enjoys in America: but I have seen as Elvis Presley is behaved. "Mazzini Mine, of Mino, been born to Busto Arsizio 25 March 1940, inhabitant to Cremona, of profession singer". The agents of the street one are red for the emotion, who would have dreammed to find itself to you for you with the Mine, and they would even avoid than to make them also the fine. But the Mine porge sand bank the money and then says recovering in motion: "scappa to laugh to say" of profession singer to Me ". I am not one singer, I am one that sings ". The phrase appeals to to them, it has invented it from himself and it repeats it in every occasion: in truth it is an intelligent phrase like nearly all the things that say. "You see, to be singer means an other thing. Singer is the Piaf, is the Mahalia Jackson, is Fitzgerald. Some time I have wants to go some to me via from Italy, and to seriously become one singer. I could go in America, task, but the America m' does not interest: it is like if us pits already be. Then task that I could go to Paris and recommence daccapo but this would force me to study and I do not want to study: too much lazy and they are vitiated. Then task that it would appeal to to change trade to me, but all the trades demand a discipline that I do not know impormi. People as me she is not accustomed to the hard work. And then I do not know to see the things: they have been to Paris and all that that memory is a great cold, me they are not shrewed that Paris was beautiful. They have been to Malta and Malta was beautiful but me memory only of the sea and this enormous moon that was suspended on the sea. They have been to Berlin and was a country that could be found to department store, did not interest to me for nothing. I do not have ideas, I have only violent feelings that are extinguished endured. As an example, you know it that impression m' has made to know that they had launch that coso, as it is called, the sputnik. M' has given annoyance to think that I would have watched it believing that it was a star and that one me fregava because star was not one. The Nino is all upsetting: to comb the head of she that it sings to Sanremo the thousand blue bubbles. What can is more important to us, today, in Italy, of the fact that the Mine songs to Sanremo the thousand blue bubbles. The old mrs. is excitation pale: "Here", she says pushing the nipotino with the bunch of flowers, when you are large you can say that you have known the Mine ". "Like being human", she uses to say, "I I have eighteen years: the age that I had when this miracle or, if preferred, this disease s' is pulled down over of me. When a girl of eighteen years looks at itself dealt without reason like if it were the Callas, something is arrested in its mental development. As soon as people will have gotten tired themselves of me, I will return to grow leaving from those diciott' years ". Sincere E' when ago the soap bubbles and goes to bed with the orsacchiotti and extols the beard of Fidel Castro or is sincere when ago these speeches. Ignoring and indeed incosciente E' as it wants to make to believe or reads Topolino in order to brail up to me. Its happened one is indeed fruit of the case and the collective stupidity, like it asserts to believe, or if it deserves it. The evening, when the Festival explodes in the teatrino of the Casino and it is about itself to sing, I have not still understood it. Perhaps it does not know to sing, but its voice appeals to to me, is alive as little other voices of people that it knows to sing. And above all it appeals to the Mine to me that sings to eyes sluices like if I told I love, you loves to if same and if of fregasse of whom it they are to listen. There is in she a inconfessato depreciation for those who it are to listen and in fact, when it has ended, it turns the shoulders sdegnosamente and if it goes some: in order to go to watch itself to the television. The transmission in is not directed, comes transmitted to more late that concurs to see them the only person that the interests of the Festival: if same. In fact the meeting dinanzi to the screen, in hotel, and is observed estasiata, with the open mouth and the eyes that shine: "Oh mother. Eh, yes: she is just a child which it must want well like to a sorellina that goes defended because it does not know to say lies." mormora with air compunta, "these things amuse me a lot: but I cannot at all continue to amuse to me in eternal. I must just think next to those that I will make from large. It must that it decides to me to study, to read the books, the newspapers, to try a true trade to me ". Mine one great artist, with one sweetest voice that it makes you to dream and to move. It has made to innammorare entire generations, and much anchor of it will make living. I do not want to make a novel in order to write that I thought and I think tutt' hour Mrs. Fallaci optimal scrittrice.Per how many have been able it to criticize and to deal the Fallaci badly will always remain in the hearts of who has loved it and will always love it. The works of the Fallaci have sold twenty million copies in the world. - (Foreign Italy) - they have sold the twenty million copies in the world works of Oriana Fallaci. The data is of the Rizzoli, from always the publishing house of the journalist and scrittrice fiorentina. 100 moving pages, at times moving under shape of monologo of a woman who waits for a son. The tragic drama is between maternity and abortion. To its escape, the book just represented true and ' a literary case and sociale' with even antithetic interpretations. The factions abortionists to antiabortionists will make some, ciascuna, one instrument in order to confirm the own theses. Of the protagonist of the book it does not know itself null (same), the questions begins in the moment in which she perceives of being pregnant. Enough to want a son in order to force it living. The monologo becomes confession to the own conscience, while the nourished mature drama from the other personages, one risen of giuria. The father of the child, the friend feminist, the employer, the obtuse doctor, the modern doctor, the old parents. All unaware of witnesses of that impossible relationship, based on a see-saw of love and hatred, tendernesses and risse. To the end, the child decides, and not only for if same. Its refusal of the life, hour that knows how much is laborious and difficult, it is involved in fact the mother. A MAN (1979): 2 million copies sold in 20 editions to foreign country, 1 million and half copies sold in Italy. INSCIALLAH (1990): 1 million and half copies sold to the foreign country in 25 editions more 1 million in Italy. The novel on the war in Lebanese of 1983. Personages and weft are imaginary, the events instead true. The Fallaci dedicates to the book to the four hundred soldiers Americans and French slaughter in the slaughter of Beirut from the schism sons to you of God. But also to all the victims of the slaughters of that city "and in all the slaughters of the eternal slaughter that has name war. This novel wants to be an action of love for they and the life ". In the book there are also the soldiers of the Italian contingent, with their history of life. The ANGER and PRIDE (2001) - 16 foreign editions, 500 mila copies sold in world and 1 million and half in Italy. The FORCE Of REASON (2004) - 350 mila copies in 11 foreign editions, 1 million copies sold. Been born like appendix to 30/ma the edition of the ' Anger and orgogliò divenne an other book. ORIANA FALLACI SAME INTERVIEW IF - APOCALYPSE (2004) - 1 million 200 mila copies sold in Italy, 5 foreign editions and 100 mila copies. It tells also its political passion, its humour, the dead women of which speak without uneasiness and fear. UNPLEASANT (1963) are the less famous book and less sold with 6 foreign editions, 120 mila copies sold in the world, 400 mila in Italy. IF the SUN DIES (1965), 13 foreign editions, 300 mila sold copies, 700 mila in Italy, it is the moving story on the adventure of the man in the space. “.Questo process is not against of me”. says Oriana Fallaci. E’. a process that aimed to create a Case, the Fallaci Case. That is a process that aimed to condemn a famous person for being able some to condemn others. And in sure sense, paradoxicalally, it will be a good. One what that gioverà to clear the things, to demonstrate that we are losing the freedom. And it will contrarily open a passage that with cuor light will concur to condemn for crime d’.opinione those who, to the magistrates, have the right and the duty to take public position. Journalists, writers, intellectuals, citizens who refuse the Politically Correct and dare to go counter-current. He knows, is not before the time that I come used in order to open a passage: to serve from example, to ignite the fuse. Succeeded also when I denounced the truth sull’.assassinio of Pasolini. In order not to reveal the names, not to put to risk the life of the witnesses, I appealed all’.articolo Number One of the Charter of the Journalists. L’.articolo that it prohibits to supply the information sources when to supply them it is risked to ruin someone or quite of condurlo to the cemetary. And in the following days other journalists came indict you for the same reason. In the newyorchese study of Oriana Fallaci the telephone, a telephone bizzarramente red vermilion, squilla all the afternoon. The news of the commit to trial has gone around of the world. And the red telephone vermilion tace a moment. The New York Times has already written some, therefore like the Washington Post. The Wall ßstreet Journal insists in order to interview it. On Internet it finds situated that they express disdain for the crime-d’.opinione and they want to be organized in order to give them one hand. It does not want neanche to know that what is happening to outside of its traboccante house of books. It does not want neanche to feel to speak about lawyers and laws and complaints. The news of Bergamo has arrived while it waited for the visit of its oncologo, and it has reacted to you with one bitter risata. The Fallaci appears irritateed from much failure. It does not love to speak with the press, it does not go in television, it does not attend nearly nobody, it is not exhibited. It lives alone with its cancer, indeed with its several cancers. “.Apro mouth only when I think a dovere”. to it, brontola with its hard voice. (written I l’.avevo trent’.anni ago and for this had been tried, condemned to four months of jail). He knows, of usual does not appeal to to speak to me through the others, the interviews etc. And patience if, like in the case of the Trilogy, to write when we are much sick it is a true one suicidio”. Beyond that irritateed, the Fallaci appears astonished. It is always astonished when the clamour bursts around to its name, to its person. I even make hard work to make two steps, to bring to me to buy medicines and the Perrier. Job zitta zitta and not dò annoyance to nobody. Stavolta is the Fox News that would want in one study to it of Manhattan to the 6 of the mattino. “.To hell with you”., it answers, quite angry hour. Oriana answers in English and continues in French. En Italie, on punit les victimes ET on acquitte les criminels”. It does not understand, does not want to understand, that a great tried scrittrice in order to have express its opinion in a book is not one news from little. The stranger thing, however, is not this. E’. that cure not to inquire its tormentatori that to provoke this process is just the Muslim who in 2002 asked to eliminate it in name of Allah. “.Perché that Mr. Nessuno does not count null. To the process he will not go “.manco morta”., says categorical. “.No, I will not deign them of my presence. This is one unacceptable, inammissibile, unforgivable cause. Because this is a justice that sentence the victim and acquits the executioner. That indeed to the executioner it allows to carry in judgment the victim. If the sentence will say that the Force of the Reason constitutes crime, the ridicule will fall sull’.intero system giudiziario”. Perhaps, in bottom to the heart, Oriana Fallaci to Bergamo would go to us. I cannot accept them neither, therefore, tacere. But sberla of that merits perdavvero, but a schiaffo moral that it will make you, perhaps, not to return to still cry. It strongly prepares you for one and just punishment: to be put to knot. Not of your apparel like, perhaps, you would have wished (and I say ‘.desiderato inasmuch as of you vien said that you have ‘.l’.utero in the cervello’.). But denudata of your force, of that one your tenuous force that you draw from your despicable ones menzogne. I am in order to inflict one to you punishment. Ugly or beautiful that you are, it prepares to you now therefore for the human punishment. That divine one, very more painful abundant and, you will have it after, opportunely. Smith made to follow four Sure of the Corano: l’.imprimatur that it sealed the sentence. Words that second he are not threats but paradoxical language. Nevertheless, after that promise and that threat, the Viminale determined to assign to the Fallaci one armed supply ventiquattro hours on ventiquattro. Always ready all’.ironia, the Fallaci sees also the side comic of the matter. And it is amused to imagine its I re-enter in Italy after the sentence. And in according to case, they would be in cell with me or not. To seem mine, in cell with me they would have starci. The minister Pisanu has to us as soon as said that in Italy the half of the prison population is composed from he immigrates to you. And we know well that the majority of immigrates to you is muslim. Someone could want to me to kill in prison, yes or not. Let alone “.una hurt a.morte, shaking and drunk wild beast of a deep unexplored, mysterious pain, stantio, never dimenticato”. Let alone one woman “.affetta from one pathological aversion and idrofoba”. and from “.isterismo razzistico”. Let alone “.una ugly woman, ugly yes, but than more ugly physically, that is gives outside, is sure ugly within. Let alone one “.brutta woman, ugly in all the sensi”. and from the “.miserevole intellectual level and civico”. Let alone “.romanziere of very small categoria”. and a person who has subìto “.in tender age, a serious one trauma psichico”. Such to cause “.un chronic disorder psichico”. Let alone one “.povera zitella”. victim of a “.repressione sessuale”. that he loves to write with “.linguaggio used generally from the peripatetiche”. Citing one struck of the Fallaci, I-of-coglioni-of-have-more-of-you, Smith he wrote: “.Quello that he asserts it is anatomically impossible. less than. But l’.uomo of the cadaverino he describes Edoardo like a “.padre that he brutally strikes the figlia”. Let alone like “.un catholic neurotic, worthy son dell’.Inquisizione”. Let alone “.un father incapable to transmit affection to the figlie”. L’.udienza is fixed for the next year. In the meantime, but, there will be the process of Bergamo. One to one, the Fallaci rilegge to them with me. And she retort: “.Non I understand if this phrase is removed from Rabbia and L’.Orgoglio or the Force of the Reason. I repeat, and I will continue to repeat it until I will that is have a breath thread until the morte”. The second one says: The happened terroristic attacks in the last ones vent’.anni have provoked seimila died to Gloria of the Corano, in obedience to its verses. And she retort: “.Questa is one phrase illicit constructed on the second page of understood it the Eight de Force of the Reason. Illicit constructed in reassumed how much on twelve lines of page 188. Reassumed in altered awkward way and therefore, falsata, betrayed. What therefore scorretta, indeed illegal. Falsata and betrayed from the judge or the journalists whom l’.hanno composed on the words chosen from the judge. My book says: “.