28 April, 2008
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directory of the recreational, cultural associations and of category modules for the registration to the next scholastic year living to saviano history - art and culture. (NB: the reproduction of the present images in the situated one?utorizzata, previa indication of the source: Office Common Press of Saviano) directive of the Foundation the Savianese Carnival For information: Office prints, tel. The complete program in format pdf unloads the complete directory of the topics of the wagons in pdf Discharge Discharge the locandina of the savianese calendar (6Mb) the Savianese Carnival has ancient and radicate roots. In the post-war period the carnevalesche traditions have been resumptions from Marine De Faithful with originate them funeral Corteo African, with customs arabeggianti.con a called wagon &ldquo.Masaniello&rdquo. Successive L&rsquo.anno, 1980, the young people of the &ldquo.Gruppo&rdquo. of the Wide Fortunate Girolamo in Via To. In 1981?&rsquo.anno of the wagon of Point Radio Saviano&ldquo.Il Papa&rdquo., that it is born in Via of the Gardens and with to the wagon of Radio-A. 1982, therefore, to &ldquo.pu?onsiderarsi a.ragione the official baptism delCarnevale Savianese allorch?a For native place guided from the prof. The &ldquo.Quadriglia is exhibited also &ldquo. of said Fortunate Stefano &lsquo.O sart. In 1983, being involved Communal and Provincial l&rsquo.Amministrazione, the wagons are cinque.Nel 1984lo spirit of the Carnival begin to be involved all the Country and always pi?umerosi groups of persons are put in custom and explode the joy of the Carnival. The Wagons are seven, always pi?randi, appear the cartapesta. The involvement of the Country makes total and from the near countries accorre public always pi?umeroso. The Corteo reappears African of Marine De manifestations of the schools of the Country and show of the Teatrale Company of For native place with &ldquo. Madama X &ldquo. This aggregation door one ventata new and trasgressiva to the Carnival with lend and half-naked Brazilians although freddo.La the participation of the population in pi?umerosa mask?empre and originates them: riscoprono ancient traditions. In the 1987 the Wagons are still five but of invoice clearly improved and appear three-dimensional figures with simple movements on the wagons personages in mask relating to the topic. An other artistic manifesto, devised comes product for this carnival free of charge from Felix Policastro, and becomes of fact the symbol of the Savianese Carnival. The Wagons are six connumerosi masked groups spontaneous, paraded of templates of the schools, by now straboccante public. The Savianese Carnival is prevailed nell&rsquo.agro nolano. In the 1989 the Wagons are seven and Radio-A. In 1990 the Carnival becomes pi?icco of evenings and manifestations and the Wagons are nine, with the debut of the Medium School with a Wagon &ldquo.Europa Unita&rdquo. In 1991 the Carnival comes suspended because of the Gulf War. L&rsquo.edizione of the 1993 then becomes rich with the Contrada di adjacent Fressuriello and Masserie (Ass.Prospettive)con the wagon &ldquo. The devaluation of the moneta&rdquo.e with the young people of the Piazzetta To Production con&ldquo.Il Cinema&rdquo., a phantasmagoric wagon and originates them, rich of effects and lights. Point Saviano Radio presenta&ldquo. &lsquo.O savianese Tubbazz&rdquo.maschera and is born &ldquo. Coriandoli&rdquo. to work of the G Course of the S.Ciccone&rdquo. directed from the Happy Prof. Hawk, that they reconstruct one first history of the carnival interviewing Donated Allocca. The Wagons are nine of optimal invoice and pi?i they always construct in Saviano and the reputation of the Carnival extends in the province. In the 1994 the Wagons arrive to ten for the division in the Rione Teglia, are born W the TV with the wagon &ldquo. We bet che&rdquo. The scissionistiche tensions make to assume necessit?i the pi?igorosa un&rsquo.organizzazione with charter and regulations and speak about Association and Foundation. In the 1995 the wagons still are diecicoordinati dall&rsquo. Communal association savianese Carnival, presided from Donated Allocca. In the 1997 the Wagons are eleven with l&rsquo.ingresso of the Rione Via Tower with the wagon &ldquo.Re Art?dquo. They come riproposte ancient carnevalesche traditions like the fucaroni, tammurriate, Japanese bands, zeze, quadriglie.Le rionali evenings they become rich and the paraded ones of the Wagons are two (Sunday and Marted?rasso). The proposed Communal Council,su of the President dell&rsquo.Ass. Communal Savianese Carnival approves of the Charter of the Foundation Savianese Carnival with deliberation n. 25 of the 21/5/97. In the 1998 the Wagons are still 11 and in the Rioni festivities around the Wagons are made. the paraded two. In the 1999 the Wagons are twelve with l&rsquo.ingresso dell&rsquo.Ass. Rione Capocaccia, present in previous editions under other shapes. The &ldquo.Repubblica of Masaniello&rdquo.dell&rsquo.Ass is born also. The Communal Council, riapprova, with modifications, the Charter of the Fondazionecon deliberates n. 18 of the 06/5/99. In the 2001 previous?ressoch?guale program all&rsquo.anno. It toes make one's debut in the Carnival &ldquo. &lsquo.O Muort and Carneval&rdquo. of the Committee the Queen. In this year Ottobre&ndash.Assemblea comes approved of from the Foundation Regulations (Directive 23 4 November). Also in the 2003 program?utrito from 22 February to 4 March. artistic The Manifest and the litografia are dell&rsquo.artistaAntonio Panic. The Carnival?resentato from Miss Italy Denny Mendez.Il Communal Council approves of in definitive way the Regulations with deliberation n. 23/8/7/03. The Wagons, for the paraded ones come posizionati in the circuit of the Historical Center and leave in with from several the Contrade. The 2005?&rsquo.anno of the direct participation of the Province of Naples with logo official and the that one of &ldquo.Provincia in Naples festivity in testa&rdquo. Coriandoli is transformed entire in special edition in elegant almanac to colors. The Carnival?otto the Sponsorships of the Campania Region, Province of Naples, Common of Saviano, U. (For ulterior information to contact the office.
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