….Soltanto from the Intifada Second gear, that is from the end of 2000 today, thousand Israelis. Sicché, making the sums and excluding the victims of years Seventy, is arrived to beyond seimila died in little more than vent’.anni. Died to Gloria of the Corano, in obedience to its Sure, its Verses. Bè, the censured, depurata version I do not know from who, indigna to me. But the twelve lines originate them that I have hardly read I repeat to them and I will continue to repeat them until I will have a breath thread, until the morte”. Third it says: Our Jesus di Nazareth. ce they put it in their Djanna to eat like a Trimalcione, drink like a ubriacone, to sweep like a maniaco sexual. And she retort: “.Anche this citation is incomplete. They are they that they offend our religion. They are they that they offend the Christians. They and who proceeded a person who in its book has emphasized one they indecenza. However also this phrase appeals to to me, I repeat it and I will repeat it until I will that is have a breath thread until the morte”. Possible that only to Bergamo not if of they are shrewed. I will repeat until I will that is have a breath thread until the morte”. L’.ultima says: The war that l’.Islam has declared all’.Occidente. Their scope is not to fill up the cimiteri.dovremmo to deliver us to the giogo of a creed that to the dell’.amore place seeds l’.odio and in place of the freedom the slavery. And she retort: “.Questo is a rozzo, brazen, dishonest mosaic composed on ventotto lines very removed dall’.Epilogo of the Force of the Reason. Because to storpiare the thought or the reasoning of a person, to piluccare a word here and a word here, to sew all with the puntolini, it is illegittimo. Contrary to every moral and intellectual decency. A war, would say Tocqueville, that before our body it wants to hit our spirit. Our way of life, our philosophy of the life. Our way to think, to act, to love, our freedom. It does not make you to draw in deceit from theirs I exploded to you. The terrorists, the kamikaze, do not only kill us for the taste to kill to us. In order to intimidate to us, to tire to us, to discourage to us, to blackmail to us. Their scope is not to fill up cemetaries. It is not to destroy our skyscrapers, our Towers of Pisa, our Tour Eiffel, our Cathedral, our David di Michelangelo. E’. to destroy our spirit, our ideas, our feelings, our dreams. And the true dell’.Occidente face is not l’.America: it is l’.Europa. Also being dall’.Occidente NATO, also being l’.altro dell’.Occidente, l’.America face it is not l’.Occidente that l’.Islam it wants to soggiogare. Without to hesitate I will repeat it until I will have a breath thread that is until death. Therefore, also tortured cripple and, I accept it. Scoperchieranno mine tomba, will destroy the lapide as they make the naziskin in the cemetaries of the Hebrew. A coffin white woman and a bell Are l’.ultimo travel Oriana Fallaci come buried stamattina, in un’.ora imprecisata, from the 10 in then. I confirm: I will give back my Fiorino d’.Oro». From public square Independence, where friday is died all’.1. Fuor di Roman Porta, around to the 11 will play one bell. Indeed, the great bell of the church of Sant’.Ilario, the old parish of Oriana and above all of its Tosca mother, much devout person. The Anger wrote some and l’.Orgoglio: «.La the first music that I have heard having come the world has been music of the campane». A sturdy service of police will avoid contacts with journalists and television cameras. And it is an other important dowel of the last will of the scrittrice: not one photo, not one television sequence of its interment. Yesterday a particular one is uncovered that it reveals other angles of its character. It is true, to the Bay ones are buried its parents with the Neera sister, difficult to imagine one various inumazione. And in fact the word «.atea». camps on the card rested on the administrative writing desk, to the voice «.religione professata». Oriana Fallaci, insomma, will share the earth also with some faithfuls of that creed with which hardly it has been confronted in the last years. Difficult to say it but they are all, com’.è previewed from the ritual Muslim, buried with the head turned towards the Mecca. Not in the earth knot because the Italian law prohibits it. Confirmation l’.imam of Florence, Azzdine Hezir: «.È true, to the Bay ones there are faithful dell’.islam. The Sharia, our law, concurs, in case of emergency, tumulare the believers in areas not dedicated. It is sufficient that they are respects dictates me of the ritual Muslim to you ». Martial the Mario shepherdesses, of the committee that on behalf manages the cemetary of the consortium, remember only the rules dictated from the ritual protestant. Also the earth is not consecrated, like in the catholic cemetaries: «.La earth is earth and is good what because all that that comes from the fingers of God is buono». Continuous Florence to participate silent, but also a po’. distaccata. Sure, yesterday the bunch of flowers is multiplies to you, in the afternoon was becomes to you a hundred. But the little fiorentini have come to the spicciolata one, stopping hardly little moments in front of the clinical one. Perhaps, goodness knows, to she that it disliked the rhetorical over every thing would be piaciuto therefore. Some dedication: «.La anger and the pain in order to have to you lost l’.orgoglio to have loved, read to you and condivisa». L’.ultimo desire of the scrittrice, says, was that one see again the sea. Here under clinical c’.è but the white man and the red one of many roses. Oriana and the dead women: «.E’. a ladra that it is not strange to you mai». It is impossible to say how many times Oriana Fallaci has met the dead women, before following it l’.altra night. Probably it would not have known to calculate it. «.La died it is a ladra that she never does not introduce herself of sorpresa». had written in the novel a man, dedicated to Alexander Panagulis. «.La died species of scent is always announced with one, impalpabili, silent perceptions rumori». It is impossible to say when it had feels them for before the time. «.Sono always be obsessed dall’.idea of the dead women —.raccontava —., but not of the mia». But also that time she did not feel to die, thought to remain cripple or paralyzed. In war it had had fear, swore: «.Ma to be brave it does not mean not to have fear. It means to make the things in spite of the paura». And it hated the dead women, with all if same: it repeated in the interviews, wrote it in its books. Goodness knows because it never did not discover it. And I asked who I was the creature died under the sheet: a man, one woman, a young person, an old one. I asked myself which it was its history to tell. Va’. all’.inferno the kidneys, l’.intestino, the boneses. I wanted to be the journalist of that dead man, not the medico». It is impossible also to measure I furrow secret that ognuna of those existence, extinguished in front of its eyes, has dug in its spirit. Because it probably did not know of having un’.anima vulnerable, and if she knew it would not have never intentional to show it. One announced that the uncle, from she a lot loved, was dying, was deprived of hope, did not know if it would have arrived in tempo». Not its dead women, that one of the others. That one of Panagulis, that one of its mother, little months after, that one of its Neera sister, that one of its father. L’.ossessione grew, s’.ingigantiva and perhaps yes, new enemy began to become one: «.Io the dead women of the loved creatures I did not know it. And only after to have known it I have understood those that it meant AnnaMagnani. Yes, when it said to me: "the dead women would not have to exist. But because we would have to die from the moment that we are been born." And I answered to them: "He exists, must exist, just because we are born. Anna, begins itself to die when she is born herself. I did not understand how much had ragione». But it has corrected it: «.Sarebbe more just to ask to me: but to you dispiace to die. Because the life is beautiful also when it is brutta». At least those six years them alive, I remove the curiosity to see the sun, the green, l’.azzurro, to smell the life ". All, also the pain more infame is better of the null one. Nobody would be never successful to make to confess them the terror, or at least l’.apprensione that every to be living nutre for the trapasso, for the return to that null. It recognized to the maximum a po’. of it envies, than it is not a beautiful feeling, but its nobility acquires one if it is addressed to who believes that, after, not c’.è the empty one, but un’.altra light. The dead women are the buio »., to the eyes of Oriana, the black dominion of an absolute power. Elei always has been struck with the power. But it has always admitted some also it are charmed. «.V’.è magical un’.attrazione in the tragedy —. wrote in Nothing and therefore is —., in the risk, the challenge to the dead women. And its aspects more macabri do not succeed to cancel the fascination that it exercises on te». He was too much simple to liquidate the buio like l’.assenza of light, the dead women like the contrary of the life. It had to leave from the principle: «.E the life, cos’.è.». a child had asked, before that it went to try one answer in Vietnam. «.È the same one: the stage you can cross it more or less to the svelta. It does not count the time that you put to us, counts the way in which it crosses it, L’.importante, therefore, it is to cross it bene». And like its father, in 1988: «.Babbo, than brave man six. Four years after, Oriana Fallaci recognizes marks them unmistakable, «.quella species of scent, impalpabili, silent perceptions rumori». around she: he is he, «.l’.alieno, and it is within of me». «.Stanotte I have known that c’.eri»., it was l’.incipit of Letter to a child never been born. New life spoke dell’.inizio about one: «.Una drop of life scappata from the nulla». It had changed the chosen end from Panagulis: where six were read «.Tu died. Perhaps I die anch’.io»., she had rewritten «.Ora I die anch’.io». They are l’.incomprensione and l’.ira that today they are pulled down on Benedict XVI. In order to have that is ribadito —. oh which inaudita sconvenienza for a catholic pontefice. A culture that, giving nearly to see not to know to answer in other way, endured threat, demands repentances, assaults and promises died. There are challenges —. today remembers us l’.antica courier of Justice and Liberty Oriana Fallaci —. to which c’.è one single possible and reasonable answer: «.non mollare». Paul Granzotto is piemontese, as Lorenzo Of the Boca. But intellectual honesty and nobilities of mind do not have sure territorial or "genetic" borders. And then: Granzotto writes on the Newspaper, newspaper of right of property of the family Berlusconi. Hush and the embarrassment of the left Italian on this argument is for me still inexplicable. But as it is famous, it has resolved its financial problems with one shining expansionistic politics. Who has invented celebre the definition of "preventive war", is verosimilmente contrary or perlomeno skeptical on the peace. Hour draft instead understanding who is for the peace, to prescind from religion, race, nationality, etc. And it is therefore to my opinion that must be read the words of the Pope to Regensburg. Cultured words and ricercatissime, one digressione indeed much high one. Benedict XVI ripone its deeper hope in the reason human, and rifà explicitly to the Greek culture. Then he cites that phrase of emperor bizantino Paleologo who has triggered many controversies. Phrase, but, than the Pope it at all does not say to share. The emperor, after is itself pronounced in heavy way therefore, then explains meticulously the reasons for which the spread of the faith by means of the violence he is unreasonable what. The violence is in contrast with the nature of God and the nature of the spirit. "God does not feel sorry itself of the blood - it says -, not to act according to reason, „.??̀.? ????”., it is contrary to the nature of God. The faith is fruit of the spirit, not of the body. Moreover, from the official official notice yesterday with respect to the displeasure of the Pope for the fraintendimento of its words, we read:. They try also to submit themselves with all the heart to decree hidden of God, as Abramo has been submitted, to which the faith Muslim gladly refers. Moreover they attend the day of the judgment when God ricompenserà all the men risuscita to you. Therefore also they have in esteem the moral life and render cult to God above all with the prayer, the elemosine and the fast ". The question of the Pope is also mine:. And they are convinced that a true Muslim cannot make other that to raise the hand and to answer "I". But I am not deceived: therefore as they exist (sedicenti) Christian, Hebrew, atheists etc who are evidently or subdolamente for the war, in the same way in the immense world Muslim exist various personages who are. The only thing that remains to make, beyond possibly avoiding their crews, is to continue to converse in frank and rispettoso way. And, for who it has faith, to pray very. After London the enemy that we deal from friend Europe in war the enemy ce has it in house. And Churchill said: we will pour tears and blood. Hour they ask to me: «.Che what says, that what has to say, on what has happened to London. Me they ask voice, for fax, email, often reproaching to me because finoggi they are remained zitta. Nearly that mine Hush it had been a tradimento. And every time I shake the head, mormoro to same me: cos' other I must say. They are quattr' years that I say. That I hurl myself against the decided Monster to eliminate to us physically and with to our bodies destroying to ours principii and our values. They are quattr' years that I speak about nazism Muslim, of war to the West, cult of the dead women, of suicide of Europe. An Europe that is not more Europe but Eurabia and that with its mollezza, its inertia, its blindness, its enslavement to the enemy is digging the own one tomba. That through the doors opened wide receive the new troops and they join the accomplices you march in squads. That as nell' Apocalypse dell' evangelista Giovanni throws ai its feet and they let to imprimere the brand della shame. I continued with «.La Force of the Ragione». I continued with «.Oriana Fallaci interview himself stessa». and with «.L' Apocalisse». And between one and the other foretells it «.Sveglia, the West, sveglia». The books, the ideas, for which in France they tried to me in 2002 with the accusation of racism-religious and xenofobia. For which in Switzerland they asked our attorney general my extradition in throttles. For which in Italy I will come that is tried with the accusation of vilipendio to the Islam opinion crime. (Crime that previews three years of jail, how many of it does not receive the Muslim surprised with the explosive in wine cellar). That is with to the defenseless people savio and who in theirs salotti come defined from the radical-chic ones «.plebaglia-of-destra». War-On the credit side The West, Culto-della-Morte, Suicidio-dell' Europe, Sveglia-Italia-Sveglia. One city basement, equal to the Beirut invaded from Arafat in years Seventy. Yes, it is true: hour also the collaborazionisti and the imam express their hypocritical sentences, theirs mendaci esecrazioni, their false solidarity with the relatives of the victims. , it is true: hour strict searchs in the houses of the Muslims are made inquire, are arrested to you suspect to you, are even decided to us to expel them. From the antiAmericanism to the antioccidentalismo to the filoislamismo, all continuous like before. 11 mondays July cioé four days after the massacre the Times have published in the page of the comments the vignetta more dishonest and unjust ch' I have never seen. That one where beside a kamikaze with the bomb an Anglo-American general with an identical bomb looks at itself. Identical in the shape and the measure. On the bomb, the written one: «.Killer indiscriminate and directed to the centers urbani». On the vignetta, the title it: «.Spot the difference, it tries the differenza». And that in practical it attributed the guilt of all to Bush. The-criminal, Più-grande-criminale-della-Storia, George W. If us it had not been the war in Iraq. (Giovanotta, the 11 september the war in Iraq not was. The 11 september the war ce has it declared they. And at the same time I have read on Republic an article where it was supported that the attack to the subway of London has not been an attack to the West. E' be an attack that the sons of Allah have made against the own ghosts. Against the Islam «.lussurioso». (I suppose that it wants to say «.occidentalizzato».) and the Christianity «.secolarizzato». Against the indù and the-magnificent-variety-that-Allah-have-created pacifists. In fact, he explained, in England the Muslims are two million and in the metropolitan of London not-find-a-English-not even-to-pagarlo-gold. All with the long beard and the djellabah. If-there-find-a-blond woman-with-the-eye-blue-he is -a-circassa». In the photographies of the wounded I do not notice neither turbans neither kefiah, neither long beards neither djellabah. I see only English like English who in the Second World war died under the nazi strafings. And reading the names of the dispersed ones I see all Phil Russell, Adrian Johnson, Miriam Hyman, plus some German or Italian or Japanese. Of Arabic names, finoggi, I have only seen that one of one young woman who called Shahara Akter Islam). He continues also the fandonia of the Islam «.moderato»., the commedia of the tolerance, the lie of integration, the farce of the pluriculturalismo. He is worth to say of the mosques that they demand and that we construct to it. In the course of a debate on the terrorism, to the communal council of Florence 11 mondays July the group leader diessino has declared: «.E' hour that also to Florence is one moschea». Province of the diessina Siena and of its I spin-diessino Mount of the Paschi, already the bank of the Pci and hour of the Ds. The group leader of the Daisy has said itself quite favorable. Worse still: the Political Correctness of the always ready magistrates continues to send in jail me and while to acquit the sons of Allah. To prohibit of the expulsion, to cancel of (rare) the heavy sentences, let alone to torment the police officers or the policemen who with they great displeasure arrest them. Milan, afternoon of the 8 July cioé the day after the massacre of London. Quarantaduenne the Mohammed Siliman Sabri Saadi, Egyptian and clandestine, come picked without ticket on the bus of line 54. In order to carry out the fine the two controllers make it to come down and come down with he. They ask a document, he reacts engaging one colluttazione. Of it he hurts one that will end to the hospital, scappa losing the passport, but Flying finds again it and it blocks it. The policemen answer to them mrs.-there-lasci-to work, and then she allonge an identity card from which he turns out that she is a magistrate. Sicché a po' imbarazzati some takes action then carries Mohammed in police headquarters here and.) and fortune teller who is the mrs. all stizzita because they had handcuffed like wants it the praxis. Yes, just that one that the lively Borghezio union member defined «.una shame for Milan and the magistratura». And fortune teller who also today praises it, defends, declares it have-fact-very well. The fable continues also that the Islam is a peace religion, than the Corano foretells misericordia and the love and the mercy. Like if Maometto had come to the world with a ramoscello of ulivo in mouth and were died crocifisso with to Jesus. The frottola of the Islam continues also victim-dell' the West. Like if arriving until Vienna and putting it under I besiege they had been the nuns of sant' Ambrogio and the monache Benedictine. The swindle or the illusion of the Moderate Islam continues also. With this, the attempt makes us to believe that the enemy is constituted from a meager alive minority and that that meager minority in far countries. Bé, the enemy is not at all a meager minority. Ce we had it in house the 11 september of the 2001 cioé to New York. Ce we had it in house 11 March of the 2004 cioé to Madrid. Ce we had it in house the 7 past July cioé to London where the kamikaze it identifies to you were been born and grown. Ce we have it in house give beyond trent' years, perdio. And he is an enemy who to eye blow does not seem an enemy. Without the beard, dressed to the western one, and second its accomplices in good or malafede perfect-inserted-nel-our-arrange-social. That however it hates to us and despises to us with intensity. Such intensity that would come spontaneous gridargli: if therefore ugly, therefore we are catti to you, therefore peccaminosi, because not you of lathes to house yours. In order to cut the throat or it blows up to us us. An enemy, moreover, than in name of the umanitarismo and the political asylum (but which political asylum, which political reasons.) we receive to migliaia for time even if the Centers of Acceptance overflow, they burst, and more is not known where to put it. An enemy who in name of the «.necessità». (but which necessity, the necessity to fill up the roads with the pedlars and the drug dealers.) we invite also through Constitutional Mount Olympus. An enemy who in order to give birth does not have need of assisted procreazione, of the staminali cells. Its rate natality is therefore high that according to the National Council Intelligence to the end of this year the muslim population in Eurabia will turn out doubled. An enemy who the mosques transforms to them in barracks, in fields of training, centers of recruitment for the terrorists, and that he obeys blind to imam (but the troubles if arrests the imam. Worse still, if some agent of the Cia you removes from the feet with the tacit consent of our intelligence agencies). He can be a terrorist who moves itself in order to organize or to materialize a slaughter, can have I lean all the explosive that he wants: nobody the firm one, nobody touches it. All things that it obtains without difficulty. That it announces publicly the pig from the caterings of the schools, the factories, the prisons. That he assaults the master or the preside because a well educated scholar has kindly offered to the muslim companion of class the frittella of rice to the marsala cioé «.col liquore». An enemy whom in the asylums he wants to abolish indeed abolishes the Manger and Father Born them. That the crocifisso he removes it from the classrooms, down throws it from the windows of the hospitals, it defines it «.un cadaverino ignudo and put lì in order to scare the children musulmani». (I speak, s' means, of the Arab with the Italian citizenship that it has denounced to me for vilipendio to the Islam. An enemy who in England s' imbottisce the explosive shoes waves to blow up the jumbo of the Paris-Miami flight. (I speak, s' means, of the Arab with the English citizenship that for pure miracle pecked on the American Airlines). The enemy, finally, for which he finds always ready a clement magistrate cioé to scarcerarlo. And that the eurobei governments (ndr: not draft of a typographical error, I want just to say not European eurobei) do not expel neanche if it is clandestine. The speech continues also on the Dialogue of the two Civilizations. And you open sky if you ask which is the other civilization, what is of civilian in a civilization that does not know neanche meant of the word the freedom. That for freedom, hurryya, it means «.emancipazione from the schiavitù». That the word hurryya only coined it to the end of the 1800's for being able to sign a treaty trades them. That in the democracy he sees Satana and fights it with exploded to you, the witness cut. That of the Rights of the Man from we many strombazzati and towards the Muslims scrupulously apply do not want neanche to feel some to you to speak. In fact he refuses to underwrite the Paper of the Human Rights compiled from the UN and he replaces it with the Paper of the Human Rights compiled from the Arabic Conference. You open sky even if you ask that what is of civilian in one civilization that draft the women like the draft. And the Corano is incompatible with the Freedom, is incompatible with the Democracy, is incompatible with the Human Rights. Let alone for istigazione to the homicide. Those also inflict me three years of confinement that the Italian magistrates do not inflict to the terrorist Muslims do not peck to you with the explosive in wine cellar. Until I will have a breath thread I will repeat that that I have written in my books and that I rewrite here. Therefore figures if I make to intimidate from She that it straight denies the constitutional one to me to think and to express my opinion. But, before the process, a curiosity me must remove. (As far as you, getlteman of the Parliament, congratulations in order to have rejected the proposal of the attorney general: to abolish the opinion crime. And particular congratulations to the member of parliament of National Alliance that beyond having managed that refusal has asked to abolish the crime of apology of the fascismo). The indulgence continues also that the Catholic Church (of the rest the greater sostenitrice of the Dialogue) professa in the cares of the Islam. Will continues cioé its irreducible irremovibile to emphasize «.comune the spiritual patrimony supplied to us from the three great religions monoteistiche». That Christian, that Jewish one, that Muslim. All and three based on the concept of the Only God, all and three inspired from Abramo. The good Abramo that in order to obey to God was in order to sgozzare its child like a lamb. Allah does not have null in common with the God of the Christianity. With the God father, the good God, the affectionate God that foretells the love and the forgiveness. The God that in the men sees its sons. Allah is a God landladies, a tyrannous God. A God that in the men sees its sudditi indeed its slaves. A God that instead of the love standard hatred, than through the Corano calls dogs-infedeli those who believes in an other God and orders to punish them. Therefore like it is made to slowly put on same the Christianity and the islamismo, like it is made to honor in egual way Jesus and Maometto. Enough indeed the matter of the Only God in order to establish one concord of concepts, principii, values. And this is the point that in the immutata truth of the after-massacre of London perhaps upsets me more. A malanno that first of all sight to the destruction of the Christianity. Where the Christians came eliminate to you (come eliminate to you) to million. Because tacesse on Saudi Arabia where people with a Bible in hand or a spreader to the neck were () are dealt like feccia executing. Those Hush I have still today not understood it and Naturalmente I understand that the philosophy of the Catholic Church is based on the ecumenismo and the Love-the-enemy-yours-as-you-same comandamento. That one of fundamental its principii is at least theoretically the forgiveness, the sacrifice of porgere the other cheek. (Sacrifice that refusal not only for pride that is for my way to mean the dignity, but because I think an incentive to it to the Evil of who makes of the evil). But the principle of self-defense indeed of the legitimate defense exists also, and if mistake the Catholic Church you has not made rerun more times. Carl Hammer rejected the muslim invaders raising the crocifisso. Isabella of Castile hunted them from Spain making the same one. And to Lepanto there were also the papal troops. And if those catholics had not applied the principle of self-defense, of the legitimate defense, today also we would carry the burka or the jalabah. Also we would call the little survivors dogs-infedeli. Also we would saw the head to it with the knife halal. And the basilica of Saint Peter would be one mosque like the church of Sofia Saint to Istanbul. Worse: in Vatican there would be Bin Laden and Zarkawi. Therefore, when three days after a new massacre Pope Ratzinger it has thrown again the topic of the Dialogue, they are remained of pebble. Holiness, speaks a person to Them who admires It very. That it wants well to Them, that gives reason to Them on a heap of things. That because of this comes mocked with the nicknames atheist-devout person, lay-bigot, liberal-clericale. A person, moreover, that she understands politics and its necessities. That she comprises the dramas of the leadership and its compromises. That she admires the intransigence of the faith and respects the renunciations or the prodigalità to which it forces. She indeed believes that they can change, to ravvedersi, to stop to seed bombs. It is a man much erudite, Holiness. She explains to me therefore: when never in the course of their history, a history that hard from millequattrocento years, is changes to you and they are ravveduti. Oh, neanche we have been and are stinchi of saint: of agreement. Inquisizioni, defenestrations, executions, wars, infamies of every type. Let alone guelfi and Ghibellines not to end. And in order to judge to us strictly enough to think next to those that we have arranged sixty years ago with the Holocaust. But then we have put a little judgment, perbacco. We have given a thought and if other in name of the decency we are not a po' he improves to you. The Catholic Church has had carried out historical, Holiness. To a sure point the choice has been remembered that Christ preached the Reason, therefore, therefore the Good, therefore the Freedom, and has stopped of tiranneggiare. Or to force it to only paint Cristi and Madonne. Thanks to men of prim' order, along directory of which It makes part, have given one hand to the democracy. And today it speaks with the types like me. Them chip ax and lungi burning them you live (I I never do not forget that until four centuries ago the Sant' Uffizio he would have sent me to the rogo) of it respects the ideas. Ergo with they cannot be conversed. And that does not mean ch' I wants to promote a war of religion, one Crossed, a witch hunt, as they support mentecatti and the cialtroni. Being religious, we do not figure ourselves if I want to urge to the wars of religion and the Crusades. Being considered a witch, a heretical one, from the same laici and the same ones liberals, we figure ourselves if I want to ignite one witch hunt. That means, simply, that to be deceived on they it is against reason. Against the Life, the same survival, and sure troubles to concedergli familiarità. The massacre will indeed touch also we, the next time will indeed touch we. Also this I say it from four years. And I add: they have not still attacked us in how much had need of the landing-zones, of the bridgehead, the comfortable outpost that calls Italy. Comfortable geographically because it is more close to the Middle East and Africa that is to the countries that supply the large one of the troop. Comfortable strategically because to that troop we offer to buonismo and collaborazionismo, coglioneria and viltà. To the Qaeda it will hit to you presto». Al-Faqih has said adding that the attack to Italy is the more logical thing of the world. The ring is not Italy more weak person of the composed chain from allies to you in Iraq. A ring that comes endured after Spain and that it has been preceded from London for pure convenience. And then: «.Bin Laden remembers the words of the Prophet well. You-force-the-Roman-alla-yield. And it wants to force Italy to abandon the alliance with the America». Many Italians still do not believe to us. Or as the scriteriati ones which the dead women seem a misfortune that regards the others and enough. In the case worse, a misfortune that will hit them for last. Worse: they believe that for scansarla pack-saddles to that is make clever leccarle the feet. A fear that induces them to accommodate the enemy docilely, to try to conquer of the sympathy, to hope that lasci to become lean itself while he is he that it wants to absorb. This without to count our habit to being invaded, humiliates to you, betrayed. As I say in the «.Apocalisse»., the habit generates giving up. Inertia generates indifference, and beyond preventing to the moral judgment indifference that is soffoca the self-defense instinct the instinct that it induces to strike itself. Usciranno yes from lack of appetite, inertia, indifference. They will believe to us yes to announcements of Saad al-Faqih and to explicit, the clear ones, you specify warnings pronounces to you from Bin Laden and Company. They will avoid to take the trains of the basement. (But Theo van Gogh was killed while it was moved in bicycle). They will less trust a po' the clandestine that sells it the drug or the house cleans up it. Perhaps Rinunceranno also to the litanie on the Travels of the Hope, and will realize that in order not to lose the Freedom to times it must sacrifice a little freedom. That self-defense is legitimate defense and the legitimate defense is not one barbarisms. Perhaps grideranno quite that the Fallaci had reason, than did not deserve of being dealt like one delinquent. But then they will resume to deal like one delinquent to me. To they give me of retrograde xenofoba racist etc. And when the attack comes, udiremo the customary scemenze. Guilt-degli-Americans, guilt-of-Bush. When it comes, as that attack will happen. They are not a Cassandra, are not one profetessa. They are only a citizen who reasons and reasoning he previews things that according to logic they will happen. But that every time hopes to mistake itself and, when they happen, is cursed in order not to have mistaken. However R-with regard to the attack against Italy I fear two things: the NATO them and the elections. Their attacks are not colpacci rozzi, rough. They are crimes refines to you, very it calculates to you and very it prepares to you. To prepare itself demands time and to Been born them creed that will not be ready. But they will be ready for the elections of 2006. The elections that they want to see won from the pacifism to only sense. And from we, I fear, will not be pleased to massacre people. Because that one is an intelligent Monster, informed, beloveds mine. A Monster that (to our expenses) has studied in the university, in the rinomati colleges, the schools of lusso. (With the moneies of the parent sheik or honest laborer). A Monster that s' does not only mean of dynamics, chemistry, physics, of airplane and trains and metropolita some: s' it means also of Art. The art that theirs presumed Faro-di-Civiltà it has not never known to produce. And task that with to people from we they want to massacre also some work of art. That it wants to blow up us the Dome of Milan or the Basilica of Saint Peter. That it wants to blow up us the David di Michelangelo, the Uffizi and Old Palace to Florence, or the Palace of the Dogi to Venice. That it wants to blow up us the Tower of Pisa, monument known in every angle of the world and therefore much more famous of the two Twin Towers. But we cannot scappare or raise flag white woman. We can face the monster with honor, courage, and only remember those that Churchill said to English when come down in war against nazism of Hitler. Oh, yes: also we will pour tears and blood. We are in war: we want to put it in head, yes or not. Concluded therefore also four years ago, on this newspaper. If he has gone some like had lived in the last ones vent’.anni, once left the active journalism. In solitudine, having the world in large dispetto, analogous to un’.altra great protagonist of the 1900's, Greta Garbo. Mal’.ossessiva, defended maniacale of the own privatezza was not, for she, a vezzo. In rare and the more and more sporadic ones amicizie—.come, creed, in amore—. had tried a shelter to the shyness, one protection to the vulnerability, a support all’.insicurezza. It gave, with controlled pudicizia, much more than how much us complex personality could be waited for from one therefore and a manifestly ipertrofico Ego. But it expected very many, with greedy exclusivism, remaining constantly on the crinale of the breach. That it was for she the last measure of own independence, the way of escape from the compromise that involves l’.accettazione dell’.altro. We have been friends for trent’.anni. C’.eravamo known along the corridors of the Courier of the Evening in the years in which I was correspondent from Moscow. Then there were reviews to Beijing where, in the meantime, I had moved myself and it had arrived in order to interview Deng Xiaoping. Finally, from director, I had asked to them to resume its collaboration to the Courier. And our friendship ulteriorly had consolidated in the years succeeded to you. Accustomed to take the chest life, badly sopportava, but, my inclination to ironize on all. That that for meè disincanto, for she was disengagement. Oriana beloved, I know already that, from where six, you will send the devil. But this memory of our friendship and yours caratteraccio you I had. And that in the day of the goodbye confirmation like a fact data with which, piaccia or less, all we must make the accounts. The Muslims who Oriana had known belonged to the conflict truths of the Middle East. But, more or less in the last decade, the relationship of Oriana with the Muslims was mediated from the mass medium, the television sequences and the journalistic reports. The point weak person, that it is to contempo the crucial point, of the thought of Oriana, is the absence of the direct acquaintance and from the inside of the «.altro». Here because the vision of Oriana can turn out absolutely veritiera and consistent today, but al same time could reveal dubbia and faziosa tomorrow. Its photography of the truth odierna is apparently correct and unexceptionable. But an only photogram could be demonstrated, that it could not correspond to the evolution of the events. Its rappresentazione of the disease of the West in the comparisons of the continuous Islam to find a reply objective. Coast seven dollars, but I have a ticket if vuoi». L’.offerta of my companion to the journalism school hit to me because the conference of the Italian scrittrice was endured gone exausted. And then seven dollars bought lunch for one week on Broadway for students and intellectuals bohemien. Quell’.intervista is from then of text in the journalism schools. Taken apart Oriana l’.aveva and ce l’.ha made to see perhaps as it is, like nobody will know never more. and because those trombone of XYancora infected newspapers and those cretino ignoring of YZ still stank with its deep ones. Oriana had the beautifulr room to the sixth dell’.Ufficio plan Rizzoli of the Cinquantasettesima road, the way more intellectual than New York. Great glasses, great table, a secretary or a secretary that lasted little weeks, because Oriana consumed them to urla, orders, prayers, seducendo them, fascinating them, instrucing them. One of they is writing a book, hurriedly. It will say that Oriana was, also, generous. He knew that in Italy the decreed «.low brow»., popular critic l’.aveva, disliked its writing. And it is not true that he did not import to them, indeed: confirmation was worried and asked and it interrogated itself because, it that he was largest, did not receive praises nell’.accademia. Not: Oriana asked, like the true talents, confirmation of himself, to the simple ones, debuttanti. To the Rizzoli it was not a company, was a myth. The manager they had to call it and to make antechamber, the directors to pray for one telephone call. When I arrived sended from Stille in the old office in front of the station, not c’.era not even a bugigattolo, old history of nonnismo. I saw but one full room of largees box, with one wonderful window in front of the bridge sull’.East River. Churches to move the cases in the ripostiglio but intimarono me not to make it «.Questo are the warehouse of Fallaci». «.Sei morto». said all, but Oriana did not have null of piccino, null. And during the first Gulf War, it saw that we studied on the great papers dell’.esercito, Kuwait and Iraq. Taken to pass every afternoon in order to calculate with we you arm, strategies, passages. Then if of it it went to the invisibile forehead and it made l’.unico scoop of the conflict, a flight on a reconnaissance aircraft. But all’.ufficiale that had promised front line to them and it betrayed it reserved a Oriana treatment: tempestando of fists and blows of heel the door d’.hotel of the fedifrago. Oriana considered one woman of left, left fallaciana, democratic, fallaciana tendency. The inorgogliva the clandestine popolarità in Iran, she that now it was persuaded of falling under the fire Muslim. «.Oriana Fallaci, scrittrice and provocatrice». tito it today the New York Times that a lot made it to worry. You dared to say rests in Oriana peace fulminerebbe to me, like when I tried to say them not to believe to the anger against emigrating. Better to say churns, provokes Oriana to you, for l’.eternità that you feared and dreams to you to Manhattan in the nights alone on the Upper East Side. Fallaci: tomorrow the esequie, the salute from the Iran FLORENCE - the reformist newspapers Iranians greet Oriana Fallaci from the first page, like one of the journalists and scrittrici piu' loved in the Republic Muslim. In articles reference is made also, but without some comment, to the positions against the fondamentalismo Muslim supported from the scrittrice. The buried Fallaci sara' in tomba of family between the cypresses and the tombe nineteenth-century of the cemetary of the Bay ones to the Galluzzo, the doors of Florence. The cemetary that it does not accommodate alone tombe catholic, but also orthodox, evangeliche and atheists. The esequie would have tomorrow to be morning, with this extraordinary one written, break off Hush of a decade. Our celebre more scrittrice (it says writer and the word does not pronounce more journalist), lives good part of the year to Manhattan. Oriana Fallaci, with this extraordinary one written, breaks off Hush of a decade. Our celebre more scrittrice (it says writer and the word does not pronounce more journalist), lives good part of the year to Manhattan. It does not answer to the telephone, opens the door of I shave, exits much less. All have tried to us, nobody are successful. The shock wave of that morning of the 11 quiet september has upset also the watertight eremitica and of Oriana. It opens the door, unusual gesture of which seems to be astonished. Oriana all over the world works from years to a work a lot important and attended, between document batteries, in a single disorder appearing, with war fervor. I had asked to write what it had seen, tried, felt after that tuesday and Oriana has collected on some sheets emotions, thoughts. «.Su every experience I leave brandelli of anima»., had written some year ago. On the America, Italy, the world Muslim. On the Native land (amazing those that says on the Native land). Invectives and theses that in the same time gush out from the brain and the heart, or better from the brain through the heart. «.Qualcuno these things had to say them. You ask me to break off at least stavolta Hush that I have chosen, than from years I prevail myself in order not mischiarmi to the cicale. Because I have known that also in Italy some gioiscono like the other evening to the gioivano Tv the Palestinian of Gaza. Admitted that who makes one similar what can be defined man, woman, child. To the Americans it she is bene». And they are a lot a lot, much angry one. Angry of a cold anger, it polishes, it rations them. An anger that eliminates every separation, every indulgence. That it orders me of rispondergli and first of all of sputargli I lean. Angry like me, the Afro-American poet Mayan Angelou yesterday has roar: «.Be angry. But I know that it will not do good they, I mean to say who admires the Usama Bin Laden, to who understanding or sympathy or solidarity express it. You have ignited a detonator that gives time too much has wants to burst, with your demand. You ask also to tell to me as it I have lived, this Apocalypse. I was to New York, perbacco, in a wonderful one mattino of september, year 2001. But the feeling has continued to possess to me, inexplicable, and then I have made that that to the mattino I never do not make. And on every channel, of channels ve of they are nearly hundreds here, you saw a tower of the World Trade Center that burnt like a gigantic match. Nearly paralyzed son remained to fix it and while I fixed it, while I placed those three questions, on the screen is appeared an airplane. Flying lowest one headed towards the second tower like a bomber that heads at the objective, is thrown on the objective. I have understood also because in the same moment the audio is returned and has transmitted a chorus of urla selvagge.». And the airplane s' is slipped into the second tower like a knife that is threaded within a butter small cake. And not to ask to me that what I have tried during those fifteen minuteren. Also my brain was ice. Not memory not even if sure things I have seen to them on the first tower or the second one. The people who in order not to die burnt live throwed from the windows of the eightieth or ninetieth plans, as an example. They broke off the glasses of the windows, the scavalcavano, they were thrown down as it is thrown to us from an airplane having I lean the parachute, and came down therefore slowly. Churning the legs and the arms, swimming in the air. Towards the thirtieth plans, but, they accelerated. They were put to gesture deprives of hope, I suppose sorry to you, nearly gridassero help-aid-help. You know, I I believed to have seen all to the wars. From the wars I thought myself vaccinateed, and in short it they are. Neanche when I get angry, neanche when me disdain. But to the wars I have always seen people that he dies killed. I have not never seen people to it that she dies that is committing suicide throwing itself without parachute from the windows of a eightieth or ninetieth or hundredth plan. To the wars, moreover, I have always seen roba that it bursts. Those two towers, instead, are not exploded. For the heat s' it is melted just like a butter small cake put on the fire. And all it has happened, or m' it is seemed, in Hush of tomba. There was indeed, those Hush, or was within of me. I must also dirti that to the wars I have always seen a number limited of dead men. Every combat, died two hundred or three hundred. And when the combat is ended, the Americans son puttinges to raccattarli, to count them, I did not believe to my eyes. In the massacre of Mexico City, that one where anch' I pecked myself quite a lot of bullets, of died some collected at least ight hundred. And when believing to me died they scaraventarono to me in the obitorio, the corpses that soon I found again myself around and I lean me seemed a deluge. Bè, in the two towers worked cinquantamila persons nearly. And very little have made in time to evacuate. The ascensori did not work more, obvious, and in order to come down on foot from the last plans it wanted an eternity to us. We will not never know it, the number of the dead men. The Americans will not never say it. In order not to emphasize the intensity of this Apocalypse. In order not to give satisfaction to Usama Bin Laden and to encourage other Apocalypses. And then the two voragini that they have absorbed the tens of migliaia of too much deep creatures son. To the maximum the laborers dissottèrrano pezzettini of limbs scattered. Or a species of mire that seems milled coffee and instead is organic matter. The residual one of the bodies that in a flash polverizzarono. Yesterday Giuliani mayor has sent others diecimila bags. That what I feel for the kamikaze that they are died with they. I that in any case I end always with yielding to the mercy. To me kamikaze that is the types that kill in order to kill the others always have been antipati to us, beginning from those Japanese of the Second World war. And tantomeno I consider them martyrdoms or heroes, as bawling and sputando it salted Mr. Arafat me defined them in 1972. (That is when I interviewed it to Amman, place where its marshals trained also the terrorists of the Baader-Meinhof). Vanesi that instead trying the Gloria through the cinema or politics or the sport tries it in own and other people's the dead women. One died that instead of the Prize Oscar or the ministerial seat or the badge the procurerà one (believes) admiration. And, in the case of that they pray Allah, a place in the Paradise about which the Corano speaks: the Paradise where the heroes sweep the Urì. I bet that they are vanesi also physically. If they were made it to release before to go to die, that photography, and before to go to die they had been from the barber. It watches that beautiful hat cut. That moustaches impomata to you, than leccata small beard, than civettuole sideburns. Goodness knows as it would fry Mr. Arafat to listen to me. You know, between me and it does not run good blood. As far as me, I have not never pardoned it null. Included the fact that an Italian journalist imprudently introduced to he like «.mio amico»., has found again with one handgun aimed against the heart. Because if you better met it of new, or if you granted audience to it, glielo urlerei on the snout who are the martyrdoms and the heroes. Urlerei: illustrious Mr. Arafat, the martyrdoms are the passengers of the four airplane divert to you and transform to you in human bombs. Between of they the child of four years who has disintegrated itself within the second tower. Illustrious Mr. Arafat, the martyrdoms are employ it you that they worked in the two towers and to the Pentagon. Illustrious Mr. Arafat, the martyrdoms are the dead firemen in order to try to save them. They are the passengers of the flight that had to throw on the House White woman and that instead it has crashed in a forest of the Pennsylvania because they son is rebelled to you. For they yes that he would want the Paradise to us, illustrious Mr. Arafat. The trouble is that hour It makes the head of State to perpetuum. It renders visit to the Pope, asserts that the terrorism does not appeal to to them, sends the condolences to Bush. And in its chameleonic ability to contradict, he would be able to answer to me that I have reason. I am much sick woman, he is known, and to speak with the Arafat he comes the fever I prefer to speak to me about the invulnerability that many, in Europe, attributed to the America. More a society is democratic and opened, more it is exposed to the terrorism. And that hour they happen, ingigantiti, in America. Not for null the countries not democratics, govern to you from a police regimen, always have accommodated and financed and help the terrorists. The Soviet Union, the countries satellites of the Soviet Union and Popular China, as an example. In the airports and on the airplane of those countries I always have felt myself sure. Serene like a baby who sleeps. The only thing that I feared was arrested being because I wrote badly of the terrorists. In the airports and on the European airplane, instead, always they are felt me nervosetta. In the airports and on the airplane Americans, quite nervous. And to New York, two times nervous. The airplane on the Pentagon me I did not wait for indeed). To my judgment, insomma, never it has not been a problem of «.se».: always it has been a problem of «.quando». Because creeds that tuesday morning mine subconscio has perceived that restlessness, that feeling of danger. Because creeds that contrarily to my habits the television set has ignited. Because creeds that between the three questions that I placed myself while the first tower burnt and the audio did not work, there was that one on the attack. And because creeds that as soon as appeared the aerial second it has understood. Since the America is the Country more strongly of the world, richest, most powerful, most modern, is falls nearly all to you in those tranello. But the vulnerability of the America is born just from its force, from its wealth, its power, its modernity. The usual history of the dog that eats the tail. It is born also from its fine-ethnic essence, its liberalità, its respect for the citizens and the hosts. Example: approximately ventiquattro million Americans they are Arab-Muslims. And when a Mustafà or a Muhammed comes says from the Afghanistan in order to visit the uncle, nobody forbids to it to attend one pilotage school in order to learn to guide 757. Nobody forbids it to enroll to a University (what that I hope changes) in order to study chemistry and Biology: two sciences necessary to trigger one bacteriological war. Not even if the excessive government fears that that son of Allah the 757 or throws a vial of bacteria in the warehouse of the water and triggers one massacre. (I say «.se». because stavolta the government did not know any absolutely nothing and the figuraccia made from the Cia and the Fbi he goes to here of every limit. If pits the president of the United States I would hunt them all to kicks in the posterior ones for cretineria). Which are the symbols of the force, the wealth, the power, modernity Americans. Not sure jazz and the rock and roll, the chewing-gum and the hamburger, Broadway and Hollywood. Those impressive skyscrapers, therefore high, therefore beautiful that to raise the eyes nearly forget the pyramids and the divine palaces about our past. Those giganteschi airplane, exaggerate to you, than by now they use as a time used the velieri and the trucks because all it moves here with the airplane. The mail, the fresh fish, same we (and not to forget that the aerial war has invented it they. Or at least developed until to the hysteria). That terrifying Pentagon, that fortress that ago fear to only watch it. That raggelante technology that in least years has stravolto our daily existence, our millenarian way to communicate, to eat, living. And where he has hit them, the reverend Usama Bin Laden. With the airplane, science, the technology. The fact that its exterminated patrimony drifts also from the gain of a Corporation specialized in demolishing, and that same it is an expert demolisher. When there are meets to you t' I have seen nearly dumbfound from the heroic efficiency and the admirable unit with which the Americans they have faced this Apocalypse. And on purpose of the heroic efficiency it leaves me to sing a peon for the mayor of New York. That Rudolph Giuliani that Italian we would have ringraziare in ginocchio. Because it has an Italian last name, it is a oriundo Italian, and it makes us to make beautiful figure dinanzi the entire world. E' a great indeed greatest mayor, Rudolph Giuliani. You it says one that it is not never content of null and nobody beginning from if same. E' a worthy mayor of an other greatest mayor with the Italian last name, Fiorello the Guard, and many of our mayors would have to go to school from he. To introduce itself to head chino, indeed with the ash on the head, and chiedergli: «.Sor Giuliani, for courtesy says like is made to us. He not delegation its duties to the next one, not. It does not lose time in the bischerate ones and the greeds. One does not divide between the assignment of mayor and that one of minister or deputy. (there is nobody that listens to me in the three cities of Stendhal, insomma to Naples and Florence and Rome. Being run endured, and endured entered in according to skyscraper, it has risked to transform itself in ash with the others. S' is saved for a hair and case. And nel.giro.di four days it has replaced in feet the city. A city that has nine million and inhabitants half, attends well, and nearly two in single Manhattan. The cancer that returns and returns has pecked also he. And, like me, ago feint of being healthy: the same one works. But I work to small table, perbacco, being seated. He seemed a general who participates of person to the battle. A soldier who nozzle to the attack with the baionetta.». But he could make it because that people were, is, like he. People without pomposity and laziness, would have said my father, and with the balls. I had smell, yes, after the murder of Kennedy. But to this the war in Vietnam, the tearing division caused from the war in Vietnam was continuation, and in a sure sense that had remembered me their Civil War of a century and means make. The same one, when the same words have been repeated with force from its moglie Hillary hour senator for the State of New York. The same one, when they have been reiterate from Lieberman, the former candidate democratic to the vice-presidency. (Only the defeated one To Gore is remained squallidamente zitto). And the same one when the Conference has voted to the unanimità to accept the war, to punish the responsibles. Therefore fazioso, therefore poisoned from its tribali meschinerie. They are hated also to the inside of you leave yourself, in Italy. They do not succeed to be entirety not even when they have the same one emblema, the same symbol, perdio. Gelosi, bilious, vanito, piccini, does not think that next to the own personal interests. To the own one carrieruccia, the own one gloriuccia, the own popolarità of the periphery. Pei own personal interests make the dispetti, are betrayed, accused, sputtanano. I absolutely am convinced that, if Usama Bin Laden blew up the Tower of Giotto or the Tower of Pisa, the opposition would give the guilt to the government. And the government would give the guilt to the opposition. Capoccia of the government and the capoccia of the opposition, to the own companions and the own comrades. And saying that leaves me to explain from that what is born the ability to join that characterizes the Americans. Without rassegnarsi, sicché if the questions as they make answer you: «.I can allow myself to be exhausted not to be defeated. I can allow me of being exhausted, not of being sconfitto». White men, black, yellow, browns, viola. While Bush ringraziava them they did not make that to wave the small flags Americans, to raise the closed fist, to ruggire: «.Iuessè. In a totalitarian country I would have thought: «.Ma he watches as the Power has it organized good. In America these things do not organize to them. Especially in one metropoli disincantata like New York, and with laborers like the laborers of New York. They are tipacci, the laborers of New York. Those do not obey neanche to their mayoralties. But if the flag touches it, if the Native land touches it. In order to say Native land it must couple two words. Father Land, Earth of the Fathers. Or to say My Country simply, My Country. Perhaps and to part France, I do not know to imagine a more patriotic Country of the America. I son a lot affected to see those laborers that tightening the fist and waving the ruggivano flag Iuessè-Iuessè-Iuessè, without that nobody glielo ordered. Because the Italian laborers who wave the tricolour one and ruggiscono Italy-Italy I do not know them to imagine. In the cortei and the comizi I have seen to it to wave many red flags. But of tricolour flags gliene I have always seen to wave pochine. Badly it guides to you or tiranneggiati from left arrogating and a devout person to the Soviet Union, the tricolour flags have always left them the adversaries. And it is not that the adversaries of it have made good use, said. Of it they have not made not even waste, graziaddio. And those that go to the Putting, ditto. As far as the vulgar person with the green shirt and the green necktie, it does not know which are not the colors of the tricolour one. That one would want to bring back us to the wars between Florence and Siena. Result, today the Italian flag you see it only to the Olympic Games if for case you gain one medal. Worse: you only see in the stages, when international game of soccer is one. Only occasion, moreover, in which you succeed to hear the Italy-Italy outcry. Or in order to collect that milled coffee. The fact is that the America is a special country, beloved mine. A country to envy, of which it are gelosi, for things that they do not have null to that to make with the wealth etc. It is also because to that time the freedom idea was not fashionable. Of it they did not speak that sure said philosophers Illuministi, of these things. It does not find them to you that in the most expensive one librone to heading said the Encyclopedie, these concepts. It was not at all roba to eat, the Illuminismo. (Other particular one that the antiAmericans of well-garlic-American-the-are -well ignores or pretends to forget. It is a special country, a country to envy, moreover, because that idea came understood from illiterate or however often ineducati peasants. And because it came materialized from a small group of extraordinary leaders: from men of great culture, great quality. The Founding Fathers, the Founding fathers. But you have idea of who were the Founding fathers, the Benjamin Franklin and the Thomas Jefferson and the Thomas Paine and the John Adams and George Washington etc. Other that the attorneys of low standing (as just Vittorio called them Flagmen) of the French Revolution. Other that dark and the isterici ones boia of the Terror, the Marat and the Danton and the Saint Just and the Robespierre. In Italian it spoke and it read with great speditezza. As far as the Franklin self-taught, it was a genius. Scientist, printer, publisher, writer, journalist, politician, inventor. In 1752 he had uncovered the nature electrical worker of the lightning and had invented the lightning rod. And it was with these extraordinary leaders, these men of great quality, than in the 1776 often illiterate peasants and however ineducati they were rebelled to England. They made the war of independence, the Revolution American. Although the guns and the powder from I talk nonsense, although the dead men who every war costs, did not make it with the rivers of blood of the future French Revolution. They did not make it with the guillotine and the slaughters of the Vandea. «.We hold these Truths to be self-evident. We think this truth obvious. That all the Men are created equal. That they are equips to you from the Creator of sure inalienable Rights. That between these Rights v' it is the right to the Life, the Freedom, the Search of the Happiness. That in order to assure these Rights the Men must institute the governments. Because he invites it indeed he orders them to govern itself, to express the own individualities, to try the own happiness. All the contrary of that the comunismo made forbidding to people to rebel themselves, to govern themselves, to express themselves, to become rich, and putting Its Maestà the State in place of the usuals king «.Il comunismo is a monarchic regimen, one monarchy of old stamp. In how much such one it cuts the balls to the men. And when to a man the cuts the balls are not more a uomo». my father said. He said also that instead redeeming plebe the comunismo he transformed all in plebe. White men, black, yellow, browns, viola, stupiden, intelligent, poor, rich. Indeed plebei they are just the rich ones. In the majority of the cases, sure piercoli. Although the moneies that they waste in dressing itself, as an example, son therefore ineleganti that in comparison the Queen of England seems chic. And to this world not more fort, than more powerful is null, of the plebe redeemed. You always break off the corna with the Redeemed Plebe. And with the America the corna if always all are broken off them. English, Germans, Mexicans, Russians, nazis, Fascists, Communists. The trouble is that the vietnamiti ones do not pray Allah. And with the sons of Allah the matter will be hard. Ammenoché the rest of the West does not stop to make leans it. And a po' reasons and it gives one hand to it. I am not speaking, obvious, to the hyenas that if they enjoy to see it the images of the ruins and snigger well-garlic-American-the-are -well. I am speaking to the persons who also not being stupid or bad, still rock themselves in the precaution and the doubt. And to they I say: alarm clock, people, alarm clock. Intentional and declared from one fringe of that religion, perhaps, however one religion war. A war that they call Jihad. One war that not sight to the conquest of our territory, perhaps, but that sure sight to the conquest of our spirits. To the passing of our freedom and our civilization. Understood or you do not want to understand that if is not opposed to us, if it is not defended to us, if it is not fought, the Jihad will win. And the world will destroy that we are resolutions to construct well or badly, to that is change, to improve, to render po' a more intelligent little bigot or quite not bigoted. And with that one it will destroy our culture, our art, our science, moral ours, our values, our pleasures. V' it does not import neanche of this, dumb. And I do not have some intention to leave me to kill because it they are. From vent' years I say it, from vent' years. With a sure mitezza, not with this passion, vent' years ago on this roba I wrote a leading article for the «.Corriere». But it was also the article of a person indignata with who did not feel the stink of a Saint War to come, and to the sons of Allah gliene it pardoned po' too many. I made a reasoning that it played press' appoco therefore, vent' years ago «.Che sense has to respect who does not respect we. That sense has to defend their culture or presumed culture when they despise ours. I want to defend ours, and v' I inform that Dante Alighieri appeals to to me more than Omar Khayan». Eh, was the same progressives (to that time called Communists) to crocifiggermi. Of the rest that insult me the taken ones also when the Soviet ones invaded the Afghanistan. Them memories that bearded with the sottana and turban that before shooting the mortar, indeed to every mortar blow, bawled the praises of the Getlteman. And to see to couple the God word to the mortar blow, the brividi came me. It seemed me of being in the Middle Ages, and I said: «.I Soviet they are what they are. But it must admit that to make that war proteggono also we. In their cecàggine volevan neanche not to feel to speak to me about the mostruosità that the sons of Allah committed on the made soldiers captive. (they sawed the arms to It and the legs, remind. A vizietto to which s' they were already it abandons to you in Lebanese with the Christian and Hebrew prisoners). And also to make the progressives the Americans applauded who rincretiniti from the fear of the Soviet Union riempivan of crews the heroic-people-afghano. They trained the bearded ones, and with bearded a most bearded Usama Bin Laden. The-Russians must -andarsene-dall' Afghanistaaaan. Bè, the Russians if they have gone some from the Afghanistan: contents. Worse: hour is discussed here on the next attack that will hit us with the crews chemistries, biological, radioactive, nuclear. One says that the new massacre is unavoidable because the Iraq supplies it the material. It is spoken about vaccinazioni, of masks to gas, plague. Some are not neither content neither displeased. A lot the America is far, between Europe and the America is the ocean. Because when it is in dance the destiny of the West, the survival of our civilization, New York we are we. And in sense not only financial that is in the sense that, seems to me, takes care you more. (Once, I was young and ingenuous, I said to Arthur Miller: «.Gli Americans measure all with the moneies, do not think that next to the soldi». In all the senses we collapse, beloved mine. And in place of the bells we find again the muezzin, in place of the miniskirts we find again the chador, in place of cognacchino the latte ones of cammella. Neanche this understood, neanche this wants to understand. It has come here and it has carried indeed renewed to Bush the solidarity of English. Not one solidarity expressed with chiacchiere and the piagnistei: one solidarity based on the hunting to the terrorists and the military alliance. As you know the slid week was here in official visit. A previewed visit for a long time, not a visit ad hoc. It has seen the ruins of the two towers, has known that the dead men are a incalculable indeed inconfessabile number, but s' is not canted. It came wants of gridargli: «.Monsieur the President. It knows how many Americans are cracks to you in Normandia in order to hunt the nazis also from France. Excluded Blair, of the rest, neanche between the other Europeans I see Riccardi Cuor di Leone. And tantomeno I see some in Italy where the government has not characterized therefore arrested to some accomplice or suspicion accomplice of Usama Bin Laden. In spite of the fear of the war, in every country of Europe it has been characterized and arrested some accomplice of Usama Bin Laden. It explains to me, Mr. knight: son therefore incapable Its policemen and police officers. Son therefore coglioni Its intelligence agencies. Son therefore dumb Its civil employees. And son all stinchi of saint, all strangers to whom have happened and happen, the sons of Allah who we accommodate. Or to make surveyings just, to characterize and to arrest who finoggi you have not characterized and arrested, It fears to endure the usual one blackmail racist-racist. I do not deny to nobody the right of having fear. Who does not have fear of the war is a cretino. And who wants to make to believe not to have fear of the war, it has written thousand times, is with cretino and a bugiardo. But in the Life and the History there are cases in which it is not lawful to have fear. Cases in which having fear he is immorale and incivile. And those that, for weakness or lack of courage or habit to hold the foot in two stirrups are embezzled to this tragedy, to me seem masochisti. Because we want to make it this speech on that you call Contrasto-fra-le-Due-Culture. Because behind our civilization there is Omero, there is Socrate, there is Platone, there is Aristotle, there is Fidia, perdio. There is ancient Greece with its Parthenon and its discovery of the Democracy. There is the ancient Rome with its largeness, its laws, its concept of the Law. Its sculptures, its literature, its architecture. Its palaces and its amphitheaters, its aqueducts, its bridges, its roads. There is a revolutionary, that Christ died in cross, than it has taught (and patience to us if we have not learned it) the concept of the love and the justice. There is also a Church that has given the Inquisizione to me, of agreement. That it has tortured to me and burnt thousand times on the rogo, of agreement. That it has to me overwhelmed for centuries, than for centuries has forced to me to only carve and to paint Cristi and Madonne, than me it has nearly killed Galileo Galilei. But it has given also a great contribution to the History of the Thought: yes or not. And then behind our civilization there is the Rinascimento. There is Leonardo from You win, is Michelangelo, is Raffaello, there is music of Bach and Mozart and Beethoven. On on until Rossini and Donizetti and Verdi and Company. That music without which we do not know living and that in their culture or supposed culture it is forbidden. Troubles if one hisses canzonetta or mugoli the chorus of the Nabucco. A science that has understood several diseases and the cure. I am still alive, for hour, thanks to our science: not that one of Maometto. A science that it has invented blots some wonderful. The train, the automobile, the airplane, the spaceships with which we have gone on the Moon and Mars and soon we will go chissàddove. And hour here the fatal question: behind the other culture that is. He tries tries, I do not find that Maometto to us with its Corano and Averroes with its merits of student. (the Commentaries on Aristotle etc), Arafat find also the numbers and the mathematics to us. For this it changes idea and one contradicts every five minuteren. Its grandfathers have not invented the numbers and the mathematics. They have invented the grafia of the numbers that also we infedeli adopriamo, and the mathematics has been conceived nearly at the same time from all the ancient civilizations. In Mesopotamia, in Greece, in India, in China, in Egypt, between the Mayan. And hour we see which are the pregi that they distinguish this Corano. (Of the rest Bush, poor Bush says to it also. But then as we put it with the history of Occhio-per-Occhio-Dente-per-Dente. As we put it with the veto of the alcoholic ones and the capital punishment for who drinks them. Also this is in the Corano. And me it does not seem much just one, a lot at all fraterno, much Pacific. Here therefore my answer to your question on Contrasto-delle-Due-Culture. To the world it is placed for all, I say I. To own house all make those that it seems to it. If son therefore scimunite to accept not to go to school, not to go from the doctor, it is not made to photograph etc, worse for they. If son therefore minchione to marry a stronzo that it wants four mogli, worse for they. If the their men are therefore grulli from not drink the beer and the wine, ditto. They have been educated in the freedom concept, I, and my mother said: «.Il world is beautiful because it is vario». But if they expect to impose the same things to me, to house mine. It must put to us I lean a large one wants to turn upside down the papers, to kill he. But the thing is not resolved, is not get exaustedded, with the dead women of Usama Bin Laden. Because the Usama Bin Laden is tens of migliaia, by now, and they are not only in Afghanistan or the other Arabic countries. They are everywhere, and the most agguerriti they are just in the West. In our cities, our roads, our university, the ganglia of the technology. That technology that whichever obtuse one can handle. And it works like a Swiss clock, supported from a faith and a perfidy comparable only to the faith and the perfidy of Torquemada when it managed the Inquisizione. In fact to deal with they is impossible. To deal them with indulgence or tolerance or hope, a suicide. You it says one that that type of fanatismo has known it enough well in Iran, in Pakistan, in Bangladesh, in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, Libia, in Jordan, in Lebanese, and to house its. It has known, and also through trivial episodes, indeed grotteschi, of it it has had raggelanti confirmations. Prostitute dealt me like one to burn on the rogo. Ingiunsero me of levarlo that immediately red. And if you had not said to it indeed urlato that what I appreciate to levare, indeed to cut they. I do not forget not even those that it happened to me to Qom, the Saint city of Khomeini, where in how much woman I came rejected from all lodges to it. She-be-crazy, she-be-crazy, to-make-a-thing-similar-to-Qom-$$$-END-SHOT. It preferred to carry me to the former Real Palace where a pietoso caretaker accommodated to us, she lend the former ones Knows it to us of the Throne. But to a man and a woman married between they the Corano it does not prohibit to withdraw behind a door sluice, ahimé, and of a feature the door was opened. The mullah assigned to the Control of the Moralità irruppe screaming shame-shame, sin-sin, and v' it was only a way in order not to end shoots to you: to marry itself. To sign the marriage certificate to expiration (four months) that the mullah it waved to us on the face. The trouble is that the interpreter had a Spanish moglie, a sure null Consuelo for disposed to accept the poligamia, and I did not want to marry nobody. Tantomeno an Iranian with the Spanish moglie and nient' at all disposed to accept the poligamia. In the same time I did not want to end gunshot that is to lose the interview with Khomeini. Bè, then the continuation of this episode not you the story. In order story that one of the twelve impure young manen makes you to cry you who ended the war of the Bangladesh I saw to execute to Dacca. Tuonavano «.Allah akbar, Allah akbar». I know, I know it: in the Colosseo the antichi roman, those antichi roman of which the my culture fair goes, were amused to see to die the Christians given in meal to the lions. But it is passed much time, we are becomes to you pochino more civilians, and also the sons of Allah must have comprised that sure things are not made. After the twelve impure young manen they killed a child who in order to save the condemned brother a.morte s' was thrown on the xecutioners. To he they crushed the head with the scarponi military. And if not us creeds, bè: rileggi my report or the report of the French and German journalists who inorriditi how much me were lì with me. Better: it watches the photographies to you that one of they released. However the point that presses to me to emphasize is not this. It is that, concluded the scempio, ventimila faithful (the many women) they left the tribunes and they came down in the field. Slowly they composed a corteo and, always in name of God, they passed over corpses. Always tuonando Allah-akbar, Allah-akbar. They destroyed them like the two Towers of New York. They reduced them to a bloody spiaccicate boneses carpet. Dirti things never said, things from makes you to make bristle hats in head. On that rimbambito of Khomeini, as an example, than after the interview it held a meeting to Qom in order to declare that I accused to cut it the breasts to the women. And I saw ugly, you know, just ugly. It was the period of the hostages Americans. Or of that Palestinian of Habash name that for twenty minuteren it made me to hold a machine gunner aimed for the head. But those two were muslim how much catholic I son. However I want give the conclusion to you of my reasoning. A conclusion that it will not appeal to to many, inasmuch as to defend the own culture, in Italy, it is becoming mortal sin them. And inasmuch as it intimidates to you from the improper word «.razzista»., all tacciono like rabbits. I do not go to make bristle I stretch to the Mecca. I do not go to sing the Lord's prayers and Hail Maries dinanzi to the tomba of Maometto. I do not go to make pipì on marbles of their mosques, I do not go to make the cacca to the feet of theirs minareti. When I find myself in their countries (what from which I do not draw never delight) I never do not forget of being a host and one foreign. I am careful not to offend them with dresses or gestures or behaviors that for we are normal and for inammissibili they. Drawn them with right respect, right courtesy, I make excuses myself if for sbadatezza or ignorance I smash some they rule or superstizione. And this urlo of pain and of disdain I you have written having dinanzi to the eyes images that not to always gave the apocalyptic scenes me with which I have begun the speech. Mothers, fathers, siblings, sisters, uncles, pregnant aunts, cousinses, brothers-in-law, and even the relatives of the relatives. And with to the shoes or the ciabatte ones, the empty bottles of the water with which the feet were washed before the prayer. One stretches mail of forehead to the cathedral with the cupola of the Brunelleschi, and to side of the Baptistry with the doors of gold of the Ghiberti. And, thanks to the customary incoscienza of the Enel that to our works of art holds how much holds to our landscape, supplied of light electrical worker. Thanks to a radio-recorder, enriched from the vociaccia sguaiata of a muezzin that punctually it exhorted the faithfuls, deafened the infedeli, and soffocava the sound of the bells. With to all that, the yellow crawled of profanavano urine that the marbles of the Baptistry. They have the long jetty, these sons of Allah. But as they made to hit the objective separated from the protection railing and therefore distant nearly two meters from their urinario apparatus. You know well because I was to call itself, to pray you to speak of on the «.Corriere»., memories. I called also the mayor that, glielo I grant, kindly came to house mine. And pure he, glielo I grant, listened to me. But in order to remove a finger stretches it not movements and, as far as the sons of Allah who urinavano on the Baptistry and Saint smerdavano Salvatore to the Bishop, soon it pleased them. (it turns out to Me that the fathers and the mothers and the siblings and the sisters and the uncles and the pregnant aunts and cousinses and brothers-in-law hour are where wanted to be). That is to Florence and in other cities of Europe. I called a likeable policeman who directs the office-emergency and I said to it: «.Caro policeman, I am not a politician. When I say to make one what, I make it. Moreover I know the war and of sure things me I mean some. If within tomorrow rises the fottuta he does not stretch, I burn it. I swear on my honor that I burn it, than neanche a regiment of police officers would succeed to prevent it to me, and for this I want to be arrested. Bè, being more intelligent of the others, nel.giro.di little hours he it levò. In place of it stretches remained only an immense and disgustosa spot of sudiciume. Eh, yes: they are all dov' were before that my policeman removed stretches it. Within the large square of the Uffizi, to the feet of the Tower of Giotto. Dinanzi to the Loggia of the Orcagna, around to the Logge of the Porcellino. Opposite the National Library, to the entrance of the museums. On the Old Bridge where every a lot pigliano by stabbing or to revolverate. On the Lungarni where they have expected and obtained that the Town hall financed them (Sissignori, financed them). On sagrato of the Church of Saint ubriacano Lorenzo where with the wine and beer and the liqueurs, hypocritical race, and where they say obscenity to the women. (the slid summer, on that sagrato, they even said me to them that by now they are an ancient mrs.. One is still lì to mugulare on its genitals them). In the historical roads where bivaccano with the sell-the-goods pretest. («.Je connais mes droits, I know mine diritti». me sibilò, on the Old Bridge, one to which I had seen to sell roba-from-smell). And troubles if the city protest, troubles if that-right-go-to-esercitarli-to-house-yours answers it. Troubles if walking between the goods that blocks to the passage a pedestrian graze it the presumed sculpture of the Bernini. Troubles if Municipal policeman is approached, risk: «.Signor son of Allah, Excellence, the dispiacerebbe ones to move a capellino and to leave to pass people. Like minimum, the mother and the progenie insult it. She does not react not even if the outcries that that my father urlava during the fascismo: «.Ma ve she does not import any null of the dignity. She happens also in the other cities, I know it. That Turin that made Italy and that by now Italian city does not seem not even one. It seems Algeri, Dacca, Nairobi, Damascus, Beirut. That Venice where the pigeons of Saint public square Mark have been replaced from the tappetini with the «.merce». and Otello would even be felt to uneasiness. That Genoa where the wonderful palaces that Rubens admired as well as have been seizes to you from they and deperiscono like beautiful stuprate women. That Rome where the cynicism of every politics of menzogna and every color them corteggia in the hope to obtain of the future ballot, and where to proteggerli there is the same Pope. (Holiness, because in name of the Only God not if it takes them in Vatican. On condition that not smerdino also the Sistina Nail head and the statues of Michelangelo and the paintings of Raffaello: it is clear). Hour son I that I do not understand. Rather than son-of-Allah in Italy them they call «.lavoratori stranieri». Or «.mano-of work-of-which-v' it is -bisogno». And on the fact that some of they work, I do not have some doubt. The Italians son become to you Miss.s so. They go in vacation to the Seychelles, vengon to New York in order to buy the sheets from Bloomingdale' s. Vergognano to make the laborers and the peasants, and you cannot more associate them with the proletariato one. But those of which I speak, than working are. In that way suppliscono to the need of the labor that former proletariato the Italian one does not supply more. Bivaccando in the city with the pretest of goods-from-selling. And then there is an other thing that I do not understand. If son much indeed poor, who glieli gives the moneies for the travel on the ship or the gommone that them door in Italy. Who glieli gives the ten million to head (like minimum ten million) necessary ones to buy the ticket. Bè, even if glieli does not give, this matter does not convince to me. And this matter mistakes who takes it to the light one or with optimism. Much time does not make capitò to pick up a pronounced phrase to me from one of the thousand Prien Minister of which Italy s' it is honored in little decades. «.Eh, also my uncle was emigrating. I it memory my uncle who with the valigetta of fiber left for the America. And it it is not for two enough simple reasons. The first one is that in the second half of the 1800's the migratory big wave in America did not happen in clandestine way and for overbearingness of who carried out it. They were the same Americans to wanting it, to speed up it. And for a precise action of the Conference. «.Venite, you come, ché we have need of you. If you come, you a beautiful piece of terra» is given. They have made also a film us, the Americans. That one with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, and of which m' it has hit the end. The scene of the wretches who run in order to plant the small flag white woman on the land that will become they, sicché only young and strongest ce they make it. The others remain with a nose palm and some in the race die. Ch' I know, in Italy not never I have been an official record of parliamentary proceedings that invited indeed it sped up our hosts to leave their countries. Come-come-ché-have-so much-need-of-you, if-come-there-we give-the-poderino-nel-Chianti. From we they have come to us of own initiative, with the cursed ones gommoni and in spite of the financiers who tried to send back them behind. More than of an emigration s' invasion lead to the standard of the clandestinità is dealt therefore of one. A clandestinità that disturbs because it is not mild and painful. It is arrogating and protect from the cynicism of the politicians who close an eye and even all and two. I will not never forget the comizi with which the past year the clandestines riempiron the public squares of Italy in order to obtain the stay permissions. Those irose voices that brought back me to Tehran di Khomeini. In those public squares ve n' they were migliaia, and they did not hide at all. In order to repatriate he would have been enough them to put them in row, pray-kind-getlteman-s' repairs, and to accompany them to a port or airport. According to reason, beloved grandson of the uncle with the valigetta of fiber, would understand also one to it scholar of the elementary ones. For esporlo a pair of elements is enough. And in the second half of the 1800's that is when the Conference American said the way to immigration, this continent nearly was depopulated. Much small is a country and tutt' other that depopulated. Two: the America is a much young country. Italy, to the contrary, is a country much old one. Its hard history from at least shakes it years. People as me she has a beautiful one to say: I-with-the-church-catholic-not-there within. They are been born in a landscape of churches, convents, Cristi, Madonne, Knows to you. The first music that I have heard having come the world has been music of the bells. The bells of Saint Maria of the Flower that to the Age of sguaiata Tenda the vociaccia of the muezzin soffocava. It is in that music, in that landscape, that they have grown. It is through that music and that landscape that I have learned cos' is the architecture, cos' is the sculpture, cos' is the painting, cos' is the art. It is through that church (then refused) that I have begun to ask to me cos' is the Good, cos' is the Evil, and perdio. With all the my laicismo, all the my atheism, son therefore intrisa of catholic culture that it quite makes part of my way to express to me. Oddio, mioddio, graziaddio, perdio, Jesus mine, God mine, Madonna mine, Christ here, Christ here. Me vengon therefore spontaneous, these words, than m' I do not notice not to pronounce them or to write them. Me piacciono also that Cristi and that Madonne and those Know to you painted or carved. It gives a peace sense to me, to times I envy who is. And then we admit it: our beautifulr cathedral son of the mosques and the sinagoghe. They are beautifulr also of the churches protestants. It watches, the cemetary of my family is a cemetary protestant. It receives the dead men of all the religions but she is protestant. And one my great-grandmother was valdese. Quand' I was child always carried me to the functions of its church in via de' Benci to Florence, and Nothing angels, nothing Madonne, nothing incense. The stink even lacked me the incense, and would have intentional to find to me in the near basilica of Croce Saint where these things were. And I add: in my house of campaign, in Tuscany, v' very small nail head is one. Dacché the mother is died us does not go nobody. But to times I go to us, to dust, to control that the rats have not made us the nest, and although my lay education me I find us to my comfort. Although my mangiapretismo, me I move to us with disinvoltura. And creed that the overwhelming majority of the Italians would confess you the same thing. Because it would be equivalent to throw via Dante Alighieri, Leonardo from You win, Michelangelo, Raffaello, the Rinascimento, the Renaissance, the freedom that we are well or badly conquered, our Native land. They mistake shocks to it that they believe American by now to me. I it citizenship American have not never asked it. Years ago an ambassador American me offered on the Celebrity Status, and after to have it ringraziato I answered to it: «.Sir, I to the America much they are tied. I always litigate to us, the reproach always, nevertheless deeply they are tied them. The America is for me a lover indeed a husband to which I will remain always faithful. Admitted that do not make the corna me. And I never do not forget that if had not been scomodato to make the war to Hitler and Mussolini, today I would speak German. I never do not forget that if had not held head to the Soviet Union, today I would speak Russian. It as an example appeals to the fact to me that when arrival to New York and porgo the passport with the Certificate of Residence, the customs officer says to me with a great smile: Welcome home. Me it seems a gesture therefore generous, therefore affectionate. To moreover it remembers me that the America always has been the Refugium Peccatorum of people without native land. My Native land is Italy, and Italy is my mother. And me it would seem of rinnegare my mother to take the citizenship americana». I answered also that my language is the Italian, than in Italian I write, than in English I translate myself and enough. In the same spirit in which I translate myself in French, that is feeling it one foreign language. And then I answered to it that when I listen to the Hymn of Mameli I affect. That to hear those Brother-of Italy, Italy-s' be-arouses, parapà-parapà-parapà, me comes the node to the throat. I do not notice not even that as hymn is bruttino. Single task: it is the hymn of my Native land. Of the rest the node to the throat me vien also to watch the flag red and green white woman who waves. Hooligans of the part a stages, s' mean. I have one flag red and green white woman of the 1800's. All flood of spots, spots of blood, all rose from the rats. We are died for that tricolour, Christ. It kills to you from the Austrians, the Pope, the Duca of Modena, the Borboni. We have made the Renaissance, with that the tricolour one. And the Unit of Italy, and the war on the Carso, and the Resistance. For that tricolour mine trisnonno maternal Giobatta fought to Curtatone and Montanara, remained sfregiato orrendamente from an Austrian rocket. For those tricolour my paternal uncles sopportarono every pain within the trenches of the Carso. For that tricolour my father it came arrested and tortured to Sad Villa from the Nazi-fascist. For that tricolour my entire family it made the Resistance and I have made it anch'. Nelle rows of Justice and Liberty, col nom de guerre Emilia. When the year after me they dismissed from theItaliano-Corpo Army Voluntary of the Freedom, I felt therefore fair. Gesummaria, I had been an Italian soldier. And when I came informed that with the dismissal 14 were up me. It seemed to me unjust to accept them in order to have made mine it must towards the Native land. In house we were all without shoes. And with those moneies I bought us the shoes for me and my sorelline. Naturally my native land, my Italy, is not Italy today. It is not not even Italy goddesses political magistrates and goddesses that ignoring television the pontificano consecutio-temporum dagli screen with monstrous errors of sintassi. (one does not say «.Credo that è».: animals. It is not not even Italy of the young people that having similar masters drown in the more scandalous ignorance, in the more heartbreaking superficialità, in the empty one. And tantomeno it is Italy of the cicale that after to have read these notes they hate to me in order to have written the truth. Between one spaghettata and the other they will curse to me, will that is augur me of being killed from their protect ones from Usama Bin Laden. It is Italy that I dreammed from child, when I was dismissed from theItaliano-Corpo Army Voluntary of the Freedom, and was full of illusions. Serious, intelligent, dignitosa, brave a Italy, therefore deserving of respect. And this Italy, a Italy that is even if comes been silent or irrisa or insulted, troubles to who me touches. Troubles to who me steal, troubles to who me invade. Because, than to invade it they are the French of Napoleone or the Austrians of Francisco Giuseppe or the Germans of Hitler or compare of Usama Bin Laden, for me are the same one. That in order to invade they use it the guns or the gommoni, ditto. With that you salute affectionately, beloved my Ferruccio, and t' I perceive: not to ask to me nuller. Less than never, than to participate to risse or controversies it goes some. What I had to say I have said it. But hour I must recover to work, I do not want to be disturbed. The personages of this novel are imaginary. Imaginary their history, imaginary the weft. The events from which it it takes the start are true. True the personage, true the war in which the story is carried out. The author dedicates to this its hard work to the four hundred soldiers Americans and French slaughter in the slaughter of Beirut from the schism Sons to you of God. This novel wants to be an action of love for they and the Life. "the night the dogs randagi invaded the city. The novel tells the vicissitudes of the Italian contingent of room to Beirut on ending of 1983. The book is written with a unparalleled style, than in some cases it borders on the perfection. Therefore this is not a simple book, but he is something more: something of light impalpabile and, nevertheless is a something that you see, that you feel, that it touches. Exactly, Insciallah, as the author in the last lines explains, when Angel has perhaps found the formula of the life. A beastly one vocio in which it it had seemed to pick the sound of the Insciallah word. And obeying to the ancestral callback it was run via in order returning on the main deck, to watch who was. They were the dogs randagi that the night they invaded the city. The mysterious dogs that it had not never seen. They were they, yes, and they were not ghost. In irrompevano meat and boneses on the dock, they came towards the ship, and guaiolando ringhiando latrando Insciallah Insciallah Insciallah. Incrostati of blood, sciancati, tignosi, some with a single eye, a single ear, 3 legs and enough. But from everyone of they sprizzava an urgent, impetuous vitalità therefore uncontrollable, that they seemed healthy and entire: beautifulst. And I seize it coveted revealed in all its evidence. to every decreasing of the darknesses, also dying all the nights, those dogs never did not die and latravano with much energy Insciallah Insciallah Insciallah. And if the Chaos had been the Life, not the Dead women, but. And if the ineluttabile and irreversible tendency had been the Life. from Ludwig Boltzmann and the word offered from Natalia Narakat To the Sharif would have been the same thing: S = K In W = Insciallah. To die, one simple rest: one pause of rest, a short sleep in order to prepare itself to rinascere, to live again, for rimorire yes but for still rinascere, still living again, living living living to the infinite. It could not demonstrate it that certainty was one. Nobody could demonstrate it, nobody would have never demonstrated it. That is that to be alive it means to be immortali. And, offering to the sun a face completely given back to its youth, it went to porsi on the left flank. «.Per nearly eight years I have made the correspondent of war in Vietnam. Nothing and therefore is is the the per diem of first year that passed laggiù. What it saw the battle of Dak To, the offensive of the Tet, I besiege of Saigon, and that for me concluded elsewhere. That is in the massacre of City of Mexico where I seriously remained hurt be defined a brutal book, deprived of hope, pitiless. But I wanted to only tell the war to who I do not know it. E' the eve of the disembarkation on the Moon and the Earth is continued to kill to us like thousands, diecimila years ago. Here its per diem one begins that is the per diem one of a year of its life and wants to answer to the question of one child: «.La life cos' is. A story that nearly inavvertitamente assumes the contours of a novel, with personages is born some does not invent to you. Stanotte I have known that c’.eri: a drop of life scappata from the nulla”., therefore begin this book jewel of the Fallaci. to “.Nascere or not to be born, to give the life or negarla.”. it is the doubt of one woman, one strong, independent and emancipata woman. But also always one person with un’.anima, a heart and of the feelings. The prejudgments are many for a woman who has a son without being sposata…. the difficulties are nearly all’.ordine of the day. But the dilemma that is placed much more is diffused than how much it cannot be thought. Perhaps taking a walk to the park, going in a supermarket or mail you have met that woman. Because the protagonist of the book is “.una woman for all the donne”. To times behind the eyes it tires and scialbi of a frustrated woman or to those spensierati of un’.adolescente this dilemma is hidden. With the choice not to give the life this choice is not never easy. But a woman, discovering itself a spark of life in grembo, can be taken from the panic, exactly like the protagonist of the book: “.E if to be born she did not appeal to to you. And if a day you me reproached screaming: - Who has asked to you to put me to the world, because me you have put to us, because. But the null one, us is not and to prefer to the pain. E’. one hard choice, is not true. Because in any case it has been destroyed from the senses of guilt, and to null they are worth the excusing feints that they come to you placed from the world. The wars, the hunger, the poverty and the difficoltà…. but I us have been. I am here, and whichever day I prefer it are to us. Eppure…. because is to us in order to suffer. The dilemma of life or life will not never stop to exist, but I hope that a day can be easier to be able it dare…. utopy. Forse…. but even, a day, the life will be better and that child will say “.Io is here, and whichever day I prefer it are to us. The summer of 1979, on the publishing forehead, was monopolized from Oriana Fallaci. The journalist fiorentina returned to the publication after four years of Hush and veteran from makes you of "Letter a child never been born". Migliaia of readers gets passionate to you was therefore, in that torrid attended summer of the ' 79 in spasmodic. Nel.giro.di little weeks, "a man" burnt duecentomila copies, unquestionable sign of the popular consent. However while the sales mounted, the recensori consecrate you of the nostrana press did not save them invectives and attacks of every risen. Monster sacred as Montanelli and Bocca liquidated the novel with unwrapped perfidy and a newspaper as "the Unit" took risks in one vergognosa campaign of hatred. Such manifest hostility is from reading one logical corporative second. Its scandalous one was not pardoned to the succeeding Fallaci. Its "connect" were sure roses from envy visceral in the comparisons of a journalist who benefitted of a notoriety without previous and of an account in considerable bank. "a man" is a work that al.di.là.del its full load of sales, then triggered roventi controversies and heated litigations. E' a novel-truth on Alekos Panagulis, the hero of the Greek resistance against the regimen of the colonels. A faithful report of really happened events, ritratto of a man who has paid with the life its dream of freedom. Panagulis has been the companion of the Fallaci: its lover, the only love of its life. Giovanna Maria Meshes in its "Oriana. Encounter and passions of a great published Italian "from Mondadori dedicate three understood them to the tormented and intense history of love that saw protagonists the Fallaci and Panagulis. A relation, writes the Meshes, woven of ups and downs, shattering passionalities and furious breaches. I do not have hesitations to define "a man" the book more painfully intimate than Oriana Fallaci. The book in which, more than every other, has shown without pudore its controversial and unfathomable personality of woman and scrittrice. The scrittrice, is useful to signal it, knew the symbol of the Greek resistance in 1973 in occasion of an interview that just Panagulis consented to rilasciarle. "a man" is without doubt a political novel, indeed better to define it ideological. Constructed like a fiaba, in the sense that follows just the classic structure of the fiaba. Initiation, Period of the Great Tests, Return to the Village, the Final Challenge, the Dead women and the Apotheosis. That is: the attack to Papadopulos. the arrest. the tortures. the process. the death sentence the exile and the return in native land after the fall of the dictatorship. the dead women and the great funerals. "a man" scatters in the reader authentic life lessons. The novel exited in 1979 and seemed to synthetize in its pages all the decade. Years Seventy, irripetibile season of the 1900's, mirabilmente are described in "a man". Alekos Panagulis is born to Atene the 2 July 1939. Son of Atena and Basilio Panagulis, colonel of the Greek army. Student of engineering to the Polytechnic and member of the Committee centers them of the juvenile Federation of the party "Union of Center", founder and head of "Greek Resistance". Deserter after the coup d'état of Papadopulos, completes an attack against of he 13 August 1967. He comes therefore arrested, seviziato and condemned a.morte: pain from sped up same he during the process. But symbol becomes however, also from alive. It passes five years locked up in a cell of a meter and means for three, then Papadopulos grant the grace to it. It does not give peace to nobody, less than never to the minister of of Averoff Defense: man who with the past regimen has held not clear relationships. Alekos knows that documents in a position to trying the former collaborazionismo of the minister exist. Two days before the presentation in Parliament of those documents, Alekos remains killed in a automobistico incident. Difficult to think to one simple coincidence. To its funerals a million and persons participate half. BRANO DRAWN FROM "A MAN" OF ORIANA FALLACI. The Fallaci filler in its novel the integral version of the speech that Panagulis held dinanzi to the Court. Here bringing back some between the pronounced more meaningful phrases from Panagulis. "I was always, and are, a combatant who fight for a better Greece, the tomorrow best one, a society insomma that it believes in the Man. If I find myself here it is why creed in the Man. And to believe in the Man means to believe in its freedom. Freedom of thought, word, critic, opposition: all that that the fascist military coup of Papadopulos has eliminated. It does not appeal to not even the political murder to me. But when a government is prevailed with the violence and with the violence he prevents to the citizens to express themselves, of opporsi, quite to think, then to resort to the violence it is one necessity. Jesus Christ and Gandhi ve would explain it better than me. Not there is other way, and that I not am successful not conta.accetto hour end this sentence. Why the song of the swan of a true combatant is the rantolo that it emits hit from the firing squad of a tyranny "POETRIES DRAWN FROM" a MAN "OF ORIANA FALLACI '' the love is not to put the chains to the people who want to strike themselves and that it is ready to die for this the love is to leave it to die in the way that she has scelto' '. But what wants to say people who is the people who with passing of the time a ticket for the dead women and travel still of being to the end of the travel I mistook myself were only unexpected of the cammino' '. It was documented on every thing with meticulous precision. In the «.secolo of the ideas assassine»., as it has defined it Robert Conquest, Oriana Fallaci was devoted to the description of the murders. But it very well knew the theorems and the deliriums that, through the pages of the books, set afire the mind of the great murders of the History. Oriana Fallaci did not know limits. It was jetty with all if same nell’.avventura of young courier partisan and in its first steps of journalist to Florence. And expenses all entire one in the drawing up of its last Apocalypse, very sessant’.anni after. He was totaling, intransigente, incapable of mediations and shadings: it lived of absolutes. It is true, c’.era something extraordinarily conturbante in its absolute lack of sense of the limit. Sure, single with a gesture of therefore unconditioned venerazione income nell’.empireo of its preferred directors could be made. But Oriana Fallaci was best, the most translate, the most known in the world. She was she that it added lustro to one prestigious head like l’.Europeo. It went to tell the war of the Vietnam, returning some like one of the reporter more famous of the planet. Of quell’.esperienza it wanted to fix «.la great emotion ». in a book, Nothing and therefore is, that it seeded breaches and resentments in the community of sendes to you in Vietnam. Finding) of the chador was she to narrate celebre the scene (brilliant literary provocatively thrown via in the presence of a Khomeini allibito.Oa making to understand to the world l’.irriducibilità of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through ritratti of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat. Oriana Fallaci was one woman. One of its first books entitled the useless sex. The world of newspapers, seeing the two women to come to blows itself, amused itself like in front of one argument between comari. The serious conflict, that one did not take it in consideration. But some sarcasticamente received even the history of Alekos Panagulis, a man (1979), insinuating and motteggiando that l’.uomo in issue he was not he, but she. Abortionists and antiabortionists if the contesero, although it wanted to escape to the contesa. Oriana Fallaci, obstinately in love fiorentina of Florence, had chosen New York like native land d’.elezione. Unoceano of distance, but, than did not succeed to mitigate l’.eco of persistent and prejudicial un’.ostilità diffused in Italy like one contagious disease. Those that c’.era to see, in the dell’.offensiva prefiguration fondamentalista dell’.islamismo, could be seen also with sure, discreet advance payment. It was enough to study, as it made she, and above all not to let to dim from the prejudgment. Indeed, in some cases, inasmuch as the conformismo is much remunerativo, for decades. Oriana Fallaci was pugnace, obstinate, puntigliosa, quarrelsome. It loved l’.omaggio gallant of a bunch of flowers, but its indignation did not know borders if unfortunately it had been be a matter of the flowers mistakes to you. But only if you were in a position to earning its confidence to you. If instead she does not demonstrate to you all’.altezza to you, it could annihilate all that that had been caught up a moment before. Oriana Fallaci was felt braccata, hating, victim of an inexplicable fury with the customary categories of the ideological diversity and the cultural distance. But it was felt also proud of the faithful people of readers who in the last years of it had made a idolo amatissimo. «.Ho data voice to much people that not of aveva»., it used to say without to know to hide a fierezza motion. They are nearly always bankrupt writers and, consequently, invidiosi and gelosi of who scrive»., wrote replying to one of the harder and violent attacks. It was not true, rimuginava on every word hurled from the resentful critics us. And if it gave pain some, in spite of the world-wide happened one of its books, in all the languages. «.Su every personal experience I leave brandelli d’.anima».: it is not literary rhetorical, was its life. To my judgment Oriana Fallaci e' be the PIU' GREAT ITALIAN PERSONAGE Of the LAST CENTURY. Periodically scrivero' of Oriana Fallaci, the whose incolmabile loss e' for one too much small Italian subcultura for the GREAT SCRITTRICE. I EXPRESS MY CORDOGLIO TO THE FAMILY. The secretary and reporter of the Commission were the writer Soothe Ignacio Taibo II. With this decision rinunciava to the corteo towards the Helmet de Saint Tomás, a student complex occupied from the police the 19 september. But the leaders of the movement believed firmly in the pacific line and of mass. 300 military vehicles were available, between tank, armor, jeep armed to you. The Olimpia battalion depended directly on the presidential General Staff. Their instructions were precise: they had to assist to the manifestation in civilian clothes and with a glove white man to the left hand like sign of acknowledgment. The federales they will receive the same order, plus the prohibition to carry identity documents. To 6 and 10 of the evening, when the main oratories had already spoken and the gathering was in order to finish, series of events in fast succession was produced one. The arrival of truck of parachutists who encircle the public square. From the tower of the ministry of the foreign countries they come shoots two Bengal to you, one green and one red. From the microphone of the tribune risuona the appeal: "you do not run, companions. From risuonano the Chihuahua building first it talks nonsense. Many testimonies agree on the fact that a man in bourgeois, dressed with a raincoat, was the first one to open the fire with one gun against the crowd. Also from the tower of the ministry of the foreign countries squalls of heavy machine-gun are gone off on the public square. The soldiers in uniform irrompono from the several entrances of the public square talking nonsense also they on people and load with the grafted bayonets. The crowd, that it tries to withdraw towards the Chihuahua building, comes faced from agents in bourgeois, than, from the pianoterra, they talk nonsense the impazzata one. Of the soldiers, from the balcony of the building, they communicate concitatamente with a walkie-talkie: "not talked nonsense, Olimpia battalion. From the sky, the helicopter mitraglia, using also bullets indiscriminately tracing. For an hour and fifty minuteren it is gone off, from all the angles, against one unarmed multitude. According to official data, they come shoots 15 mila blows to you of firearm, included those of the guns of armors to you. The chaos of the shooting did not save neanche the repressive forces. Three soldiers died, and seven, between which a general, they came hurt. Of fact, then the minister of the defense, general García Barragán, tried to credit the version of "guerrillas who had provoked the army". Some days after, the police showed a "arsenal" seized the students: seven small-caliber guns and two guns from hunting. But nobody of the bores corresponded with projects extracted them the wounded. The curtain of Hush that it released after the slaughter was nearly total. Only the scrittrice Elena Poniatowska (whose article we publish in the pages centers them of this special file) and the Italian journalist, anch' hurt it to Tlatelolco, opened a gash on the nature and the real dimensions of the massacre. But to tutt' today one does not know with precision how many persons - sure more than 200 - lost the October life those 2. Ten days after the eccidio die>
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